Chapter 276 Apologize to Teacher Lin!

Hearing this, all the parents present stared wide-eyed.

Everyone was amazed, no one thought that Jack would say such a thing.

"Mr. Jack, what are you talking about? He beat our children. You can't be so polite to them!"

"Stop talking, if you still want your children to attend school, just follow the rules." Jack said very bluntly:

"And this matter, Principal Qian has already made it very clear that our children are at fault and have nothing to do with Mr. Lin, so why bother Mr. Lin!"

Faced with Jack's reprimand, the parents present didn't know what to say.

Although it was his child's fault, the final result was that his child was beaten, and he wanted to seek justice.

But at this time, they dare not say anything.

Because among these people, Jack's family is the richest one.

He is the leader of these people. If he takes the lead and says he doesn't intend to pursue it, then others can't help it.

But the most ignorant ones belong to Qian Dongyan and Zhou Li.

If I remember correctly, they just swore that they wanted to teach Lin Yi a lesson.

I didn't expect that now, I didn't plan to pursue it anymore, and I was so polite to Lin Yi.

This was something they hadn't expected before.

"You are willing to admit your mistakes, right?" Lin Nan said lightly.

"Yes, yes, we are willing, and we feel that Mr. Lin's teaching is very correct, and we hope that the school will be stricter with them in the future, and not be too lenient with them."

"It's fine with your words."

"Thank you Mr. Lin for not fussing with us." Jack complimented:

"Although our children were injured in this matter, I think it is our children who are at fault, and they should apologize to Teacher Lin."

Lin Nan frowned, "Is it enough to just apologize to me?"

"No, no, I made a mistake just now. I have to apologize not only to Teacher Lin, but also to all the students. This incident is our fault and we must apologize."

"That's about the same." Jack made a request to clean up, "Let's go there now."

"Let's go."

Lin Nan didn't say anything else, turned around and walked out of the office.

The other parents also followed, looking at this posture, they seemed to be planning to apologize.

But they still haven't figured out what's going on.

And what they were afraid of was not Lin Nan, but the wealthy Jack!
In order to find out the truth of the matter, Qian Dongyan and Zhou Li did not stay idle, and followed behind the crowd, ready to see what was going on.


At the same time, with the help of the school doctor, some seriously injured international students also healed their wounds.

But they didn't leave in time, instead they all surrounded Roy.

Among these foreign students, Roy was the most seriously injured, sitting in a wheelchair, smoking a cigarette resentfully.

"Roy, I heard that your dad has come and is negotiating with them in the principal's office." Locke said.

"My dad told me just now, and I have already told him that the school must expel him, and then we will secretly find someone to teach him a lesson, and we must not give him any chance."

"This is a good way, let's do it!"

"Damn it, I will never let him go this time!"

Hearing what these foreign students said, the doctors and nurses in the school medical office were a little worried.

After a while, tell Teacher Lin the news.

At this moment, voices came from the corridor.

Soon, the door of the room was pushed open, and Lin Nan and Jack walked in with a large group of people.

Roy and the others were not surprised by Lin Nan's arrival.

He beat himself up, and now that the school has dealt with him, he naturally has to come over and apologize to himself!

It's a must!
Never let him go easily!
"Dad, everything should be settled." Roy said:
"Now, he not only wants to apologize to me, but also kneel down to me, otherwise, we will investigate this matter to the end!"

Without saying a word, Jack came up and slapped Roy!

Almost knocked him out of his wheelchair!
"What nonsense are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death. Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Lin!"

Roy was completely taken aback by this slap.

Covering his face, his expression was quite funny.

"Dad, what are you talking about? I was beaten and you asked me to apologize to him!"

"It was you who led people to make trouble, do you still want Teacher Lin to apologize to you!"

"But it was us who were beaten by me!"

"Even if you are beaten, you deserve it!"

Jack pointed at Roy and cursed:

"I tell you, hurry up and apologize to Teacher Lin, or I will slap you to death!"

Facing the angry Jack, Roy was also afraid.

Although he was unwilling, but his father said so, he could only do so.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry."

"I don't care about your apologies. I'd better go to the radio station and apologize to the teachers and students of the whole school."

"We actually want us to apologize to the whole school!"

"Jack, your son doesn't seem to be very obedient, you can see this for yourself."

"No, no, we apologize."

Before Jack could say anything, Roy said quickly.

Roy was more afraid of Jack than Lin Nan.

"You guys are willing to apologize, so I won't say anything else."

After finishing speaking, Lin Nan turned to look at Qian Dongyan, "Principal Qian, I want to give you a suggestion."

"What suggestion, you say."

"I think the school's management of these international students is too loose, and it also gives them a lot of privileges. It is precisely because of these reasons that they have developed their arrogant and domineering characters. Therefore, some relevant regulations should be cancelled. , some things are better treated equally.”

"I understand what you mean, I will deal with it later."

"Principal Qian, this is not good." Zhou Li said:
"Now all the schools are competing for international students. If all the benefits are cancelled, if they drop out collectively..."

"No, no, no, we will never drop out of school, even if we are killed." Jack said.

"Actually, I think it doesn't matter whether they drop out or not." Lin Nan said lightly:
"On the contrary, you, Principal Zhou, have always opposed me doing this. Is it because doing so will touch your cake, so you strongly oppose it?"

Hearing this, Zhou Li panicked.

"What do you mean, let me tell you, if you dare to say such things again, be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

"Tell me about slander?" Lin Nan smiled disdainfully, then looked at Jack and the others, "I don't know exactly what happened, but I think they have more right to speak than me."

"I can testify to this. Every year, I give Principal Zhou a sum of money to take care of my son. Other parents will do the same, and Principal Zhou also collects all of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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