Chapter 236
Seeing that the recruitment started, no one was interested in it. Continuing with the topic just now, they all tidied up their clothes carefully, hoping to leave a good impression on the school leaders when they apply for the job.

But most people are nervous and not as calm as they were at the beginning.

Because Zhang Chao just now took out a national second-level athlete certificate.

This is a very valuable thing, and it is also a bargaining chip that can increase his success in applying for the job.

Based on these reasons, the chances of being able to successfully apply for the job are much lower, so everyone is very nervous.

But there are also a few people with calm expressions, thinking that they still have the strength to fight.

In short, everyone has different expressions, and they are all preparing for the upcoming application.

But none of these people took Lin Nan seriously.

He is a greasy guy, and he wants to come to the school to apply for a physical education teacher, just like a joke.

The young female teacher who came out looked at the list in her hand and said:
"Sun Qingfeng, please come in."

The person whose name was called was a bit fat, but he didn't feel that fat, just a little bit fatter.

After tidying up his clothes, Sun Qingfeng walked to Room 201, and the interview officially started.

The rest of the people also stopped talking and began to prepare for the interview later.

A few minutes later, Sun Qingfeng came out from inside.

Everyone gathered around, "Brother, how is the situation? What more questions are you asking?"

"It's all routine questions, mainly about academic qualifications, and the grades you have obtained. You are also very nervous."

After speaking, Sun Qingfeng stood aside, waiting for the results of the interview.

At this time, the young female teacher just now also came out and called another person in.

A few minutes later, the second person also came out of 201, but his expression was not as calm as Sun Qingfeng's, as if he felt that he was hopeless in applying for the job.

One after another, the people standing outside were called to 201 one after another.

Some people are happy, some are sad, some are full of confidence, and some are lamenting again and again, in short, the expressions are different.

But even so, those who felt like they had no chance of getting a job didn't leave, hoping for a miracle.

When Zhang Chao came out, he was full of confidence and looked like he was sure of winning.

"Brother, looking at your posture, it seems to be very safe."

"Almost, this position should belong to me." Zhang Chao said pretentiously.

"Did the interviewer let you know?"

"That's not the case. It's just that when I was applying for the job, I learned a gossip." Zhang Chao said:
"Isn't there a physical education teacher who resigned before? The physical education teacher who resigned taught sprinting, which is exactly in line with my strengths, so my admission is already a certainty. I'm sorry, you may have no hope. .”

Hearing what Zhang Chao said, everyone's expressions were not very good-looking.

Because the school's physical education teachers are not recruited casually, and all majors must be classified in a complete manner, so that they can teach physical education in an all-round way.

If there are no special circumstances, there will be basically no overlap in terms of personnel.

As Zhang Chao said, the chances of his success in applying for the job do not seem to be great.

About an hour later, the dozen or so people standing at the door all completed the interview one after another, and Lin Nan was the last one to go in.

201 is a small meeting room.

In addition to the young female teacher who was in charge of doing chores just now, there are two men and a woman inside.

And the woman among them was Lin Nan who met Xu Lan at the door!

As soon as he came in, Lin Nan felt a hostile look in Xu Lan's eyes.

It seemed that he was pronouncing his own death sentence.

In addition, there are two other middle-aged men, one is Wu Chunqiang, the head of the sports teaching and research group of China International Studies University.

The other one is the director in charge of human resources, named Li Wei.

Besides Xu Lan, Wu Chunqiang and Li Wei looked at Lin Nan in a strange way.

But their situation is different from Xu Lan's. They just think that Lin Nan's thin skin and tender flesh are really not suitable for being a physical education teacher.

So in my heart, I have already given him a pass.

Only the female teacher in charge of doing chores looked at Lin Nan full of experience.

Although she is a teacher, she is still a woman after all. Whenever she sees a handsome guy, she will involuntarily look more.

"Sister Lan, look at this man named Lin Nan, how handsome he is, just like a movie star."

The female teacher in charge of doing chores, named Zhang Li, was also a member of the school youth league committee, and was called by Xu Lan to help.

"We are applying for a physical education teacher, not an image spokesperson. What's the use of being handsome." Xu Lan said nonchalantly:

"And don't forget, there are so many girls in our school, and if a person like him becomes a physical education teacher, he will definitely be welcomed by the students. If something bad happens in the future, no one can afford it." This responsibility, so such a person cannot take it."

Hearing what Xu Lan said, Zhang Li felt that there was some truth to it.

But still feel a little pity.

After all, this man named Lin Nan is really handsome.

"Please sit down."

After Lin Nan entered the room, Li Wei made a gesture of invitation and asked him to sit on the chair.

"Could you briefly introduce yourself, including your education background, and some previous achievements. If you have other advantages, you can also talk about it. We will select the best for admission."

Although Lin Nan has been passed in his heart, there are still necessary procedures.

Xu Lan, who was sitting next to her, didn't take it seriously, and didn't even look at Lin Nan directly.

Anyway, I wouldn't agree.

There is no need to waste time on him.

"I graduated from China Overseas Commercial University, and I majored in marketing."


After listening to Lin Nan's self-introduction, the expressions of the four people all changed.

At the beginning, they simply thought that Lin Nan's physical condition was not suitable for coming to China International Studies University as a teacher.

But at the very least, he should be a graduate of a sports school.

This is great, it turned out to be from the business university next door, and he majored in marketing.

Isn't it a joke that such a person applies for a physical education teacher?

"Mr. Lin, I didn't hear clearly, you graduated from China Overseas Business University?" Li Wei asked curiously.

"It is true that he graduated from Shangshang, and it is next door to our school."

Originally, Wu Chunqiang and Li Wei had no interest in Lin Nan.

And after learning about his academic qualifications, he was even less interested.

"We already know about your situation. Let's go out first. We need to discuss it before we can decide who will pass the interview."

"Is this the end?" Lin Nan said in surprise:

"From the time I came in to the present, it took less than 2 minutes. Why did you let me go? There are still many things that have not been introduced."

(End of this chapter)

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