Chapter 255 Swimming Hall Sign-in

Chen Jianghe's slap stunned Zhang Dejiang, and Guan Guohao, who was also standing aside, didn't know why.

It's still not going well, why did my own people do it first?
Zheng Dejiang covered his face and looked at Chen Jianghe aggrieved.

"Boss Chen is fine, why are you beating me? Look at my people who let him beat you. You should avenge me."

"Avenge your mother!"

Chen Jianghe pointed at Zheng Dejiang's nose and cursed.

"Mr. Lin's level is higher than mine, and the two of us are also good friends. You actually asked me to deal with him. Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Above you?!"

Hearing this, Zheng Dejiang's head was buzzing. He never dreamed that such a thing would happen, and he seemed to have lost his mind.

"Mr. Lin, what happened? Can you tell me? I'll help you deal with it."

Lin Nan pointed to Guan Guohao and said:
"I have three students who work part-time in his company, but he just doesn't pay them a salary, and even beat my students. Let's see how to deal with this."

"So that's what happened." Chen Jianghe patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, just leave this matter to me."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jianghe walked towards Guan Guohao, then slapped him on the face, and cursed:

"Are you fucking courting death? How dare you default on the wages owed to Mr. Lin's students? Believe it or not, I'll kill you?"

Guan Guohao slapped him blindly, and begged for mercy:
"Boss Chen, I know I was wrong. I will pay him his salary now, and I will pay them all the medical expenses."

"It's almost there."

After dealing with Guan Guohao's matter, Chen Jianghe looked at Lin Nan and said:

"Mr. Lin, the matter has been dealt with, what else do I need to do, just tell me."

Lin Nan nodded without looking at Chen Jianghe.

"Let's deal with this matter first, and you stand back."

"Okay, okay, you are busy first, I won't waste your time."

Lin Nan took a step forward and looked down at Guan Guohao.

"Can we find other people? Let's continue. We have to figure this out today. I don't want to cause any trouble in the future."

Guan Guohao trembled, Lin Nan almost scared his urine out, and said tremblingly:
"I won't look for it anymore, I won't look for it anymore, I know I was wrong, I will pay you the money now, is [-] yuan enough?"

"Enough, that's all."

In a hurry, Guan Guohao took his bag and took out a wad of hundred-yuan bills, which contained a full 1 yuan.

Although mobile payment has become popular now, people like Guan Guohao always put cash in their pockets for emergencies.

After all, it is impossible to use mobile phones to pay for some gray transactions now, because that would leave evidence.

Lin Nan took the money and gave Xu Lan a look. The latter understood, and the two walked out of the box together.

The manager and a dozen security guards standing outside looked at Lin Nan in fear.

Subconsciously backed away.

They thought that this man would definitely die today, but they didn't expect him to beat up everyone here.

And even the famous Chen Jianghe has come, and he has to speak lowly in front of him.

What is the origin of this man?

It's so powerful.

Under everyone's gaze, the two walked out of Dynasty KTV and returned to the car.

Lin Nan handed over the money to Xu Lan. The money should be enough for their salary and medical expenses. You can give it to them tomorrow.

After borrowing the money from Lin Nan, Xu Lan still feels a little unbelievable, thinking that what happened just now is very magical.

Lin Nan knocked down more than [-] people by himself, and then the hooligan leader came, nodding and bowing in front of him.

This made Xu Lan a little bit confused about the reality. What did Lin Nan do before he came to school? It was too amazing.

But Lin Nan didn't give her so much time to think, and said lightly:

"Where is your home? Shall I take you back?"

"Don't go back yet." Xu Lan brushed her hair, showing a different style.

"I'll give you an address, and you can open according to that address."

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"Don't ask so many questions, you'll know when you go."

After Xu Lan said that, Lin Nan didn't ask so many more questions, and drove the car over according to the address she gave.

About 10 minutes later, people stopped at the entrance of a hot pot restaurant.

Xu Lan took her bag and raised her head at Lin Nan.

"Go, get out of the car and eat."

"You want to invite me to dinner?"

"Isn't it possible?" Xu Lan said as a matter of course:
"You helped me solve such a big problem, so it's only natural to treat you to a meal."

"I can't simply say that you can help you solve the problem. I am also a teacher in the school, and this is also my responsibility."

"It's true to say that, but I'm the main person in charge of this matter, so I have to invite you for this meal, so don't talk so much, come with me quickly." Xu Lan said excitedly :

"The food at their house is very good. I often come here to eat. I'll take you to taste it."

It was already at this time, and Lin Nan couldn't refuse anymore, so he followed Xu Lan into the hot pot restaurant.

As Xu Lan said, the hot pot restaurant is very lively, and the occupancy rate has reached 80%.

Although it can't be said to be exquisite, but it is just such a store, in terms of taste, it is generally not too bad.

After the two sat down, Xu Lan pushed the menu in front of Lin Nan.

"Today I'm treating guests, what do you want to eat, you order."

Lin Nan took a look at the menu.

"I've never been to this place, so you can order what you want, I won't choose."

"Then I won't be polite to you."

Xu Lan went with the menu, ordered more than a dozen items, and finally ordered a beer.

"It's okay to drink some beer, right? I'll ask the driver to go back later."

"As long as you can drink, I don't care."

"Then drink a little, or you won't enjoy your meal."

Lin Nan nodded, agreeing with Xu Lan's point of view.

But what makes him interesting is that these female teachers at the University of Foreign Studies seem to be quite able to drink.

First it was Zhao Bingyu and Li Na, and now it was Xu Lan. They all seemed to drink well.

The hot pot restaurant served the food very quickly. In less than 20 minutes, everything Xu Lan ordered was served.

The two kicked away the beer and filled the glasses respectively. Xu Lan raised his glasses and said to Lin Nan:

"Mr. Lin, I apologize to you for what happened in the past few days. I admit that I was suspected of deliberately targeting you. I hope you don't care about me."

"But I wonder, well, why are you targeting me?"

Xu Lan sighed and said helplessly:

"I was also bitten by a snake once, and I have been afraid of well ropes for ten years. China International Studies University is different from other schools. There are a lot of girls, so those hooligans outside the school often come to the school gate to moles the students of the school."

"You also know that girls' minds are not as mature as boys of the same age, and they are easily deceived by those people's rhetoric. In the end, they not only cheated the money, but also made their stomachs bigger. Some even committed suicide because of this incident. Every year, the school spends a lot of energy to prevent this, so I pay special attention to this aspect."

"But I am a teacher at the school, so there shouldn't be any worries in this regard."

"Why doesn't it exist? It looks like you don't use TikTok much on the Internet, and you don't understand the hot market in society."

"What does this have to do with social hot spots?"

"Because nowadays, many schools have teacher-student romances, especially schools like China International Studies University, which have a lot of girls. In short, such things abound, and I usually take precautions."

"So you targeted me because of something like this, didn't you?"

"Well, after all, your looks and figure are here, and those girls in the school are more than one nympho, and they all want to take the initiative to stick to you. It's something that hurts others, so I don't want you to come to school."

"What about now? Don't you have such an idea?"

Xu Lan nodded, smiled and said:

"It's gone now. Through the day's events, I found that you are actually a very kind-hearted person. On the contrary, I used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman. It's all my fault, so don't be like me. Calculated."

As the saying goes, don't hit people with smiling faces, Xu Lan took the initiative to apologize, and Lin Nan didn't insist on this matter, otherwise he would appear stingy.

"You can't say that, and I'm not right. We'll be even in this matter."

"Don't be so obedient. You have been the passive party from the beginning to the end. What can you do wrong? It's just me making trouble for no reason."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Lin Nan said:
"I'm talking about the accidental meeting in the toilet. After all, I took advantage of it, so we'll be evened out."

"Don't talk about that." Xu Lan blushed, wishing she could find a place to sneak in.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, have a drink."

"Do one."

The two of them opened up, and there was no so much barrier between each other, and the atmosphere during the banquet became lively.

Lin Nan found out during the meal.

Xu Lan is a very outgoing person, and very talkative, giving people a very good feeling.

"By the way, I have something to ask you. Can you sing and dance? Or do you have any other talents?"

"Hmm? Why are you asking this seriously? You don't need these talents to be a physical education teacher, do you?"

"It's just over a month since school started, freshmen just came to the school and are preparing for the welcome party. Your appearance is so good, I want you to go up and perform a show on behalf of the school's teachers to improve. The whole party Level."

"Then you are really flattering me. My limbs are stiff, and my singing is out of tune. Talent and talent have nothing to do with me."

"That's a pity." Xu Lan said:
"So far in the rehearsal, there is only one show that can be presented. It doesn't feel like a lot. I'm worrying about it."

Lin Nan rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something.

"I remember China International Studies University, there was a girl named Zhao Xuechun, who is quite popular now, you can get her back."

"We have already contacted her, and as I said, the show that can do it is Zhao Xuechun's, but other shows are more hip, which lowers the overall level, so I have to think about a way .”

"She's pretty well-known now, and if you can get her to perform, that's already pretty good." Lin Nan said:
"Besides, the welcome party is not a pursuit of high-quality activities, as long as everyone is happy."

Lin Nan didn't reveal that he could sing, because he didn't want to take part in those bad things, and he just signed up here by himself, and there was no need to take so much work on himself.

"What you said makes sense, but no matter what, the school leaders are still watching. The quality can't be too bad. I'm just thinking about it."

"Alright, take your time, there is no rush for this matter."


About two hours later, after the two finished their meal, Xu Lan took the initiative to pay the bill, and then left the hot pot restaurant.

bell bell -

Just after walking out of the hot pot restaurant, Xu Lan's cell phone rang.

"Mom, it was past ten o'clock last night, haven't you rested yet?"

"Are you coming over?"

"Didn't I tell you everything? I don't want to see you."

"Why didn't you ask for my opinion before, I want to see you, anyway, I won't go."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it the day after tomorrow." Xu Lan said impatiently:
"This is the last time, don't arrange this for me again in the future."

After finishing speaking, Xu Lan hung up the phone. She was smiling, but after hanging up the phone, she became impatient and irritable.

"what happened?"

"Don't mention it, I'm upset just thinking about it." Xu Lan said:
"I'll call a driver to take you back."

"No, for such a trivial matter, I can do it myself."

"How can I do that? I asked you out for a drink. I can't let you spend a penny."

"That's fine, today's matter is up to you to arrange."

It doesn't cost much to call a substitute driver, so Lin Nan didn't care about these trivial matters.

Soon, Xu Lan called a substitute driver, and the two got into the car together and drove towards Xu Lan's house.

Xu Lan's home is in the fairyland home of the community. The internal environment is the same as its name, just like stepping into a fairyland.

"Would you like to go up and sit down?" Xu Lan asked politely when he reached the gate of the community.

"In the middle of the night, it's not good for lonely men and widows to be in the same room. I'd better go home."

Hearing this, Xu Lan laughed uncontrollably. Unexpectedly, Lin Nan was still a shy person.

He wasn't afraid yet, but he felt embarrassed.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow."

Xu Lan waved his hand and bid farewell to Lin Nan. The latter nodded and asked the driver to drive the car to the Yunshan villa area.

Early the next morning, Lin Nan drove to work normally.

In the second quarter in the morning, there was a class with him, and it was very easy to deal with it.

Although today is the second day of work, Lin Nan has already adapted to the rhythm here and does not feel any discomfort.

When it was nearly 10 minutes before get out of class was over, Lin Nan returned to the office, ready to pack up and have lunch at noon.

"Ms. Lin, you haven't got your meal card yet?" said Zhao Bingyu who was sitting opposite.

"I did it in the past, and it means that I can come down tomorrow."

"Let's go, I invite you at noon today." Zhao Mingyu said straightforwardly.

"It's too troublesome, I just go out and have a bite."

Lin Nan is not a person who likes to bother others. What he can do is usually done by himself, and he doesn't want to take advantage of others.

"Then why are you being polite? You invited me to dinner yesterday, so give me a chance to make it up."

Zhao Bingyu smiled and said:

"But don't worry, the school cafeteria tastes too bad. This meal is not counted. When I have a chance, I will invite you to eat in other places, so don't be polite to me."

At this point, Lin Nan was too embarrassed to refuse, and followed Zhao Bingyu to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria at noon is the most crowded place in the school.

In other schools, such a crowded environment may be annoying, but not in China International Studies University.

White thighs are definitely a man's paradise.

There are many types of food in the cafeteria, and it looks more appetizing, but compared with the restaurants outside, there must be some gaps. After all, the price is here, and you can't ask for too much.

Because of the weather, Lin Nan ordered a dish of stewed noodles, and Zhao Bingyu ordered a bowl of wontons. It was very simple, and it settled the lunch.

Just when the two of them finished their meal and were about to leave, a system notification sounded in Lin Nan's mind.

[Sign in at the swimming pool of China International Studies University, and reward Zhonghai Nanbei Road Pedestrian Street. 】

(End of this chapter)

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