Chapter 229 The Skirt Is Too Short

According to the exact address given by Zhao Han, Lin Nan drove the car to the gate of their villa, and then called Zhao Han.

Inside the villa, Zhao Han stood up excitedly from the sofa after receiving a call from Lin Nan.

"Here we come, sister, let's go out quickly."

"Can you calm down and stop jumping up and down like a monkey."

"Aren't I also excited, maybe the matter between you two will be done today."

"Okay, stop talking and let's go."

Although he pretended to be calm on the surface, Zhao Yu was extremely nervous in his heart.

She didn't know what was going on, but every time she saw Lin Nan, she always felt her heart beat faster.

The two sisters walked out of the villa arm in arm.

Seeing the Koenigsegg driven by Lin Nan, Zhao Han couldn't be more excited.

"One day, I'm going to buy a car like this, it's really cool."

In the car, Lin Nan was a little surprised when he saw Zhao Yu following him, so he got out of the car and asked:

"Your sister won't say no?"

"Originally my sister wasn't going, but she knew you were going tonight, so she followed her."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It was obviously pulled out by you."

"It doesn't matter, but the problem is that my car can only seat two people, which is a bit difficult."

"That's easy to say." Zhao Han said with a smile:
"The two of you take the Koenigsegg and I drive my Cayenne. Doesn't this solve the problem?"

"Alright, let's go now, otherwise it will be too late."


Zhao Han pulled Zhao Yu and pushed her onto Lin Nan's passenger seat.

"Get in the car quickly, sister, don't waste time, there will be business later."

"I know." Zhao Yu said shyly.

Afterwards, the two cars started and headed towards China Overseas Racing.

Zhao Yu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was extremely nervous.

She never thought that one day, she would be able to sit alone in a car with Lin Nan.

Unconsciously, he clamped his legs, and even felt that there was no place to rest them.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Lin Nan asked, "Should I take you to the hospital?"

"No, no, Mr. Lin, don't worry, I'm fine and I'm not feeling sick."

"Why is your face so red?"

"Maybe it's a little hot in the car."

"I'll turn on the air conditioner."

"Mr. Lin, we have taken over the property management work of Century Building for some time. If you are dissatisfied with our work, you can tell me."

In order to ease the tension, Zhao Yu changed the topic.

"I don't have any dissatisfaction. I feel pretty good." Lin Nan said:
"But I really have something to do, and I want to ask you for help."

"If you have something to say, as long as I can do it, it's fine."

"It's not a big deal. I just decided to change the name of Century Building to Genesis Building. Can you customize a few words for me and hang it on the wall?"

"That's fine, just leave it to me."

"Then it's hard work for you."

"Mr. Lin is too polite, I should do everything."

The two chatted for a while, and Zhao Yu became less nervous.

But I just feel that the skirt I am wearing today is a bit too short.



At this time, the China Overseas International Circuit was brightly lit, and dozens of supercars and modified cars were parked on the track. The scene was extremely shocking.

Tonight's game is the ultimate contest between the two supercar clubs of China Overseas, and the price for the loser is to disband his own club.

Such a bet is not too small in the circle of supercars and modified cars, which is why so many people came to watch it.

At this time, the huge racing track was divided into two areas.

The contestants and fans of their respective teams stood in the exclusive area, waiting for the start of the game.

"Almost everyone is here, let's prepare for the warm-up before the game."

The speaker was wearing simple casual clothes, with short hair and a diamond earring on his ear, but the most conspicuous thing was the Richard Mille watch in his hand, which sold for more than 800 million yuan.

Even in the circle of the rich second generation, few people can afford such a watch.

The man's name is Li Rui, his family is in the real estate business, and his net worth is hundreds of billions. He is the one who founded the famous LK supercar club in Zhonghai.

Hearing Li Rui's words, the three young men stood up from their chairs, and it was obvious that they should be the drivers participating in the race tonight.

According to the rules of the competition, each team sends five drivers to participate in the competition. In the end, according to the ranking results, the team with the highest comprehensive score will win.

So it is useless to run fast alone, and finally depends on the overall score.

But in this kind of folk competition, no matter what the competition rules are, No.1 has a very important meaning.

Because this is an important bargaining chip to ridicule the opponent.

"Brother Rui, you said earlier that a mysterious master was recruited to participate in the competition today. Who is it? The competition will start soon, can you tell me now?"

"Yes, yes, we have been paying attention to this matter, tell us quickly, who is that mysterious master."

"I heard that the CFC club has also recruited a master to participate in the competition. We must not stretch our hips here."

Seeing that the people in the club are so concerned about this matter, Li Rui didn't hold back any more, and said confidently:

"It's definitely impossible to pull the hips, because the master I found this time is the famous car god Mach. I don't need to say more about his level. You should all know it."

Hearing this, everyone in the LK club was overwhelmed.

"Damn, Brother Rui, what are you talking about? You brought Ma He here."

"What are you doing lying to you?" Li Rui said with a smile:

"With Mach's ability and level, the No.1 in today's game must be ours. In this way, we will have an advantage in points. As long as the four of us don't stretch our hips so much, the CFC club will definitely be disbanded tonight!"

"I am very sure of that!"

A member of LK said:
"Actually, the level of our two clubs is about the same. If someone wins No.1, the chances of winning the game will be greatly increased. It's exciting to think about it. CFC club must be disbanded tonight!"

"The competition is about to start, why hasn't Xiaohan come yet?"

Li Rui looked around, but he did not find Zhao Han.

Although Zhao Han is a member of the club, his driving skills are not very good, and he plays the role of pistachio in the club.

The club would be a lot less fun without her.

"We were still on the phone yesterday and talked about today's game. It's impossible not to come."

"It's probably due to a traffic jam on the road. Let's wait a little longer. Anyway, the game won't start until half an hour later, so it won't be too late." Li Rui said.

boom boom-

At this moment, bursts of roar sounded.

The people standing here are all fans of racing cars and modified cars. They can immediately hear the sound of an engine.

But in their cognition, ordinary cars didn't seem to have such a sound, so they looked back curiously.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

After taking a look, I realized that the car coming from outside turned out to be a Koenigsegg.

"It's actually a Koenigsegg RS. If I remember correctly, this car seems to sell for more than 3000 million."

"This is not a regular version, but a special version of the RS. It seems that there is only one in Asia, and the price is more than 4600 million. I saw it at an auto show before, but I couldn't afford it because it was too expensive. I only envied it."

"Fuck, this car sells for more than 4000 million!"

Those present were even more excited when they heard the price of the car.

Even though everyone here is either rich or expensive, a car worth more than 4000 million yuan is considered sky-high for them.

Even Li Rui, the most expensive car in the garage, is not as expensive as Lin Nan's RS.

"Where did this car come from? Our club doesn't seem to have such an expensive car?"

The faces of the people in the LK club are not very good.

If this car belongs to the CFC club, it means that they will have another strong opponent in today's competition.

Because the performance of this car is indeed terrifying.

Soon, under Zhao Han's leadership, Lin Nan parked the car next to Li Rui.

"Brother Rui, it's a bit late for the traffic jam on the road, so I shouldn't be late." Zhao Han said.

At the same time, Lin Nan and Zhao Yu also got out of the car.

Everyone in the LK club was a little surprised, Li Rui asked:
"Xiaohan, is this car your friend's?"

"To be precise, it should belong to my brother-in-law. How handsome is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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