my disciples come from earth

Chapter 107 Just Human!

Chapter 107 Just Human!

For the first time, Li Xiaoyao discovered that pretending to be coercive not only has a unique psychological refreshment, but also benefits in reality.

He originally only wanted to earn some spirit stones as the future development resources of the Xiaoyao faction, but he didn't expect that he had already made a lot of money before he got the one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones!

Those visitors who wanted to get close to Li Xiaoyao and build a relationship, in order to satisfy Li Xiaoyao, the gifts they brought were all treasures.

Li Xiaoyao himself had never thought of this situation.

After finishing the inventory, Li Xiaoyao found that he had inexplicably become a rich man, and now he has all kinds of magic weapons, spiritual herbs and pills in his storage ring.

The fly in the ointment is that no one gave Li Xiaoyao cheats such as exercises and spiritual skills. This kind of cheats are the treasures that Li Xiaoyao urgently needs now.

Especially regarding the foundation-building exercises, Li Xiaoyao is now at the peak of Qi refining, and the foundation-building exercises are his current necessities, otherwise his cultivation would only be stuck here.

After collecting all kinds of treasures, Li Xiaoyao turned on the computer light curtain and announced the next stage of the task.

[Second ring of the pre-mission task of contending among a hundred schools of thought: Collect sect information]

[Rewards for the first ring task "Migration": for successful completion of the task, all Xiaoyao disciples will be rewarded with a satisfying feast (if you want to eat better food, wear more beautiful clothes, and enjoy life in the underworld, then Do your best to earn Lingshi, Lingshi is the common currency among NPCs in Baye) Note: Any entry and exit of disciple Lingshi account will generate tax (no tax is charged for internal transactions of players). For specific tax system, please refer to "Economy Panel"]

[Second ring information collection task content: All the disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect have all migrated to the Tingtian Tower in the Xuanwu City of Beihuang. Next to the Tingtian Tower is the Beihuang Branch of the Cultivator Alliance, which is the ruler of the entire spiritual world.In the Northern Wilderness Branch, regardless of the size of the sect, all sects in the first level of the spiritual world have a disciple selection office here.Due to the variety of sects and different strengths, each sect has different standards for selecting disciples. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of apprenticeship, it is necessary for all Xiaoyao disciples to go to understand the information of each sect, and feed back the information they have found to the official website. 】

[Task time: three days]

[Task Reward: Share information about all factions, and enjoy the intelligent selection system. (Note: The smart school selection system, as long as you enter the basic information such as cultivation base and specialty in the system, the system will automatically select the suitable school for you from thousands of schools)]

[The specific implementation method of the task: each Xiaoyao disciple will be assigned a number, and each sect in the apprenticeship hall of the Cultivator Alliance also has a label. When the Xiaoyao disciple enters the apprenticeship hall, please get the same number as yours detailed information and publish it on the official website]

[Punishment for mission failure: All Xiaoyao disciples delay apprenticeship]

After receiving the task of the second stage, all the players rushed to the alliance of cultivators one by one.

Soon, the apprenticeship hall of the entire Cultivator Alliance was also occupied by players.

After the players entered the hall, they couldn't stop the exclamation of their mouths and small movements of their hands.

"There are so many NPCs, it's amazing, there are really thousands of sects!"

"This cliff is the most ambitious game I have ever played!"

"I don't know if these NPCs have quests, can they learn skills from these apprentice NPCs?"

"Hurry up and hurry up, everyone, gather up all the sect information and you can become a teacher!"

"Come on, apprenticeship, I'm here!"

[Ambiguous Ambiguous Love You Girl] is also one of them. The number she got was 360. As soon as she entered the vast hall, she saw a huge three-dimensional optical map in the center of the hall. The specific location of each sect's disciple selection office.

And [Ambiguous and Ambiguous Love Your Sister] saw the sect he was looking for, numbered 360 No. [-], at a glance.

She quickly came to the sect's disciple selection office, and a girl in purple immediately greeted her: "May I ask you to sign up for our [Xuanji Tian]'s disciple selection?"

As she said that, she also handed over a jade slip of sect introduction: "You can learn about the situation of our sect first!"

[Ambiguous Ambiguous Love Your Sister] I took the jade slip, which only recorded the simplest information of Xuanjitian.

[Xuanji Tian]: The registration number of the Alliance of Cultivators is 360, a one-star sect, the sect is located on the top of Dongling Xuanji Mountain, and there are as many as qi refining disciples in the sect.
The girl in purple smiled all over her face, and began to explain: "Although our Xuanjitian is only a one-star sect, it is also the top of the one-star sect. Xuanji Mountain, where the sect resides, is a good location in Dongling, with convenient transportation, high concentration of aura, and beautiful scenery. Pleasant. Going out is the most developed Lingshi (trading market), backed by the Tianyang River, the hardware of the sect is definitely the best among sects of the same level, and our sect is currently paying more attention to the cultivation of new disciples, and specially launched a A series of benefits, and with the improvement of new disciples, the benefits can be upgraded! Not only that, we Xuanjitian has just launched a new [from scratch] training plan recently, not afraid of your poor qualifications, but afraid of you not coming Oh!"

[Ambiguous and ambiguous love you girl] The more I listened, the more something went wrong, I felt a little dazed, as if I came to the sales department, and the girl in purple in front of me seemed to be a real estate consultant, and I felt like I was crazy about selling houses to myself.

Do you have such a shortage of disciples?
With doubts, she directly asked the most important question: "What are the selection criteria for your faction?"

The girl in purple smiled: "It's fine if you are a human!"

What? !Just a human? !
[Ambiguous and ambiguous love your sister] Dumbfounded, doesn't that mean anyone can join?

The girl in purple nodded slightly: "There are no qualifications and cultivation requirements, but it's best not to be too old. We don't want old people over 60 years old."

【Ambiguous Ambiguous Love Your Sister】:
How did she know that in the spiritual world, population is the primary productive force.

Because there is no way to test aptitude in the spiritual world, the aptitude of each person cannot be quantified. Only a monk's age and cultivation level can be used to roughly estimate his aptitude.

Generally speaking, at the same age, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the aptitude; at the same cultivation level, the younger the age, the higher the aptitude.

Therefore, when everyone is just an uncultivated mortal, no one can tell who is a genius and who is a fool.

And many sects in the spiritual world can only adopt crowd tactics when recruiting disciples, and can only get talents from the crowd through continuous trial and error.

And many high-star sects do not accept mortal disciples, because it requires trial and error, they only accept casual practitioners who are self-taught, or casual practitioners with higher qualifications.

A low-star sect like Xuanjitian, which does not have any competitive advantage, accepts as many disciples as it can. Anyway, it is just an extra mouth to eat.

Even if you recruit 1 useless disciples, and one of them is a genius, then they will all make a lot of money!

Casting a wide net is a common method used by middle and low star sects in the first heaven of the spiritual world.

(End of this chapter)

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