Chapter 230 Great God Level Driver


Hearing Zhao Han address Lin Nan, everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Yu.

Although everyone is not familiar with Zhao Yu, they have seen him once or twice.

I know that Zhao Han's sister is very beautiful and has always been single.

Not only many members of the club have ideas for her sister, even Wang Haiyang, the founder of the CFC club, is her number one suitor.

Unexpectedly, her sister brought her boyfriend here today.

Looking at the car he drove, it is estimated that his family background is not simple.

Even in Zhonghai, they can be ranked first.

"Here you come, you are your own person. Find a place to sit by yourself. The race will start soon. Today we must win the CFC team and let them disband in Zhonghai!"

"Brother Ruirui, wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Zhao Han said.

"what's up?"

"I want my brother-in-law to participate in tonight's competition, okay? Can you get a spot?"

"Let your brother-in-law participate in the competition?"

Li Rui was a little surprised, he didn't expect Zhao Han to make such a request.

"You know the importance of this game, it's not a joke." Li Rui said:
"In the late stage of the club, there are other games to be played. If your brother-in-law really wants to play, I will reserve a spot for him in the future, but not today. If we lose the game, our team will disband on the spot. I can't afford it."

"My brother-in-law's skills are also very good, otherwise it would be impossible to buy such an expensive car. Trust me, he will definitely not lose the chain."

"Xiaohan, stop making trouble."

The rest of the club also stood up. It wasn't that they didn't give Zhao Han face, but today's game was too important and they didn't want to take any risks, so they didn't agree.

"The main reason is that my brother-in-law's level is really good." Zhao Han said:
"Besides, I did this to slap Wang Haiyang in the face. I come here every day to annoy my sister, and I will be annoyed to death."

Seeing Zhao Han's insistence, Li Rui was too embarrassed to refuse her.

Because since Zhao Han joined the club, she has been doing her best and helped a lot back and forth, and everyone regards her as a younger sister. Now that she is so persistent, she is too embarrassed to refuse her.

Li Rui thought for a while, then his eyes fell on Lin Nan.

"Brother, you have been off the track for a few years, you should have run on the track, what is your best result?"

"I only started playing supercars in the last few months, and I have never been off the track, and I don't know how much I can run."

Hearing this, the expressions of Li Rui and others changed.

Although he is not a member of the club, but if he has a good history and can meet the club's entry standards, it is not a problem. After all, he has a great advantage in finding a master to help, so it doesn't matter if he is added.

But the problem is, he just came into contact with supercars two months ago.

Moreover, he has never been off the track and has no experience at all. If such a person is allowed to participate in the competition, his advantage will be wiped out, and he may lose the competition in the end.

"Xiaohan, it's not that I don't give you face, it's that your brother-in-law's level is indeed a bit poor." Li Rui said:
"It's not that I speak badly. He has just played supercars for two months, and his technical level may not be as good as yours. He wants to participate in the future, but today's game is not possible."

Zhao Han was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Lin Nan's experience to be so bad, and it was reasonable for Li Rui to reject him.

"Brother-in-law, have you really never touched a supercar before?"

Zhao Han couldn't believe it, because she always felt that Lin Nan's driving level should be pretty good.

"I really haven't touched it."

"I haven't played it before, why do you still buy such an expensive car?" Zhao Han said:
"I thought you were a supercar enthusiast. You knew the extraordinary features of this car, so you bought it."

"I bought it because of its good performance, and there is no other special reason."

"Okay, Xiaohan, since this game is very important, don't be obsessed, let's just watch the excitement from the sidelines."

"That's all it can do now."

Li Rui walked up to Lin Nan and handed him a cigarette.

"Brother, it's not that I don't give you face, it's because this game is really important. If you really want to play, after the game is over, let's go off the track and run a few laps by ourselves. If you don't understand We can also communicate more, but there is really no way for you to participate in the official competition later.”

"I understand everything, you guys play first, and I'll just watch the fun by the side."

"it is good."

After chatting with him for a few words, Li Rui left and joined other contestants.

"Brother Rui, when Mahe arrives, the game will start. If he doesn't come, there will be no time to study tactics."

Li Rui looked at his watch, his expression was also a little anxious.

"The two of us talked on the phone just now and said that we will be there soon. According to the time, it should be soon."

boom boom-

At this moment, there was another roar.

Everyone looked towards the door and found that it was a BMW M5 driving in from the outside.

"People are coming!" Li Rui said.

"Damn, I finally have a chance to meet the great god in my heart."

Seeing Mach's BMW M5 driving in, everyone in the LK team was ecstatic.

In their eyes, Mach is a god-like figure!

As long as he plays the game, others can only take second place!
There is no doubt that the No.1 in today's game must be on my side!

In this way, the foundation for a big score is laid, and it is not difficult to win the game.

Ma He's car drove in, and the people from the LK team surrounded him, wanting to watch this god-level figure up close.

At the same time, Lin Nan also saw Mahe's BMW M5, and felt a little familiar.

After thinking for a few seconds, I remembered that this car was the one I raced with during the day.

Unexpectedly, the defeated general came here.

Judging by the posture, it seems to be quite popular.

Soon, Maher drove the car to the designated location.

Lin Nan saw that he was not the only one coming down, but also a woman in a red dress.

And this woman looked a little familiar, as if she was the person sitting in the co-pilot during the day.

But Lin Nan didn't care so much, it didn't matter to anyone, just come and see the excitement.

"Okay, okay, let's disperse first." Li Rui said:
"The game is about to start. We need to discuss tactics. If you want to take a group photo, we can talk about it after the game is over. It's not too late."

Under Li Rui's order, everyone retreated one after another, and then the five people participating in the competition came to the designated area, ready to discuss the tactics of the competition.

Although on the technical level, my side has the upper hand, but the tactical aspect is also very important, so we have to discuss it carefully, otherwise it is easy to lose the game.

But at this moment, Ma He unexpectedly saw that Lin Nan, who was sitting not far away, suddenly changed his expression.

"Why is he here?"

Following Ma He's gaze, everyone unexpectedly discovered that the person Ma He was talking about was Lin Nan.

Judging by this posture, they seem to know each other.

An Qi on the side was also a little surprised. She felt that it was such a coincidence that she ran into him here.

It's really more pleasing to the eye.

Ma He ignored the others, walked straight towards Lin Nan, and grabbed his hand excitedly.

"Little brother, it's such a coincidence that we meet again, I feel this is fate."

Seeing Lin Nan again, Ma He was so excited that he was incoherent.

"What happened during the day is my fault. Don't be as knowledgeable as me. Let's just make friends. Do you think it's okay?"

"The matter is over, so don't mention it." Lin Nan said with a smile:

"And I'm not a small-bellied person."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Seeing Ma He being so respectful and polite to Lin Nan, everyone in the LK Club was very surprised.

Although he is very rich, he shouldn't let Ma He look like this, after all, he is also a person of status.

"Mr. Maher, do you know each other?" Li Rui asked politely.

"We don't know each other, but his driving skills are very good. During the day, he drove a Panamera and beat my 800 million BMW M5, which is at least two grades higher than mine. , not at the same level."


Hearing this, everyone present gasped.

I was so frightened that I couldn't speak for a long time.

Who is Maher?They are too clear, absolute god-level figures.

He is also the man who stands at the apex of China's racing industry.

And now, he actually said that Zhao Han's brother-in-law is two levels higher than him, so how terrifying is her brother-in-law?
"Are you sure?" Li Rui said in disbelief:

"He told me just now that he has only been in contact with supercars for two months, and he has no experience off the track. How can he be so much higher than you?"

"You have to know that there is something called talent in the world." Ma He said with a wry smile:

"People like me have to go through years of training to reach today's level, but some geniuses don't need it at all, and they can be accelerated in a short period of time. The one in front of me is a good example, otherwise it would be impossible Impossible, outrun me in a Panamera."

Hearing this, everyone grinned.

This has to be a person with a lot of talent to catch up with a top driver like Ma He in more than two months?

For them, this is simply impossible.

"I think there is no need to discuss tactics between us." Maher said:
"If this little brother and I participate in the race, we will definitely be able to win No.1 and No.2. As long as the three of you can surpass the other car by one car, the victory in this race will be ours."

Ma He looked at Lin Nan excitedly.

"It's an honor to be able to compete with you on the same track."

"But the problem is that I didn't play, and your wish may come true."

"Huh? They all found you, but they didn't let you participate in the competition?"

"I came here to watch the excitement. They thought my level was not good enough, so they didn't let me participate."

"Dude, don't do this."

Li Rui stepped forward with a smile, looked at Lin Nan and said:

"If I knew you were so awesome, how could I not let you participate in the competition."

Li Rui didn't give Lin Nan a chance to refuse, so he pulled him up directly.
"Let's go, let's study the game. I was wrong just now. I will treat you to dinner later."

Lin Nan didn't care about these little things, after all, it wasn't his fault, and his hands were a little itchy.

Seeing Lin Nan surrounded by people like stars holding the moon, Zhao Han stomped his feet excitedly.

"Sister, look, my brother-in-law is too powerful. He can't even compete with the famous Che Mahe. As my sister-in-law, I feel honored."

Seeing that Lin Nan is so popular.

In Zhao Yu's eyes, there was also a little obsession, and he admired Lin Nan even more.

Although he is the same rich second generation, but he has a different temperament, which makes people fascinated.

At the same time, the fiery scene of the LK club was watched by people from the CFC club not far away.

"Boss, your information is really correct. Li Rui really found Ma He." The person from the CFC club said.

Wang Haiyang dropped the cigarette butt on the ground and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter even if Mahe is found. With the help of Jobut here, it is still very easy to win against them."

According to Wang Haiyang, the man named Jobut was the Dutch racing driver who narrowly defeated Mach in the international arena.

So when they saw Mahe, they were not false at all, and firmly believed that the victory in this game must be their own.

"I'm not too worried about the result of the competition. The most important thing is Zhao Yu. Today may be an opportunity for you. You must perform well."

Wang Haiyang's eyes fell on Zhao Yu, and she was fascinated by that exquisite attire.

I've known Zhao Yu for so long, but this is the first time I've seen her dressed so sexy.

"Don't worry, I know in my heart that I will be able to take her down in a short time."

After speaking, Wang Haiyang looked at his watch, "It's almost time, call everyone out, and get ready to start the game."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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