Chapter 271 Large-scale social death scene
"If you don't brush your teeth quickly, what are you doing there?" Lin Nan said in a puzzled manner.

Xiao Jingxuan woke up from the fantasy, gave Lin Nan a bad look, then rinsed her mouth, and pushed him with her hip.

"Stand aside for a while, I want to wash my face."

"Why do you wash first?"

"Because this is my home, I'll wash it first." Xiao Jingxuan said domineeringly.

"Auntie, your daughter said that this is her home, so she has to wash her face first, and don't let me wash it." Lin Nan said loudly towards the door.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan's eyes widened.

"Lin Nan, you actually sued my mother."

"Have I filed a complaint? Isn't that what you said?"


Before Xiao Jingxuan could say anything, she heard Song Lan's voice from downstairs.

"What are you doing, bullying people?"

The voice fell, followed by Song Lan's footsteps, which soon appeared at the door of the bathroom.

"You child, is it because we have been spoiled by you that we all have boyfriends and are so domineering."

After speaking, Song Lan went into the bathroom, pulled Xiao Jingxuan out, then looked at Lin Nan and said:

"You wash your face first and don't talk to her. If she dares to bully you again in the future, you can tell me that she is just spoiled by us, and she has to get rid of these bad habits in the future."

"It's not necessary to be like this. At worst, I'll be a little bit wronged, and I'll just let her order in the future."

Xiao Jingxuan:? ? ?

Let me order? ? ?


What did you do to me?

"Then how can I do it?" Song Lan said solemnly:

"If you get used to her again in the future, you will be lawless."

"That's right."

"So, you have to take care of her in the future. If she wants to be disobedient, you can tell me."

"Understood, thank you, auntie."

Xiao Jingxuan was dragged out by Song Lan, and Lin Nan's teeth were itchy, wishing she could go up and bite him.

Soon, Lin Nan finished washing up, and then saw Xiao Jingxuan outside, looking at her upright.

"Why this expression? I didn't do anything to you. Go and wash your face. It's like your own home when you come here. Don't be polite."

"Lin Nan, just wait for me."

Xiao Jingxuan walked to the bathroom angrily, and then closed the door, obviously being pissed off by Lin Nan.

After washing his face, Lin Nan had already come downstairs, ready to eat.

"Come on, let's eat first. She is slow to wash her face, so don't wait for her."

"That's not good."

"It's nothing bad. It's not that I went to someone else's house. Let's eat first. There's no need to wait for her. She's not an important person."

"Then I won't be polite, Auntie."

"What's so polite, let's eat quickly."

Although it was breakfast, Song Lan cooked it so sumptuously that Lin Nan didn't know which one to eat.

About twenty minutes later, Xiao Jingxuan finished washing, put on a light makeup, and walked downstairs.

Surprisingly, Lin Nan and his parents were talking and laughing while eating, and they didn't mean to wait for him at all.

On the contrary, standing here by himself seems a bit redundant.

"What are you still doing standing there, hurry up and eat, don't delay Lin Nan's work later." Song Lan urged.

Xiao Jingxuan stood there, a little at a loss.

This is obviously her home, why does Lin Nan look more like her son?
Reluctantly sitting at the dining table, Xiao Jingxuan filled a bowl of millet porridge, took a bun, and ate it sullenly, as if she had been wronged so much.

After eating, the two simply cleaned up and went to work.

Lin Nan was refreshed, but Xiao Jingxuan puffed her cheeks and looked at Lin Nan with uneasy eyes.

"Why are you looking at me with that kind of eyes? You don't want to confess your love." Lin Nan said with a smile while driving the car:
"If you really have an idea in this regard, you can speak up, and I will give you this opportunity."

"Confess that you are a big-headed ghost." Xiao Jingxuan said:

"Based on your performance this morning, I will never let you come to my house again, and I will make you mad sooner or later."

"Don't worry, based on your performance last night, I won't come to your house again."

"You're still wronged."

"The main reason is that I can't sleep well when I come to your house. It's better to go home and sleep by myself, otherwise I won't be energetic all day."

"Isn't it just letting you sleep on the ground? Is it as exaggerated as you said?"

"It doesn't matter if you sleep on the ground, but the problem is that the place is not big, and there is a person who keeps coming and squeezing me, so it's not comfortable to sleep at all."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan looked embarrassed.

"What are you talking about? It's weird. I slept in bed last night, and you saw it this morning. You can't blame me for this."

"Are you sure? Could it be that I have hallucinations?"

"Very likely." Xiao Jingxuan Gu Zuo said calmly:
"I guess you're sleepwalking."

"Normally, there might be such a possibility. Fortunately, I kept an eye out and secretly recorded the evidence."

After speaking, Lin Nan took out his mobile phone and found the video recorded in the morning.

Seeing the content in the video, Xiao Jingxuan was so embarrassed that she wished she could disappear in place.

What is a large-scale social death scene?

This is the scene in front of me.

"You, you know all about it?"

"I've been pushing and pushing in my arms. I don't know." Lin Nan looked at Xiao Jingxuan and said:

"I want to ask, did you dream that you turned into a pig last night, otherwise what are you doing there?"

Xiao Jingxuan was speechless in embarrassment, not knowing how to answer, and then showed her ability to play a rascal.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it anymore, concentrate on driving, hurry up, I have to go to work."

"I just talked about the topic, how can I not talk about it, don't evade the problem."

"Don't listen, don't listen, bastard chant the scriptures." Xiao Jingxuan covered her ears, acting like a rascal.

Seeing this scene, Lin Nan couldn't say anything more.

After all, she has a thin skin, so let her save some face.

After driving for about forty minutes, Lin Nan drove to the Golden Harvest Group.

Xiao Jingxuan didn't finish saying anything. After unfastening her seat belt, she hurriedly got out of the car with her handbag in her hand.

Seeing this scene, Lin Nan made a calculation in his heart.

It is estimated that in the next month, Xiao Jingxuan will be too embarrassed to see her again.

"What an interesting girl."

With a sigh of emotion, Lin Nan stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the school.

But at this time, in the international student dormitory of China International Studies University, all the male international students gathered together.

There are more than 40 people!
For a school like China International Studies University, the number of international students of this scale is not small.

But more, it was because of Zhou Li's unlimited enrollment that almost all kinds of students were required, which led to such things happening.

Roy looked at his watch and said:

"It's almost time, I guess he's coming soon, everyone, get ready, we have to show him something today!"

(End of this chapter)

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