Chapter 275 Silent Deterrence

"So, what do you want me to do?"

For a long time, Qian Dongyan didn't have a good impression of these foreign students in the school.

But there is no way, these people need to be recruited for appearance.

Otherwise, based on what they did and Qian Dongyan's temper, they would have been dealt with long ago.

"Actually, this matter is easy to handle. Let Lin Nan apologize to them in front of the teachers and students of the whole school, and then expel these black apples, and finally let him take criminal responsibility. I think it can be handled in this way."

"Impossible." Qian Dongyan said:

"I don't think Mr. Lin did anything wrong in this matter, why should he apologize?"

After finishing speaking, Qian Dongyan looked directly at Zhou Li.

"Old Zhou, at least we have been together for several years. I hope you can face up to your identity. There are some things I don't want to reveal."


Zhou Li never expected that Qian Dongyan would say such things to himself.

"But I'm also doing it for the development of the school. As you know, Roy's father donates a sum of money to the school every year. This is a large sum of money. We can't afford to offend such a person."

"There's nothing you can't afford to offend!" Qian Dongyan said nonchalantly:
"If they have questions, they can come to me and I will answer them!"

dang dang-

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Qian Dongyan's office.

"Come in."

The person who opened the door was his secretary, Zhou Yang.

But before he could say anything, he saw more than a dozen foreigners rushing in from the outside and standing in front of Qian Dongyan's desk.

Behind them, there were a few foreign students who were beaten, but their injuries were relatively minor, so they came along with them.

Seeing these people, Zhou Li's expression changed.

Undoubtedly, the parents of those foreign students came.

"Principal Qian, I want to know what's going on. We send our children here to learn knowledge, not to be beaten."

The person who spoke was a blond foreign man, tall and very emotional.

He wears famous brands all over his body, especially the watch on his hand, which is still more than 200 million Vacheron Constantin, with good financial resources.

The man's name was Jack, and it was Roy's father.

And this person is the vice president of Shenghe Group, and he was the one who handed over the real estate with Lin Nan yesterday.

And the reason why Roy dared to be so arrogant at school was entirely because of Jack.

He thinks his family is rich and he is an overseas student, so he is domineering in school.

If they hadn't met Lin Nan, perhaps no one would have been able to teach them a lesson.

"Mr. Jack, things are not what you think." Qian Dongyan said:

"It was your son who brought someone to trouble our school teachers. More than 40 people beat one of them. I think it was their fault for this incident, let alone blame us because they were injured. It’s not right for a school teacher.”

"But I don't want to hear such an explanation, and it turned out that our children were injured, so I hope the school can deal with this matter."

"But the responsibility for the matter does not mean that whoever was injured is justified. This is wrong."

Seeing that Qian Dongyan didn't get to the point, Jack's expression was not good.

"Principal Qian, since you can't handle this matter well, I hope to meet the person involved in this matter."

"I'm afraid this is very difficult..."

But before Qian Dongyan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Li.

"I've called someone to contact him."

Qian Dongyan's expression changed, and he looked at Zhou Li with an unfriendly expression, already complaining about him in his heart.

"Then I will trouble you, Principal Zhou." Jack said.

Qian Dongyan didn't say anything, he never felt that Nan was wrong, and even if these people made trouble later, he would help Lin Nan to speak.

On the other hand, Jack and the others all looked unhappy and stood aside to discuss how to deal with the matter.

"Mr. Jack, the principal of the school seems unwilling to deal with that teacher. We want to hear your solution." A middle-aged black man said.

"I think it may be very difficult to deal with him in school, but we have two options." Jack said:
"We can sue the teacher through legal channels, and the law will make him lose money to us."

"No, we don't need to lose money."

Although the families of these international students are not very rich, they are also rich, so this kind of treatment is not acceptable to them.

"The other way is to solve it in private." Jack said:
"We can find someone to beat him secretly and break his legs, but that would be more violent."

The other parents laughed.

"Although there is some violence, I think it's very good that it can be done."

Jack also laughed, "Since everyone has no objections, let's do it this way, but I still want to see his attitude. If he admits his mistake obediently, he can be lighter when he strikes."

"Haha, I think so too."

Seeing the parents of these foreign students chatting vigorously, Qian Dongyan, who was standing by the side, frowned.

No need to think about it, these people definitely didn't discuss anything good.

I really have to think of a way, otherwise Teacher Lin is really easy to suffer.


At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and Lin Nan walked in from the outside.

"I heard that someone is looking for me?"

Seeing Lin Nan coming in, Zhou Li sneered.

"You called those foreign students, and now their parents are here and want to chat with you."

Lin Nan turned her head and set her gaze on Jack and the others.

When seeing Jack, Lin Nan was also taken aback for a moment.

The two just met yesterday, but they didn't expect to meet again today, which is really a coincidence.

At the same time, Jack also saw Lin Nan's heart beating faster.

He appeared here at this time, and there was no doubt that he was the one who did something to his son.

But the problem is that this person spent 160 billion to buy the entire pedestrian street. No matter in terms of status or status, he is incomparable to him, and it is impossible to deal with him.

But there is another problem that Jack still can't figure out.

He is already so rich, why does he still come to the school to be a teacher?

But these are no longer important.

The problem now is that this matter needs to be resolved quickly.

Lin Nan looked at Jack and the others.

"Now that you're all here, let's have a good chat. I won't hide from you anymore. I beat up all your sons. If you have any ideas, you can speak up. If you don't accept it, you can do it now. I don't mind beating you up again."

"No, no, Mr. Lin, please calm down. This matter has nothing to do with you. It is all our child's fault. I will teach him a good lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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