Chapter 235 The Interview Begins

Following the students coming and going, Lin Nan came to the campus.

As soon as he came in, he heard the system beep.

[To arrive at the sign-in location, whether to sign in or not. 】

"Sign in!" Lin Nan said heartily.

[Sign in is complete, reward [-]: [-] million RMB, reward [-]: China's strongest legal team. 】

"Choose reward two."

Lin Nan said without hesitation.

[The reward has arrived, Huang An, the head of the legal team, will contact you later, please keep the phone open. 】

After receiving the reward, Lin Nan felt refreshed, and now he is not the only one in the company.

After receiving the reward, Lin Nan went to the security room at the door and asked politely:
"Excuse me, where will our school's job fair be held today?"

"In Bishop 201."

The security guard answered without raising his head. Apparently, many people have already asked this question, and the answers were all mechanical.

"Okay, thank you."

bell bell -

After leaving the security room, Lin Nan's cell phone rang within a few steps, and an unfamiliar number was displayed on the screen.

Lin Yi vaguely guessed that the person calling should be the person named Huang An.

As expected of a lawyer, his work efficiency is quite high.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Nanlin?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a thick accent.

Lin Nan was a little puzzled. Although lawyers don't need to speak clearly like the host, they still rely on their mouths to speak.

But this dialect has several meanings.

"it's me."

Lin Nan replied.

"Hi, I'm from China Shipping Customs. We have a record of your consumption. It was 760 million spent in India a week ago. We think it's suspicious, so we'll verify the relevant information with you. I hope you can cooperate. .”

760 million spent in India?
I have never been abroad, how could I spend so much money?

Damn it, it's time for a scam call!
"I went on a business trip to India last week, and spent 760 million to buy three tons of Ganges water." Lin Nan said:
"After drying up this bowl of Ganges water, I will be an Indian in my next life. Would you like some? It's clean and hygienic."

The liar on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, "I wish her mother a speedy ascension to heaven."


After cursing, the other party hung up the phone, without giving Lin Nan a chance to retaliate.

Lin Nan was a little speechless. Over the years, the liar has not improved at all.


After muttering, Lin Nan continued to walk towards the teaching building.

Lin Nan found that there are really many girls in the University of Foreign Languages.

Lin Yi is from China Overseas Business University, and because of Lin Xi, he often goes to the University of Finance and Economics.

He felt that there were enough girls in these two schools, but after he arrived at the University of Finance and Economics, he found that the number and quality of girls in these two schools could not be compared with the University of Foreign Languages.

Along the way, he saw three stray dogs on campus, but only two boys.

One of them was the security guard just now.

These white thighs are really a man's paradise.

While Lin Nan was admiring his big white legs, the girls who passed by were also secretly looking at him and talking secretly.

There are even many girls taking pictures with their mobile phones.

bell bell -

When Lin Nan walked to the door of the teaching building, the phone rang again.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Nanlin?"

After the call was connected, the other party politely said that Mandarin is also very standard.


"Hi Mr. Lin, let me introduce myself first. I am Huang An. You have just made a wholly-owned acquisition of our Yicheng Law Firm. We have already arranged the itinerary. We will arrive in Zhonghai tomorrow night. I want to meet you , is your time convenient?"

"It's convenient, how many of you are here."

"There are sixteen people in our law firm. Two of them will come over tomorrow. The rest of the colleagues will come to meet you one after another in the next week after they have settled their affairs."

"Don't worry about it." Lin Nan said:
"Send over your flight, and I'll set up a table for you to clean up."

"Mr. Lin, don't be too polite. We will be your employees in the future. I just want to talk to you about our future work."

"Don't you have to talk about work while eating?"

"Then thank you Mr. Lin for your reception."

Before he knew it, Huang An changed his name to Lin Yi, and he already regarded him as his boss.

After chatting with Huang An, Lin Nan quickened his pace, entered the main building, and went directly to the second floor.

After reaching the second floor, Lin Nan looked to both sides.

I found that there were more than a dozen people standing at the door of 201, all of them were tall and big, with dark complexions, giving people a very strong feeling.

On the other hand, Lin Nan has a handsome face and a not so burly figure.

Although the system endowed him with intermediate fighting skills, it changed his physical function to some extent.

The muscles on Lin Nan's body are very solid, completely invisible, and have no visual impact.

A dozen people standing at the door of 201 also saw Lin Nan, but they didn't take him seriously.

Looking at his appearance, he knew that he was a student of the school and could not be his opponent, so no one paid attention to him.

Lin Nan didn't think too much, and went straight to the door of 201, waiting for the interview to start.

Seeing Lin Nan standing in front of him, the people who came for the interview were all surprised and looked him up and down for a long time.

"Are you here for an interview?"

The man with short hair standing next to Lin Nan said.

Lin Nan nodded, but did not respond too much.

Seeing Lin Nan's answer, everyone present was stunned.

Although I didn't expect that young man to apply for a physical education teacher.

"Brother, look at your outfit, if you don't tell me, I thought you were a student here."

"Doesn't it look like I'm here to apply for a job?"

"It really doesn't look like us sports people, you can see how they are all tanned, but you are skinny and tender, and you don't look like a sports person at all."

"Don't say that, in case someone does aerobics."

Said a short, thin man.

The short man's name is Zhang Chao, and he graduated from Yanjing Sports University.

When he was in school, he was a famous sprinter in the school.

And in his junior year, he was also rated as a national second-level athlete, and his strength was very strong.

Looking at the dozen or so people who came to apply for the job, Zhang Chao was almost all the top-notch ones in terms of personal ability and education.

So he was very confident in his application and did not take Lin Nan seriously.

Hearing Zhang Chao's words, the others couldn't help laughing.

Because aerobics is a woman's specialty, the teachers who teach aerobics are usually women, and Lin Nan's thin skin and tender flesh are only suitable for aerobics in their eyes.

"Dude, you don't really teach aerobics, do you?"


Lin Nan was not angry, but gave a concise answer.

Hearing this, everyone was very surprised. If he said badminton or swimming, others would accept it. After all, they are indoor sports.

But he said that he is a sprinter, which is too much.

Sprinters have to experience wind and sun every day, how can their skin be so good.

"Brother, are you joking?" Zhang Chao said with a smile:

"Just like you, how dare you say that you practice sprinting?"

"Can't it work?" Lin Nan asked back.

"Look at my buddies, they're all sunburnt. Look at my complexion. This is what a sprint should look like. Look at you. Do you wear sunscreen and run every day? Haha... ..."

"Maybe you are too weak and need to practice every day, so I don't need it." Lin Nan said lightly.

Zhang Chao's laughter stopped abruptly, "You say I'm weak?"

"You heard that right."

"It's really interesting. It's the first time I've seen someone say I'm weak." Zhang Chao took out his national second-level athlete certificate,

"Look, this is a second-level athlete certificate issued by the state. Just like you, if you run one meter, I can beat you by at least two seconds."

"Damn, it's actually a national second-level athlete!"

Seeing Zhang Chao's ID, other people present were very surprised.

It never occurred to him that there was such a ruthless person hidden among the applicants!
It is not easy to become a national second-level athlete.

This buddy must have two skills.

Is a cow.

Seeing other people's serious envious eyes, Zhang Chao smiled triumphantly.

"How about it, what else do you want to say now, and you still think I'm weak?" Chao Zhang said:
"Everyone is a gentleman, you can't talk nonsense without proof, you must speak with your ability."

Lin Nan didn't want to explain so much, and was going to show his national first-level athlete's certificate.

This works better than anything.

But at this moment, the door of 201 was pushed open, and a young woman came out from inside.

"Everyone, get ready, the interview is about to begin."

(End of this chapter)

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