Chapter 234 I'm here to apply
After figuring out the system tasks, Lin Nan accelerated the speed of washing, then went back downstairs, had a simple meal with the Zhao sisters, and then went out separately.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing today?" Zhao Han said:
"Do you want to make an appointment for dinner or something tonight?"

"Let's talk about it tonight. There are indeed a lot of things today."

"Mr. Lin has so many things to do every day, how can he have so much time to eat with you?" Zhao Yu said:
"Don't waste people's time."

"Okay." Zhao Han pouted and said.

"It's not bad this time today, I'll talk about it later when I have a chance."

"Then let's make a deal. When I ask you out in the future, I have to come out."

"Don't worry, I promised you everything, and I must keep my word."

"Hey, I'm relieved to have you and your words."

Zhao Han said with a smile, then waved at Lin Nan and said:
"Brother Lin, let's go first, pay attention to driving on the road."

"You too."

In order not to be too ostentatious, Lin Nan drove the Panamera to China International Studies University.

Compared with China Overseas University of Commerce and China Overseas University of Finance and Economics, China International Studies University, invisibly, has an extra breath of youth.

Not to mention other things, the big white legs coming in and out of the campus gate are enough to make people fantasize.

After driving the car here, Lin Nan thought of another thing.

According to the system, all the sign-in tasks of Golden Harvest Group have been completed.

Then for some time to come, the sign-in task will be concentrated in China International Studies University.

The task this time may be okay, as long as you enter the university campus, you can sign in without any difficulty.

But according to the requirements of the system, the future sign-in locations will definitely be located in every corner of China International Studies University.

If you don't have a suitable identity, it may be troublesome to do the sign-in task.

After all, this place belongs to the school, and it is impossible for outsiders to come in and out casually.

For future convenience, you should find a way to install a reasonable identity for yourself.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan thought to himself for a long time.

My greatest ability now is the eight languages ​​rewarded by the system, as well as the ultimate fighting skills.

With only two abilities, I can serve as a foreign language teacher and a physical education teacher here.

After thinking about it, Lin Nan felt that a physical education teacher was more suitable for him.

The work is easy and convenient to catch fish, plus I am not short of money, it is simply a job tailored for myself.

But the problem is, I don't know when they will recruit, so this is very unfriendly.

Just then, the system beep sounded.

[In order to facilitate the host to do sign-in tasks in the future, the system arranged for China International Studies University to hold a physical education teacher recruitment fair today. 】


Hearing the system's notification sound, Lin Nan was very surprised, the system is too considerate!
Knowing that I want to apply for a teacher, I actually held a job fair!

Take the time to send a certificate to the system.

"System, since you've even arranged for me to attend the job fair, can you get me some certificates, otherwise I don't have anything in hand, so I'm going to apply for a job."

[Relevant certificates have been issued, please go to the trunk to get the host. 】

"Damn it, the system is awesome!"

Lin Nan shouted mentally, and got out of the car in a hurry. Sure enough, in the trunk, he found a file bag from SF Express!
There is no doubt that it must be something the system prepared for itself!
Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't wait to open the file bag.

It was found that there was a book of insight, an international first-class athlete certificate!
Lin Nan looked at it confidently and found that it belonged to the sprint category.

Lin Nan curled her lips, because she was not very clear about the specific data of the national first-level sprinters, so she looked it up online.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

If you want to reach the level of a national first-class athlete in the field of sprinting, you must achieve a 10.93-meter score of [-]!

Not to mention ordinary people, even professional athletes, it is very difficult to achieve this result!
The corner of Lin Nan's mouth twitched uncontrollably, the system must have played too hard.

Although I have the blessing of intermediate fighting skills, it is still unknown whether I can reach 10.93.

But Lin Nan thought about it, and it seemed that there was nothing to worry about.

Holding such a certificate is already considered very awesome.

Coupled with the level of Zhonghai Normal University, as long as they show their credentials, they probably won't say anything and can be admitted directly.

This is very nice.

Everything was ready, Lin Nan attracted the attention of many girls when he was heading towards China International Studies University.

First, a car like the Panamera, in their eyes, is already considered a luxury car.

Secondly, Lin Nan's appearance also made them feel amazed.

"Look, this little brother is too handsome." A long-legged girl in shorts said:
"Which courtyard is this little brother, I've never seen him before."

"I don't think it should be from our school, because I remember all those famous handsome guys, but I have no impression of him at all."

"That's a pity. He's so handsome. He still drives a Porsche. At first glance, he looks like a rich second generation. He came here to pick up his girlfriend."

"It's reasonable for you to say that, and judging by his temperament, he doesn't seem to be a college student, but the question is, which girl in our school can match him, she is really handsome."

"Let's stop guessing here, follow up and have a look and you'll know."

After Lin Nan got off the car, many girls' eyes fell on him, and Lin Nan was already used to such things.

Although in his eyes, this Panamera is considered low-key, but in the eyes of these students, it is still considered a luxury car.

Lin Nan clicked his lips, it seems that it is necessary to buy a more low-key car.

"Brother, I want to exchange some cash so I can add your WeChat account?" A girl with long hair boldly walked up to Lin Nan and said with her mobile phone.

"For cash?"

"Well, I just add your WeChat, transfer 200 yuan to you, and then you give me 200 yuan in cash, so it's okay."

Hearing what the long-haired girl said, Lin Nan laughed, "Your way of striking up a conversation is a bit old-fashioned."

The long-haired girl smiled embarrassedly, "Although I have the idea of ​​striking up a conversation, but the cash I really need, can you exchange it with me?"

"I don't have much cash, it seems to be only 120 yuan."

"Enough is enough." The long-haired girl nodded her head like a rattle, "What's your WeChat account, brother? I'll add you now."

"Let's scan the code, it's more convenient."


Lin Nan called out the QR code of his mobile phone, and the long-haired girl scanned his WeChat, and sent Lin Nan 120 yuan, and the transaction between the two was completed.

"Little brother, are you a student of our school? I don't think I've seen you before." The long-haired girl asked with a smile.

"I'm here to apply for a teacher."

"Apply for a teacher?"

The long-haired girl's eyes brightened, "I really heard that a physical education teacher in our school has recently resigned, and we plan to recruit another one. Are you here to apply for a physical education teacher?"


"That's really great, maybe I will have the opportunity to take your class in the future."

"It depends on the situation. Whether you can teach to your grade depends on the school's arrangement."

"Anyway, there is a chance."

"That's right."

Lin Nan nodded, "I have other things to do, so I won't talk to you, let's go first."


Lin Nan was about to leave, but at this moment, more than a dozen girls rushed up and said to Lin Nan:

"Little brother, we also want to exchange change, let me scan WeChat."

Lin Nan was a little helpless when he saw the girl who was calling out and using it later.

"Okay, okay, don't ask me to add WeChat, there are so many boys, you go ask them how are you."

"But they are not as good-looking as you, we only want your WeChat."

Seeing these persevering people, Lin Nan felt a little helpless.

Naturally beautiful, it is hard to give up, why God gave me such a handsome face, it is really a crime.

Just when Lin Nan didn't know how to refuse, he suddenly heard a cold snort.

"What are you doing here, it's noisy, go back quickly."

Hearing the voice, the girls around Lin Nan subconsciously dispersed.

Lin Nan found out that the speaker was a woman in her thirties.

Wearing a blue tuxedo skirt with white small flower patterns on it, a lady's shirt with nine-quarter sleeves on the upper body, and carrying a black bag, giving people a heroic feeling.

There is nothing to say about the woman's appearance and figure, but her expression is a bit cold and not so cute.

"Mr. Xu."

Seeing the woman in front of her, the girls around Lin Nan greeted her with nervous expressions.

"Is this woman a teacher at your school?"

Lin Nan looked at the long-haired girl who was exchanging money with him just now and said.

"Hmm." The long-haired girl whispered:
"She is the director of the Youth League Committee of our school. Her name is Xu Lan. She is a very serious person. We are all afraid of her."

Lin Nan nodded thoughtfully, "So that's what happened."

"Let's go first. If Teacher Xu catches you, your credits may be deducted, so I won't chat with you."

"it is good."

After the girls around Lin Nan left, Lin Nan felt a lot more relaxed, and could go about her own business.

"You stop!"

Just when Lin Nan was about to leave, Xu Lan stopped him from behind.

"You have something to do with me?"

"Where are you from and what are you doing at school?"

There was a hint of hostility in Xu Lan's eyes.

People like Lin Nan, in his eyes, are uneducated rich second generation.

In addition, there are a lot of girls in China International Studies University, and many idle people outside the school will come here to stay.

So for a long time, Xu Lan has been paying attention to this matter, and tried his best not to let people outside the school come into contact with the girls in the school.

Because when the accident happened, they were still students, and those people would not be responsible.

"I came to the school to apply for a physical education teacher."

"Apply for a teacher?"

Lin Nan's answer surprised Xu Lan a little.

She never thought that such a boy would come to apply for a physical education teacher.

In her subconscious mind, the physical education teacher should be the type with dark complexion and unkempt appearance.

But he is fair and clean, his hair is meticulously groomed, and most importantly, he still drives a Porsche.

How could such a person be qualified for the post of physical education teacher?

"I advise you not to come to grandstanding. If you have other ideas, cancel them as soon as possible. It is good for you and the school."

Lin Nan was fooled by Xu Lan. He came here to apply for a physical education teacher, so why did he become a sensationalist?

What kind of fucking logic is this?

"I don't quite understand what you mean, can you make it clearer?"

"I won't talk about your car. Just because of your appearance, you are not suitable to be a physical education teacher." Xu Lan said:
"I can also tell you very clearly that it is impossible for you to apply successfully, so I advise you not to waste your time."

"How do you know that I can't apply for the job? Is it too lenient?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Nan ignored Xu Lan and walked towards the school in stride.

Behind him, Xu Lan kept watching Lin Nan, and said to himself:
"He's just a rich second-generation ignorant, how could he be hired as a school teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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