my disciples come from earth

Chapter 116 There Really Is a Golden Core Cave Mansion!

Chapter 116 There Really Is a Golden Core Cave Mansion!
Li Xiaoyao didn't want to meet those powerful and noble high-level qi refining talents in the secret realm, so he chose to wait for them all to enter the secret realm, and then go in last.

Although Li Xiaoyao knew that the place to enter the secret realm was random after reading the precautions.

But only the devil knows what the mechanism of random teleportation is. To be on the safe side, Li Xiaoyao tried to enter the secret realm at the end as much as possible.

The disciples of Guapi didn't care about this. When they saw the entrance to the secret realm was open, they immediately rushed in one by one excitedly. In their opinion, this kind of treasure hunting activity was simply a blessing for them!

Li Xiaoyao stood still in place, waited for a while, and saluted the Foundation Establishment cultivator who presided over the secret realm, and was the last one to enter the secret realm.

Li Xiaoyao only felt a distortion in the space, and he came to a black rock platform.

With a blink of his eyes, he saw all the monks who had entered the secret realm before him, including all the melon skin disciples, all standing on this huge black rock platform.

Outside the black rock platform, there is endless darkness.

Waves of terrifying aura emanated from the darkness, making people daunting.

Li Xiaoyao was the last one to arrive here, and at this moment almost everyone looked at him in unison.

Li Xiaoyao is dumbfounded
what's the situation?
What about random teleportation?

As for the fairy spring secret realm, why does it look more desolate than my Montenegro?

When Rao Queyao saw Li Xiaoyao coming in, she winked at him and said softly, "Brother Li, I thought you didn't dare to come in."

Li Yunshang also smiled at Li Xiaoyao: "Brother Li."

Li Xiaoyao forced a smile, and asked politely: "Two fairies, what's going on here, isn't it that we have entered the secret realm of Xianquan?"

"Of course not." Wang Dao stood proudly, and he talked eloquently: "Although I don't know the specific purpose of the person who lured us in, but he spent a lot of money to disguise this place as a natural secret place, so naturally he won't just invite us to drink tea."

"I smell the 'dark' breath, and there is great danger in it." Jiang Feng flashed out from nowhere, and said hoarsely, with a rare expression of enjoyment on his face.

As soon as Jiang Feng came out, several people felt that the air around them seemed to be frozen, and they couldn't help but took a step back.

The low-level Qi-refining monks around were panicked at first, but after seeing their four high-level Qi-refining geniuses gathered together, they all leaned towards them as if they had a backbone.

Of course, this does not include the disciples of Guapi, who are walking around curiously at this time, without any fear or panic on their faces.

Some of them were beating against the rocks under their feet, some were digging into the cracks of the rocks, as if there were some great treasures inside, and some kept chatting up the monks next to them, making them tireless.

"The son is here!"

After Li Xiaoyao appeared, many Guapi disciples surrounded him with a "wow~".

In their words, the plot animation is about to start!
Here, hearing that Jiang Feng seemed to have a little understanding of this place, Rao Queyao immediately smiled coquettishly: "Living dead, just say what you know, in this case, I think it's better for us to work together. "

"Hmph!" Jiang Feng snorted coldly, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

He said hoarsely: "I don't know about the others, but what I know is that you must never leave this stone platform, otherwise there will be only one ending."


Hearing this, the four of Li Xiaoyao's hearts trembled. They also felt the terror in the darkness beside them, but they didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

"Brother Jiang, I don't know what's in the darkness?" Li Yunshang asked politely.

There was a sneer on Jiang Feng's frightening and withered face: "Do you think the dangerous thing is the thing in the dark?"

His hoarse voice suddenly darkened: "The danger is this darkness itself"

"This darkness is a terrifying 'dark realm', and the intensity of this dark realm is even more golden core level!"


Hearing this, except for Li Xiaoyao who was confused, Wang Dao, Li Yunshang, and Rao Queyao all gasped, with shock on their faces.

Wang Dao's voice stuttered a little with fright: "Brother Fengfeng, what do you mean, this may be the place of a Jindan senior who is proficient in the artistic conception of 'darkness'? It may even be a place of sitting and transforming?"

Everyone thought of this and looked at Li Xiaoyao in unison.

Is this really a Jindan Cave Mansion?

Li Xiaoyao was speechless, with a bitter expression on his face: "Don't look at me, I don't know anything either."

The shock on Rao Queyao's face faded, and her angelic face was once again charming and enchanting: "Little brother, don't be afraid, at this moment, sister really wants you to know something."

Li Yunshang coughed lightly: "Fellow daoists, what should we do at this time?"

Wang Dao frowned, and his tone was a little uncertain: "I think we should wait and see what happens at this time Well, since someone has hidden this place as a natural secret to attract us, they must use us to achieve a certain purpose. Since he wants to If you use us, it’s impossible to leave us alone here.”

"I believe that this place should change in the near future. We might as well wait for work." Wang Dao suggested.

Hearing his analysis, Li Yunshang nodded: "Brother Wang is right."

Jiang Feng remained silent and hid in the darkness, clearly acquiescing to Wang Dao's statement.

Rao Queyao smiled: "As expected of being the hidden arrogance of the Northern Wilderness Alliance, she is really well-informed, my sister likes it."

Hearing Rao Queyao's teasing, Wang Dao wiped his cold sweat and replied in a panic: "Don't dare, dare not."

Seeing that everyone had expressed their views, Li Xiaoyao quickly nodded in agreement with Da Liu.

Under Li Yunshang's hosting and explanation, all the nearly [-] monks present understood the situation, sat cross-legged one by one, and waited for work with ease.

Of course, there are naturally exceptions in the middle.

Guapi disciples couldn't stand the restraint, they ran around happily one by one, thinking that this was the place where treasures were hidden, and wished to dig the rock under their feet three feet into the ground.

[SpongeBob's smile] Hearing that there are dangers in the darkness around here, I feel incredible: "Is this the power of law in the legend?"

Curiously he stretched out his right hand into the darkness
In an instant, the right hand of [SpongeBob SquarePants' smile] turned into fly ash as if sublimated.

Not only that, the darkness eroded into his bones, and quickly spread to his whole body along his hands!

However, to the surprise of all the monks present, [SpongeBob's Smile] still kept a smile on his face, without any pain at all.

[SpongeBob's smile] Looking at his body that is gradually disappearing, his eyes are full of curiosity: "It's an interesting way to die, and the special effects are pretty cool. If I can learn it in the future, I will also learn this skill. I feel as if I have become Like the wind, really"

Before he finished speaking, he was completely turned into ashes and became a part of the darkness.

Rao Queyao and the others turned their heads to look at Li Xiaoyao, with puzzled and strange expressions on their faces.

Even Jiang Feng was no longer hiding in the dark at this time, and looked at Li Xiaoyao with eyes that looked at a fool.

Li Yunshang swallowed, and asked strangely: "Brother Li Li, is your entourage an idiot?"

(End of this chapter)

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