Chapter 272 Let them handle it themselves
"Let's go, let's go now, we must give him some color." Locke echoed.

"Isn't this not good? Anyway, he is a teacher of the school. If we beat him up in public, the school leaders will definitely be unhappy. I suggest that we find a place where no one is around. In this way, as long as We don’t admit it, and the school’s leaders can’t possibly blame us.”

Roy sneered.

"What you say makes sense, but if you do what you say, the matter loses its meaning."

Everyone looked at him puzzled, "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Don't you know how big this incident is?"

Roy said with an exaggerated expression:

"After what happened in the swimming pool yesterday, the Huaxia students in the school no longer respect us, and when I walked on campus, everyone laughed at me, so I will use this method to take away our dignity. return."

"Does this have anything to do with teaching him a lesson on campus?"

"Of course it does. I want everyone to see that if you provoke me, Roy, it won't end well."

"You're right. There is an old saying in Huaxia called killing chickens to scare monkeys. I just learned this, and it can be used to describe this matter."

"Yes, that's what I think." Roy said:
"We must teach him a lesson in public, so that he will not dare to provoke us again in the future."

"But with so many people going to teach him a lesson, I feel that one punch from one person can maim him, and we may have to lose a lot of money."

"Losing money is not a problem, because I have already told my dad, and he also supports me in doing this. Even if I lose money, he will support me."

When speaking, Roy shrugged.

"And as you all know, our family is not short of money at all. Even if his leg is broken, it doesn't matter. I can afford to pay any amount."

"I'm relieved with your words, so what are you waiting for, let's go now." A brown-skinned international student said while gesturing:
"I'm going to put him on his knees in the parking lot begging for mercy."

"Haha, let's go now."

Having made up their mind, Roy and the others walked out of the apartment in a mighty manner.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen foreign girls also standing outside the apartment, waiting for Roy to come out and preparing to teach Lin Yi a lesson with him.

A group of more than 50 people came to the parking lot in a mighty way.

In order to deceive the public, some foreign students with cars got into their own cars, and the rest without cars scattered to every corner to avoid too obvious targets.

But even so, there are some students who have discovered them, but they still don't understand what's going on, but they always feel that nothing good has happened.

In 809 of the main teaching building, Zhou Li just came to the office, and before he changed his coat, his secretary hurried in from the outside.

"Principal Zhou, some students reported that all the international students in our school have gone to the parking lot."

"Have you all gone to the parking lot?" Zhou Li said unexpectedly:

"Okay, what are they all doing in the parking lot?"

"I heard from some students that they probably went to the parking lot to take revenge on Teacher Lin."

Hearing this, Zhou Li understood what was going on.

With the personality of those foreign students, they can indeed do such a thing.

"What should we do now, this matter should be dealt with."

"There's nothing to deal with, we just pretend we don't know anything and let them deal with it themselves."

"Is this okay?" The female secretary said worriedly:
"There are more than 50 of them, men and women. It seems that all the foreign students in the school have gone. If they really fight with Teacher Lin, Teacher Lin will definitely be injured."

"Don't worry about this matter, just pretend you don't know."

Seeing that Zhou Li had said this, the female secretary couldn't say anything more, she could only pretend that she didn't know anything.

"Principal Zhou, I'll go out first if there's nothing else to do."

"Well, let's go."

The secretary turned and walked out. The moment the door opened, he saw several girls at the door.

"Principal Zhou, we have something to ask you for." A girl in a long skirt said.

Seeing the female students who came in, Zhou Li had a bad expression on his face, and said with a straight face:
"What are you looking for me for?"

"The international students in the school all went to the parking lot. We suspect that they want to trouble Mr. Lin. I think you should take care of this."

If given a choice, these female students would not come to Zhou Li.

But the other leaders of the school have not come to work yet, and there is no one else to be found except him.

"Don't underestimate yourselves. They just went to the parking lot. Why do you think they are looking for Lin Nan? Are you in trouble?"

"Does it need to be said, Mr. Lin beat them yesterday, and they must have gathered together today to trouble Mrs. Lin."

"This is all guesswork by you, and it cannot be used as evidence."

"What if that's the case."

"I think there is no problem if it is what you said. As an inclusive school, we must respect the living habits of students from every country. If there is any problem, let's solve it in their own way." Zhou Li said.

"What does that mean, don't you want to take care of it?"

"This is their own business, I can't manage it."

"You're obviously covering up!" the girl in the long skirt said:
"And don't forget, Teacher Lin is also very powerful. If you hurt them, don't stand up and make irresponsible remarks."

Hearing this, Zhou Li almost laughed out loud.

So many people went to beat Lin Nan, how could he be injured? It's so funny.

"Don't worry, since I let them solve the problem by themselves, I won't participate too much."

"Then let's wait and see."

Seeing that Zhou Li didn't solve the problem, the girls turned around and left the office without too much nonsense.

At the same time, Lin Nan drove to the school.

But before he came in, he was stopped by a dozen girls.

"Mr. Lin, don't come here, let's go."

Hearing this, Lin Nan was confused.

"What are you talking about? Where do you want me to go? I still have two classes today."

"Didn't you beat those foreign students yesterday? Today they all gathered and are waiting for you in the parking lot. I guess they want to seek revenge from you, so you must not come to school."

Hearing this, Lin Nan understood what was going on, couldn't help laughing and said:

"I thought it was a big deal, it took me by surprise."

"Isn't this a big deal?"

"You don't have to worry about my affairs, I will take care of such a small matter."

"But there are more than 50 of them in total, and they are fierce. If you follow them, you will definitely suffer a loss."

With a smile on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth, he looked at the dozen or so girls in front of him and said:

"Anyway, I'm also the school's physical education teacher. If I can't even handle this trivial matter, I'm not worthy of staying here as a teacher."

After finishing speaking, Lin Nan didn't care too much, and drove the car directly into the campus, and said to himself:
"It seems that I didn't convince you yesterday, so let's do it again with difficulty, so that you can remember it long."

(End of this chapter)

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