my disciples come from earth

Chapter 106 Receiving Gifts and Receiving Softly

Chapter 106 Receiving Gifts and Receiving Softly
Li Xiaoyao's face was calm: "Five days later, it will be the best time to open Jindan Cave Mansion."

Su Xueran's face was a little ugly: "My lord, can't you be more flexible?"

She never expected that the opening time of Jindan Cave Mansion was exactly the same as the birth time of [Xianquan Secret Realm].

The occurrence of such a conflict means that only one of the two opportunities can be chosen.

Li Xiaoyao snorted coldly: "Accommodating? Do you think that the timing of the opening of the Jindan Cave Mansion is decided by me?"

"Isn't it?" Su Xueran asked timidly.

In her opinion, since the token of the Dongfu is in Li Xiaoyao's hands, the timing of opening the mansion is naturally up to Li Xiaoyao.

"Women's view!"

Li Xiaoyao showed contempt in his eyes: "Do you know the Master of Destiny?"

When Su Xueran heard the word "Fate Master", she was shocked: "Could it be that the young master has been instructed by the Fate Master?"

Li Xiaoyao said proudly: "My Uncle Qi is a genuine Destiny Master!"

"When I came to Beihuang this time, Uncle Qi specially told me that Jindan Cave Mansion must be opened on July [-], otherwise something terrible will happen."

"And the eighteenth day of July is five days later!"

After Li Xiaoyao's words, Su Xueran's face paled when he heard it, and his face was full of disbelief.

There is a Destiny Master in this first layer of heaven?

And the Li Xiaoyao in front of him has actually been instructed by the Destiny Master himself?

If these words came from someone else, Su Xueran wouldn't know a single word, but it was Li Xiaoyao who said these words, she had to believe them!

Su Xueran felt that in just a few hours today, her world view was completely shattered by Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao seemed to see Su Xueran's suspicion and shock, and his tone was disdainful: "A frog at the bottom of a well always thinks that the world he sees is real."

Su Xueran was in a trance for a long time before her eyes regained clarity.

She gave a salute: "Thank you, sir, for your advice, it has given my little sister a lot of insight."

Li Xiaoyao lowered his head slightly, and then asked, "Since there is a time conflict with breaking the secret realm, do you still have the confidence to gather enough candidates?"

Su Xueran said to herself: "I believe that compared with the Immortal Spring Secret Realm and Jindan Cave Mansion, smart people know which one to choose."

Li Xiaoyao showed relief on his face: "Very well, I will leave this matter to you, I am very relieved."

Su Xueran's face was flushed: "I will do my best to do things for you!"

She was very excited.
It was a great opportunity for her to be appreciated by such a noble son with a terrifying background and aptitude against heaven.

If I can keep hugging Li Xiaoyao's thigh, then not only can I easily take the top position in [Qingyunguan], maybe I will have the opportunity to lead [Qingyunguan] to break the solidified sect hierarchy and upgrade from a four-star sect to a five-star sect!
Su Xueran thought so in her heart.

In order to achieve the goal, Su Xueran decided that no matter how much he paid, he must completely and perfectly complete the task that Li Xiaoyao entrusted to him this time.

After sending Su Xueran away, Tingtianlou's grand banquet has already begun.

Five or six thousand melon skin disciples packed the entire Tingtianlou to the brim, and the chefs in Tingtianlou were really capable, and they prepared enough food in just a few hours.

At the beginning of the banquet, all kinds of praises were heard, and there was something that stunned many Tingtianlou staff.

"Fuck! This shredded chicken is too tender!"

"Shacha, that's not shredded chicken. Didn't you see that it has eight legs?"

"Whatever it is, it's really fragrant anyway!"

"The dog's plan is too conscientious, this banquet is comparable to a full banquet!"

"What the hell is Man Han Banquet, it's not at the same level at all, okay? This is definitely the best thing I've ever eaten in my life!"

"Oh my god! This pig's trotter is so delicious!"

"Fart, this is obviously the hoof of a magic cow, okay?"

Eating and eating, before everyone in Tingtianlou marveled at the large appetite of this group of followers, a starved person suddenly appeared on the scene.

A slender female attendant rolled her eyes while stuffing white meat into her mouth: "I'm going to die four times!"

Then, she was really overwhelmed!

Seeing this scene, listening to the shock of everyone in Tianlou, shopkeeper Li broke out in cold sweat.

It's over, your son's subordinates actually died in my shop, what should I do?
But are you reincarnated as starving ghosts, that you can sustain yourself to death? !

Shopkeeper Li wants to cry but has no tears, he feels that he is too innocent.
Is it a sin to cook delicious food?

Seeing the situation of Guapi disciples like this, Li Xiaoyao was a little speechless. Is this group of Guapi really going to die several times?
He immediately issued a system announcement:
[This banquet is a benefit for the majority of Xiaoyao disciples, but everyone is only allowed to die once, and they cannot be resurrected after dying until the banquet is over]

As soon as the announcement was released, the eating habits of Guapi disciples finally became a little bit better.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the dozens of melon skin disciples who were eaten to death on the field, with a sly look in his eyes, and looked at the shopkeeper Li.

Shopkeeper Li suddenly felt hairy all over, and felt a chill behind him.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Xiaoyao played with hundreds of high-grade spirit stones in his hands, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Shopkeeper Li was about to cry, he had already lost hundreds of high-grade spirit stones before he made any money.

Also, your entourage is too precious, isn't it that I will pay ten high-grade spirit stones for the death of one?

But we don't understand, and we dare not ask!

Li Xiaoyao doesn't care about shopkeeper Li's embarrassing appearance. In his opinion, his own living here these days is the best publicity for Tingtianlou.

It's only reasonable to get some publicity fees.Li Xiaoyao thought so.

After the banquet, Guapi disciples wiped their mouths one by one, looking like they hadn't eaten enough.

Li Xiaoyao smiled. He invited Guapi disciples to dinner with a deep meaning. Only by letting them try something good, they will put more effort into earning spirit stones, so that he can get a cut from it.

He has already completed a brand-new [tax system]. From now on, as long as there are spirit stones in and out of the accounts of Guapi disciples, [-]% of them will be exchanged for contribution points every time.

Li Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing when he thought of the Lingshi that would be included in the account in the future.

On the other hand, after Su Xueran left Tingtianlou, she immediately devoted herself to the work of persuading the talents from all walks of life. She even took out the name of "Qingyun Temple" and endorsed it for Li Xiaoyao.

Under the strong propaganda offensive of Su Xueran and many Qingyun Temple disciples, there were many skeptical Tianjiao, but out of trust in [Qingyun Temple], they all agreed.

In this way, most people began to accept Li Xiaoyao's identity, and began to prepare for the great opportunity of "Golden Core Cave".

A powerful wave was set off in Xuanwu City, and the news of Li Xiaoyao and Jindan Cave Mansion even alarmed the strong foundation builders in the Cultivator Alliance in the city.

In the void above Tingtian Tower, two old men stood knowingly, their gazes were directed at the top floor of Tingtian Tower.

"This kid is not simple. I thought the news in the city was somewhat exaggerated, but I didn't expect this kid to be at the peak of Qi refining at the age of eighteen."

"The younger generation is awesome! But I don't know which family it is. Brother Wang, you are from Zhongzhou, do you know this son?"

"Brother Feng, you think highly of me. My master is only a quasi-eight-star sect, and can only be ranked in the middle level in Zhongzhou. From my perspective, this kid's aptitude may be difficult to put in the most terrifying quasi-nine-star sect in a hundred years." How could I know the genius I met."

"If it's the hidden genius of those quasi-nine-star sects, how could he be allowed to come to Beihuang alone?"

"From this point of view, the news about the Jindan Cave Mansion should be close to ten. Only in this way, it is worthwhile for such a proud person to come to Beihuang in person."

"It's a pity that the Golden Core Cave Mansion is waiting for me to build the foundation but I can't get in."

"Brother Wang has a good idea, even if it is a foundation building, can this level of resources really come to us?"

"Alas, what brother Feng said is very true. The class is so solidified, how can the upper levels benefit us?"

"Class. Class, between sects and sects, between the first heaven and the second heaven, forget it, forget it, how many amazing talents died on this, it is useless for us to think too much."

"Let the people below pay more attention. I just hope that this son-in-law will not have an accident in our Northern Wilderness."

Things went smoothly, with the acquiescence and even encouragement of the high-level officials in Xuanwu City, many arrogances chose to give up the opportunity of [Xianquan Secret Realm], and devoted themselves to Li Xiaoyao's side, hoping to have a sip of soup in the "Golden Core Cave Mansion".

And in the next four or five days, there was an endless stream of guests from Ting Tian Lou, all of whom were from all over the world who wanted to visit Li Xiaoyao.

There were even elders who built foundations from the local sect of the Northern Wilderness to pay a special visit.

Naturally, the gifts they brought were also of great value.

Originally, Tingtianlou was only famous in Xuanwu City, but now Tingtianlou's reputation directly resounded throughout the first heaven of the spiritual world.

Shopkeeper Li's face has been crooked for the past two days, as if he has forgotten what happened to Li Xiaoyao before.

On the other hand, Li Xiaoyao accepted all the gifts they brought, but he didn't meet any Tianjiao, even the elder Zhuji was rejected by him.

Li Xiaoyao didn't dare to meet so many people. One was that he had to work hard to pretend every day, and the other was that there were so many heroes in the world. If he got in touch with many people, he would inevitably be seen as a flaw.

So he blocked all the visitors in the name of impacting the foundation building period.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao didn't care about the depression of the people outside, he was happily counting the gifts he received.

Well, an eighth-grade magic weapon,
Ten top-quality spirit stones,

A quasi-eighth-rank flying boat,
Three liang of eight-star spiritual tea,

There are so many presents that Li Xiaoyao's storage ring is almost full!

Li Xiaoyao is so happy
I didn't expect that there would be unexpected rewards in pretending to be forceful!
(End of this chapter)

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