Chapter 254 Failed to Install X
At this moment, Guan Guohao's men rushed over.

Lin Nan faced the difficulties without avoiding or dodging.

Even though these people's skills are much better than those in his company, they are all the same in front of Lin Nan.

After Lin Nan used all his strength, no one could hold on to a move in his hands!
In less than half a minute, several of Guan Guohao's subordinates were all knocked to the ground by Lin Nan.

Two of them were bleeding from the head and were in an extremely tragic state.

"how can that be!"

Seeing this scene, Guan Guohao and Zheng Dejiang were both stunned.

Before this, none of them thought that Lin Nan would be so powerful, which completely exceeded their expectations.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Guan Guohao was stunned for a long time, not knowing what to say for a long time.

But he knew that it might be impossible to rely on his own ability to save face in today's matter.

"Brother Zheng, I miscalculated on this matter today, so I have to ask your brothers to help me."

"It's okay, let me handle this matter."

Although Lin Nan's skill surprised them both, Zheng Dehong didn't seem to take him seriously.

In any case, Guan Guohao is just a businessman, so the skills of his subordinates are very limited, and it is normal for him not to be able to beat the man in front of him.

But I am different, after so many years in the Tao, I am definitely much stronger than Guan Guohao.

"A Biao, you go and deal with this kid." Zheng Dejiang said lightly, like an expert outside the world, as if he had seen through the whole situation.

"Understood, Brother Zheng."

The speaker was thin, dark-skinned, with short hair, a scar around his eye, and wearing a black vest.

After receiving Zheng Dejiang's order, he stood up, moved his joints, and hooked his fingers at Lin Nan.

"Boy, I'll give you a chance to make the first move."

Lin Nan didn't care, looked at Zheng Dejiang and said:
"Are you sure you only let him come out alone? I suggest sending all your men out, and I will solve it all together, so as not to waste time."

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Zheng Dejiang burst out laughing.

"Boy, what are you talking about? The person standing in front of you is my number one hitter. No.3 who won the Zhonghai Sanda competition before. Do you think you can beat him?"

"The name is quite famous, but I still suggest you to send other people."

"If you don't know good and bad things, I will let you know today that I am amazing."

Zhang Biao clenched his fists and rushed towards Lin Nan.

And Lin Nan also became a little more serious, and punched him.

There was a muffled sound, and the fists of the two were handed over together!
Lin Nan's complexion did not change, and he was not affected in any way.

But Zhang Biao's complexion was not so good-looking.

It felt like I had hit a rock with this punch, and it hurt so badly, it was like a bone was cracked!
Call through!
Lin Nan didn't give him too many chances, stepped forward and grabbed his collar, and kicked him in the stomach.

Zhang Biao couldn't hold back a mouthful, blood spurted out, and then clutched his lower abdomen, rolling on the ground in pain.

It was as if all the viscera had shifted, and after struggling for a long time, they couldn't stand up.

"A Biao, are you okay!"

Now Zheng Dejiang was really stupid, even Zhang Biao was beaten like this, he never dreamed that such a thing would happen!

"What the hell are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up, I'm going to take one of his legs off."

Zheng Dejiang yelled like he had lost his mind, and completely lost his mind.

But several of his subordinates stood still and said tremblingly:

"Boss Zheng, this man is very powerful. Even if we go up together, we can't be his opponent. Let's think of other ways, otherwise we will die if we go up, there is no need."

Hearing what his subordinates said, Zheng Dejiang calmed down, and then analyzed the situation in front of him.

The kid in front of him is indeed more powerful than he imagined, and he also knows the level of these people under him. He must be unable to beat this kid. He must find a way to deal with the matter in front of him.

"Brother Zheng, don't you know a lot of big brothers on the road, can you find a way to call someone over, otherwise we will lose all face." Guan Guohao said viciously.

"Don't worry, just leave this matter to me, and he will definitely be settled."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Dejiang looked at Lin Nan.

"Boy, I admit that I fell down today, but if you have the courage, don't leave. Let's solve this matter thoroughly."

"It's already reached this level, don't you two still accept it?" Lin Nan said speechlessly.


Zheng Dejiang sneered.

"I have been on the road for so many years, and you beat me like this today. If I don't get my face back, do you think I still have the face to be on the road?"

"I'm afraid that even if you call someone, you won't be able to solve the problem, and you will lose face even more."

"Ha ha……"

Zheng Dejiang laughed loudly, "You don't need to worry about this matter, as long as you don't leave, it's fine. Let's settle this matter thoroughly today."

Lin Nan shrugged, "I don't care, anyway, I have nothing to do at night, if you can find someone, do it now, there is no need to waste each other's time."

"Okay, there is a kind!"

Zheng Dejiang took out his mobile phone and dialed a person's number.

"Boss Chen, I'm in some trouble and I was beaten up by someone, can you bring some people over to help me solve the trouble, I'm in 302 of Dynasty KTV."

"Really, there is only one person on the other side, but he is very skilled. None of my subordinates are his opponents, otherwise I am too embarrassed to call you."

"Really? That's great, I'll wait for you here."

After finishing talking about the business, Zheng Dejiang hung up the phone, and after sweeping away the slumped look on his face, he became proud and arrogant again.

"How is Brother Zheng? Did you find someone?" Guan Guohao asked with eyes full of hope.

"Don't worry, it's all done, and my elder brother said that he is eating nearby and will be here in a few minutes."

Seeing this posture, Xu Lan who had been standing at the door was a little scared.

The other party called someone, and they were very aggressive. Lin Nan was the only one on his side.

If this is the case, he will definitely suffer.

"Lin Nan, otherwise, forget about it."

"Why forget it." Lin Nan said calmly:

"Our students have been bullied. We must seek an explanation for this matter, otherwise we are not worthy of being teachers in the school."

"But these people are obviously not good people. If you are alone, you will definitely suffer."

"It's okay, I know it in my heart, you just need to stand aside."


"There's nothing wrong with it. Anyway, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."

"Boy, to be honest, even I have to admire your courage. It's really good. It's already at this time. You're not afraid at all, and you still want to be tough with us. It's been a long time since I saw you. people."

"Since I'm here to deal with this matter, I naturally have to deal with it." Lin Nan said calmly:

"Before you guys give me an explanation, I will definitely not leave easily."

"Then let's just wait. My boss is coming soon. I hope that when he comes, you can still face it calmly."

"Don't worry, I'm not as cowardly as you think."

"it is good!"

In the past ten minutes or so, noisy voices came from outside the private room.

Call through!
Without warning, the door of the box was kicked open.

Hurrah, a large group of people rushed in from the outside, and the huge box suddenly became chaotic.

But when he saw the leader, Lin Nan suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that the world was too small, and he met Chen Jianghe here!

"Boss, you are here!"

Seeing Chen Jianghe coming in, Zheng Dejiang went up to meet him.

But after coming in, Chen Jianghe's complexion was not very good, because he saw Lin Nan.

He still vividly remembered the last time he fought against Lin Nan.

Knowing that he is a ruthless person, I can't beat him at all.

It was completely unexpected that Zheng Dejiang, an idiot, would actually offend him.

But Zheng Dejiang and Guan Guohao didn't think so.

"Brother Zheng, is your eldest brother Boss Chen?" Guan Guohao said in surprise.

Guan Guohao's excitement was beyond words.

As a colleague who was on the road, he was very aware of Chen Jianghe's energy.

He is known as the Four Heavenly Kings of Zhong Hai. He is very powerful personally, and his attacks are dark and ruthless. Today, if he comes forward to deal with this matter, he will definitely beat this kid to death!
"Boss Chen is the eldest brother I just met. Don't worry if he comes forward to deal with this matter today. He will definitely let this kid go and never return."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Dejiang looked at Lin Nan and said:

"Boy, aren't you awesome? Now that my elder brother is here, let me see how long you can be awesome."

"So what if he comes?" Lin Nan said with a smile:

"Ask him if he dares to touch me?"

"How dare you fucking look down on my elder brother, just wait, you will definitely not be able to get out today..."

Before Zheng Dejiang finished speaking, Chen Jianghe slapped him across the face!

"You fucking talk to Mr. Lin like that, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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