my disciples come from earth

Chapter 117 Qingyun Temple, Panic

Chapter 117 Qingyun Temple, Panic
Li Xiaoyao had no choice but to start this group of melon skins again.

Under his repeated orders, this incident ended with the death of thirteen Guapi disciples.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoyao immediately sent a system notification.

[In order not to reveal the player's identity in front of other NPCs, each player only has one life in the secret realm, and the system will not easily resurrect players in the secret realm! 】

After receiving this news, the thirteen players who were swallowed up by the darkness out of curiosity complained one by one.

If they can't be resurrected, it means that the task of this event has nothing to do with them.

At the beginning, most of the monks meditated with their legs crossed, their faces were calm and there was no trace of impatience.

Only the melon skin disciples who had settled down a little bit were running around, constantly looking for treasures.

"Come on, everyone, the treasure is waiting for us!"

"Brother, help me move this stone away, I seem to see something underneath!"

"Hey, I saw it, there seems to be a hole there!"

The players are full of enthusiasm, but they have not found anything.

At the beginning, the monks around were still paying attention to these energetic followers of Li Xiaoyao, really thinking that they might find some treasures; but as time went by, they didn't find anything, and the monks around Has lost patience, let them toss.

Half an hour later, many monks showed a little impatience on their faces, but they were still able to sit still.

However, the momentum of Guapi disciples was still not suppressed in any way.

In their words: "The more difficult the task, the higher the task reward!"

In the past half an hour, thousands of melon skin disciples have searched this rock, but they have not found anything.

At this time, [Before your father died] proposed to change the method of finding treasure.

He posted suggestions on the player-only forum on the official website.

Since there is no trace of the treasure on the surface, the treasure can only be hidden in the rock.

【Before your father dies】Suggestion, completely abandon the search on the surface, start digging three feet, and be sure to dig out the treasure from the rock!

Numerous players agree.

They took out all kinds of strange tools they got in Xuanwu City, started to cooperate in twos and threes, and started to work on the black rock.

Originally, the attitude of many meditating monks towards this group of followers was nothing more than a joke, but they didn't know that they bullied themselves by looking at these fools.

"Hey, move away a little bit, we're going to dig here."

"Brother, what about you, don't pretend to be asleep, there's a big rock lying down there, I'm going to lift it up and have a look."

"Beauty, let me go, according to my vision, there must be something good in your underground!"

Many monks were disturbed by Qingxiu, and each of them was angry, but seeing the group of followers who were united and well-cultivated in front of them, and Li Xiaoyao who closed his eyes and rested in the distance, he could only swallow his anger.

Time passed quickly, and a few hours passed by in a hurry, but disciple Guapi still didn't find anything here.

"Impossible? This task is too difficult, where is the treasure hidden?"

"I'm crying, we have almost dug up this rock, but we still haven't found it!"

"The dog planned too much this time, the fucking rock has been dug thin by us, can't we still find the treasure?!"

"The baby is so difficult, the baby does not cry"

Li Xiaoyao looked at the dejected Guapi disciples and wanted to tell them.
There are no treasures here at all!

After such a long time, not only the disciples of Guapi were a little frustrated, but also many monks couldn't sit still, their faces were full of anxiety and fear.

Even Wang Dao stood up twice, looking at the darkness in the distance and wondering what he was thinking.

Several hours passed, and everyone was trapped in this unknown place and isolated from the world. They didn't know that the outside world had exploded at this time.

Noon is long gone, and at this moment on Wanglong Cliff, more than 1 high-level qi refining talents are on the verge of eruption.

"What's going on? Why hasn't Li Xiaoyao come yet!"

"The agreed time has long passed, what happened? Jindan Cave Mansion can't open today?!"

"This Li Xiaoyao is too arrogant, even if you are the noble son of Zhongzhou, but you dare to release more than 1 of our arrogant pigeons at the same time, it is really audacious!"

"Where are the people from Qingyun Temple, and Fairy Lingyun? Come out and give everyone an explanation!"

Everyone made a fuss, and those Tianjiao who had placed a tracking restriction on Li Xiaoyao's items before, now remembered that something was wrong but they didn't care about it, and suddenly a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

On the other side, the middle-aged Taoist nun and Su Xueran have long since become ants on the hot pot.

Since around noon, the two of them have been waiting at the gate of the Alliance of Cultivators, urging Li Xiaoyao to get on the road.

But all of them were blocked by Protector Wang on the pretext that Li Xiaoyao was breaking through.

The middle-aged nun was very anxious: "Senior Wang, please let Li Xiaoyao come out quickly, otherwise I will go in and invite him in person!"

The old man looked at the time in the building, and felt that it was almost the same time. He thought that the kingly way should have entered the depths of the secret realm at this time, and he didn't need to cover it up.

The old man slowly walked out of the alliance: "Li Xiaoyao is not with me, what I said before is just a deal between me and him."

"If you offend me, please return Haihan." The old man said Haihan, but his tone was extremely domineering.

Hearing this, the middle-aged nun immediately understood the cause and effect, and almost fainted.

"Liar, liar, you are all liars!"

"Hmph!" The old man snorted coldly, turned and left, "You have to be responsible for what you say, keep your mouth shut!"

The middle-aged nun looked at the back of the old man leaving, her teeth itching with hatred.

However, the Cultivator Alliance can't be offended by Qing Yunguan!
Su Xueran was so anxious that she was about to cry: "Master, what should we do now? I hope the disciples at Longya send a message, and the situation is almost out of control!"

"Yes, stabilize the situation first, let me think about it, let me think about it." The middle-aged nun forced herself to calm down.

After a few breaths, she made up her mind: "Ling Yun, go to Longya to stabilize the situation, don't tell the truth, just say that Li Xiaoyao is busy for the time being, and open the Jindan Cave Mansion another day."

Su Xueran asked: "Master, what about you?"

The middle-aged nun's eyes were full of resentment: "I want Li Xiaoyao to pay the price!"

She quietly led the elites of Qingyun Temple, directly surrounded the Lengyue Forest, and sent a large army to search the secret realm of Xianquan at the same time, and must find Li Xiaoyao!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that.

At this time, the entrance to the fairy spring secret realm is already inaccessible.

It was only then that the Foundation Establishment Almighty guarding the entrance of the secret realm discovered that something was wrong. If it was a natural secret realm, it would be impossible for it to be inaccessible during the opening hours.

Isn't this a natural secret at all? !

Foundation Establishment Da Neng remembered some old things from the past, and his expression changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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