Chapter 277
"Mr. Jack, what are you talking about? When did I collect your money!"

Facing Jack's accusation, Zhou Li panicked and his face was very ugly.

At this time, Jack didn't want to care so much.

With Lin Nan's identity and status, it is unknown whether he can stay in Zhonghai if he makes him unhappy.

"We also gave him money, and he finally took it all as it was ordered. Principal Qian can handle this matter."

Facing the accusations from everyone, Zhou Li couldn't argue with his mouth. Looking at Qian Dongyan, he said in a panic:
"You can't listen to them. As the head of a school, I have never taken money from my heart. We have worked together for such a long time. You must believe me."

"I really don't believe that you will do such a thing, but I still have to investigate. What's going on, I still have to look at the evidence." Qian Dongyan said very bluntly:
"However, starting today, I decided to suspend all your school duties pending investigation. If there is really no problem at all, then resume your duties."


Zhou Li slumped to the ground as if he had lost his mind.

He knew very well that if he investigated this matter, he would definitely not be able to escape.

In school, I have worked hard since I was a small teacher until now, and I have spent countless efforts. After those things are found out, I am really finished.

But at this time, no one felt sorry for Zhou Li.

What you do is your own responsibility, and you can't blame others.

After dealing with everything, Lin Nan walked out of the school doctor's room, and said to Qian Dongyan:
"Principal Qian, all these matters have been dealt with, and you can handle the rest."

"Okay, just leave it to me."

Lin Nan nodded, did he say anything else, turned around and walked outside.

I have two classes today, so I have to go back and prepare.

Soon, news about Roy and others spread in the school.

In an instant, Lin Nan became a popular figure in the whole school.

Especially during the daytime class, Lin Nan became the object of onlookers.

Those bold girls, none of them attended class well, all looked at Lin Nan with bright eyes, as if he had no clothes on, which made people excited.

Lin Nan also spent a lot of effort to get the girls in the class, otherwise the class would not be needed.

In addition, Xu Lan also called Lin Nan during the period.

He didn't say anything, just said that Lin Nan did a good job.

It can be seen that she has reached the point where she can't bear these foreign students.

After two classes, Lin Nan also started fishing mode. After staying in the office for a while, he packed up his things and went home.

But just after driving home, the cell phone in his pocket rang. The caller was from an unfamiliar number. Lin Nan didn't think too much about it, so he picked it up.


"Brother Nan, I'm Li Rui. We ran races together at the China Overseas International Circuit before."

After Li Rui introduced himself, Lin Nan remembered who he was.

"I know, what are you looking for?"

"You helped me win the game last time, and I haven't taken the time to thank you very much. It just so happens that I have time today, and I want to invite you to my barbecue restaurant for a meal. Let's have a good gathering and treat it as making friends."

"Okay, I just didn't have dinner tonight, tell me the address, and I'll find you now."

Although he had only met him once, Lin Nan felt that Li Rui was a nice person who deserved to be friends with, so he agreed to his invitation to treat him.

"Okay, I'll add you on WeChat and send you the address."

"it is good."

Lin Nan went back to the villa and changed his clothes first.

Then he turned on the phone and saw the address sent by Li Rui, then picked up Koenigsegg's car keys and drove towards his barbecue restaurant.

Because the distance was a bit far, and it was the rush hour after get off work, Lin Nan drove for a full hour before arriving at Li Rui's barbecue restaurant.

The kebab shop is called LK, the same name as his team club.

And the area is very large, with four floors.

But the most spectacular thing is the car parked in the parking lot outside.

Compared with brands like BBA, it is considered a regular model here.

Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, and Bentley can be seen everywhere here. Lin Nan sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he drove a Koenigsegg today, otherwise it would be embarrassing to come here for dinner.

After getting off the car, Lin Nan was about to call Li Rui.

But just as he took out his phone, he saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

It was Xu Lan!

It's just that Xu Lan's mood is not very good at this time, with a straight face, very ugly.

At this time, beside her, there were four other people.

Two middle-aged women, and two young men.

From the analysis of their positions, the two young men and the two middle-aged women should be in a mother-child relationship.

As for the relationship between Xu Lan and them, it remains to be analyzed.

Lin Nan glanced at Xu Lan, and then at Li Rui's barbecue restaurant. If nothing unexpected happened, they should have come here to eat.

Lin Nan didn't say hello to Xu Lan. After all, she had family members by her side, so there was no need to disturb them.

But at this moment, Xu Lan, who was walking towards him, saw Lin Nan.

"teacher LIN."

Seeing that Xu Lan took the initiative to talk to him, Lin Nan couldn't dodge, so he waved at her.

"Director Xu."

Seeing Lin Nan, Xu Lan's complexion improved a lot, and he trotted towards him.

"Did you come here to eat too?"

"Yes." Lin Nan nodded.

"Why are you alone? Do you want to be together?"


"Yes, together." Xu Lan said winkingly, as if implying something.

"Lanlan, this person is..."

Before Lin Nan could answer, several people behind Xu Lan came over.

The person who spoke was Xu Lan's mother, named Li Li, and the young man standing next to Li Li was her younger brother Xu Qiang.

They came here today to meet Xu Lan's blind date.

The mother and son next to them are named Zhang Xia and Lin Dongliang respectively.

"He's a teacher in our school, named Lin Nan. I didn't expect to meet him here today. It's a coincidence. We happened to have dinner together."

After finishing speaking, Xu Lan blinked at Lin Nan, as if asking him for help.

Lin Nan didn't say anything, and didn't reject Xu Lan.

"That's not good, it's so awkward to bring an outsider with us when we have dinner with our own family." Xu Qiang said.

"What's so awkward about it? It's still hot when there are many people eating." Xu Lan said:
"And when I was in school, Mr. Lin helped me a lot. I wanted to invite him to dinner a long time ago. I just took this opportunity to have a meal together. If you don't agree, you can go by yourself. It just so happens that Lin and I The teacher eats together."

Lin Nan is a little speechless, just come here for a meal, do you have to help others to block the wall?
(End of this chapter)

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