my disciples come from earth

Chapter 124 The Mystery of Level 2

Chapter 124 The Mystery of the Second Level
Under the attention of everyone, [Before your father died] without any hesitation or fear, he resolutely walked up the cableway on the left, as if completely disregarding life and death.

Of course, all these tragedies are imagined by others.

At this time [before your father died] he was still thinking in his mind, if he was lucky enough to get on the road of life, how could he get more treasures from the road of life.

At the same time, [Before Your Dad Died] also launched a simultaneous live broadcast of the game on the official website forum. Everyone can come in and see the plot he experienced, and they can speak freely below.

[Before Your Dad Died] He had just stepped onto the ropeway and started the live broadcast, and a large number of players immediately flooded into his live broadcast room.

At the same time, the monks on the black rock platform were surprised to find that Li Xiaoyao's entourage, who were still chattering and active before, fell silent collectively at the same time.

All the followers froze in place, their eyes blank, as if they had turned into walking dead.

Only Li Xiaoyao knew that they all cut out to watch the live broadcast of "Before Your Dad Died".

Li Xiaoyao secretly ordered in his heart to let Xiaotong directly transmit the live broadcast screen to his mind.

As soon as Li Xiaoyao entered the live broadcast room, he saw that the live broadcast room was already full of barrage.

【NB!Brother Ba is really powerful, you have encountered all the hidden missions! 】

【First! 】

【First! 】

[BGNB! 】

[BGNB! 】

[Squeeze and see what treasures are in this second level]

[Brother Ba, charge forward, the brothers are behind you to support you! 】

[BG come on! 】

At this time, [Before your father died] just entered the ropeway, and began to explain in the live broadcast room:

"Hi guys, I'm Brother Ba, I'm sorry, this time I took the lead again, and got a chance to hide the mission, everyone bless me, I hope this path I take is the path of life, otherwise my event this time The experience was a bit poor.”

He said hello while observing the surrounding environment.

"I'll go, it doesn't feel like walking on the cableway at all, it seems to be teleported to a new place, I'll show my brothers."

As he said that, he pointed the camera that came with the game around and took pictures back and forth.
【Before Your Dad Died】Not walking on a sloping rope at all, but on a narrow and flat bridge.

The bridge was only about two people wide, and both sides of the bridge were completely surrounded by darkness, and the front of the bridge was so thick with fog that nothing could be seen.

As the screen shakes, barrage floods in:
【What the hell?Why can I only see black air in addition to black air? Is my helmet broken? 】

[Wait for me if the front helmet is broken, my helmet seems to be broken too]

[Is mine broken too? 】

[If... I guessed right here, it should, probably, maybe not a way out? (laughing)]

【Why do I want to applaud?I'm really not gloating! 】

[Brother Ba, show off your handsome face and let everyone see your frustrated expression! 】

[Same request, Brother Ba, if you have anything you want to say, say it quickly, otherwise it will be too late, hee hee]

[Before your father died] the tone was a little mournful: "Did you see it, it's dark here, there are no treasures at all, it seems that there is no way out, it seems that my luck is not very good."

"It's so gloomy here. I have to admit that there are really many small maps in this large dungeon. In just such a long time, how many maps have we changed, and the composition is not bad."

The bullet screen is more exciting:

[We seem to be able to appreciate Brother Ba's death today, 2333333, I really want to laugh, what should I do? 】

[I didn't mean it, I laughed too]

[We have been professionally trained and generally don’t laugh unless we can’t help it, hahahaha]

[Shuang, Brother Ba, please fulfill the wishes of the brothers, you will always live in the hearts of the brothers, 233333]

[Before your father died] His face was speechless: "It's too much, brothers, is it really okay to add trouble? Didn't I just accept a hidden mission and hate me like that?"

"I'm so hard!"


[Brother Ba, you think too much, you accepted the hidden mission and got the hidden reward, do you still want to live? 】

【That's right, brother Ba, you eat meat, save some soup for the brothers】

【Brother Ba, don't worry, I will inherit your contribution value】

[If you want to inherit the contribution value of Ba Ge, have you ever asked me, the owner of Ba Ge's cousin's neighbor's female cat's bred cat, the security guard of the work building, his uncle's opinion! 】

[You have too many words, you NB! 】

【Pfft, I'm convinced】

[Okay, don't waste time, Brother Ba, hurry up, let us see how the dog plan designed this dead end]

[That's right, you have to let the dog plan to show off the special effects, otherwise, wouldn't this road be in vain? 】

[Go, go, Brother Ba, go to death! 】

Seeing the gleeful barrage, [Before your father died] shook his head helplessly, and could only move forward slowly in the dark.

At the same time, [Before your father died] and the thousands of players watching the live broadcast, including Li Xiaoyao, all felt aroused.

I don't know what the danger is on this dead road.

Suddenly, within two steps, a thunderbolt shot out from the oblique side of [Before Your Father Died], attacking his vitals.

[Before your father died] He was already tense, the moment the thunder light appeared, he was immediately alert, and immediately gathered spiritual power outside his body to form a small shield.

Lei Guang just happened to defeat his spiritual shield, and then disappeared.

【Before your father died】 I was taken aback.
This seems to be different from what I imagined.

He couldn't help complaining: "What the hell, this attack is too weak to break my defense, and I don't even need to waste much spiritual power to follow it. I just prepared my last words after death!"


【Depend on!Is this really a dead end?The attack power is so low? 】

[That is, did Brother Ba recharge, or else he bribed the dog to plan]

[With such a weak attack, I can do it myself! 】

[Don't be impatient, brothers, this is the first attack, maybe it is the same as the thunder robbery in the novel, it is getting stronger and stronger? 】

【It makes sense, let's see】

【Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it, bet on which attack will kill Ba Ge】

【I bet ten ways】

[Ten ways are too many, I bet three ways! 】

[Wool, can my brother be such a short man?I bet him four ways! 】



Looking at the barrage, [Before your father died] was not so nervous anymore, he was groping along the bridge while interacting with the barrage.

Cautiously walked five meters forward, a throwing knife made entirely of spiritual power struck him.


[Before your father died] easily blocked it again, the power of the throwing knife is very powerful, even more bluffing than the previous thunder light, but after he really touched it, he found that the power of the throwing knife is almost the same as the previous thunder light, Even a little bit weaker.

With doubts, [Before your father died] walked forward cautiously.

As the distance he walked became longer and longer, the various attacks he received became more and more frequent. All kinds of attacks, such as swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks, lightning, freezing, etc., were all aimed at him. call.

And the power of these attacks seems to be getting bigger and bigger, but [Before your father died] is getting more and more confused, because the intensity of these attacks is getting lower and lower, as if it is changing with the level of one's spiritual power.

Every attack can be caught by him just right.

Is this still a dead end?Is it to slowly grind people to death?
[Before your father died] I was shocked in my heart: "Could it be that I really cheated? But why didn't I know?"

The bullet screen at this time was stunned:
[I'm going, when did Brother Ba become so NB?With such frequent and terrifying attacks, I feel that brother Xiaoyao can't handle it, right? 】

【It’s so powerful, if I was inside, I would have GG already, I couldn’t hold on at all】

[I am really convinced today, no wonder people can receive hidden missions, this level of strength is not the same]

[I have a bad premonition, maybe Ba Ge can kill him from the dead end? 】


[High-energy warning ahead, Brother Ba will die soon! 】

[Fart, the live broadcast also TM has a high-energy warning? 】

[I can testify to him that I came back from time travel after 10 minutes, within 10 minutes, BG must die! 】

[I believe you are a ghost, you are a very bad old man]



Even [before my father died] he himself couldn't believe that he had been on the road to death for so long.

As he kept walking, he actually saw the end!
It was a black circle of light, like a portal or something.

[Before my father died] Without hesitation, he walked in directly, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a bright and spacious hall.

At the same time, an old voice rang in his ears: "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the second pass, and the score of the second pass is 34 minutes and [-] seconds."

"Brothers, that's why I just cleared the level?" [Before your father died] his face was full of disbelief, "Is the road just now a way of life or a way of death?"

He slowed down and began to teach the secrets of customs clearance: "Brothers, I am a little confused now. If the road I just walked was a dead end, but those attacks are too weak, they are completely silver-like wax gun heads, It’s meant to scare people; but if it’s said that what I’ve just walked out of is life, what about the treasures everywhere, the fragrance of flowers and the singing of birds?”

"Brothers, think for yourself, anyway, you should be able to pass the level if you take my path."

The bullet screen is also brushed up:

【NB! 】

【NB! 】

【6666666666! 】

【666666666666! 】

[It turns out that the huge offensive that I saw before was all fake, no wonder Ba Ge can follow all of them]

[I really want to know what's going on with the ropeway on the right. Can anyone give it a try? 】

[Did you hear the sound of customs clearance just now? It seems that there are still scores. Could it be that the shorter the clearance time, the higher the score? 】

[It’s possible, but there may be other institutions on the road, if you waste your life in pursuit of time, it’s not worth it, so it’s better to be careful]

[Crowdfunding [-] contribution points, hire warriors to go to the right ropeway!What if there is a treasure on the right? 】

【I contribute a little bit】

[I give two contribution points]

[I give three contribution points]

Li Xiaoyao saw all this in his eyes, and he also had various doubts in his heart.

The test [before your father died] was completely different from the rules that the voice said before.

On the cableway on the left, there is an attack, but it is not fatal. It is not clear whether it is a way of life or a way of death.

"Unless that voice is lying." Li Xiaoyao thought to himself, "We can't take any chances, we have to send another person to the cableway on the right to check the situation."

Li Xiaoyao repeated his old trick and issued the same task to [Shit is not tasty when it is cold], but instead asked him to go to the right cableway to explore.

The live broadcast was also started, and the players were also curious about what happened to the road on the right.

However, what surprised everyone including Li Xiaoyao was that,
There is almost no difference between the two paths!
They are all dark paths, filled with fog, and frequent attacks to fool people.

If it wasn't for Li Xiaoyao's certainty that [shit is not tasty when it's cold] he walked on the right side, he would have thought he was going the wrong way.

Could it be that these two cableways are just a decoration, but they actually lead to a place?Li Xiaoyao thought secretly in his heart.

This time [shit is cold and tasteless], the clearance score was 29 minutes and 14 seconds. Because of Ba Ge's experience, he didn't waste time on the bridge. Apart from dealing with attacks, he was just rushing forward.

Encountered this situation, the players also began to discuss.

【What is this second test looking at? Isn't it luck? 】

[The dog's plan is awesome, it's playing tricks on us! 】

[Dog plan, I advise you to be kind]

[Dog plan, I advise you to be kind]

[Dog plan, I advise you to be kind]

[MD, if I'm not mistaken, it seems that this second level has somehow become a running competition? 】

【Uh, those attacks should still have some delaying effect. Could it be that this test is about comprehensive ability? 】

[I don't understand, I hope that the dog plan doesn't have a design collapse, I want to take a good look at how they get round in the future. 】

Li Xiaoyao probably had a judgment in his heart
This level is not a test of the illusory luck at all, but a test of everyone's self-confidence.

And the reason why that old voice lied was probably to plant the seeds of fear in the hearts of every passerby.

If you find yourself in a dead end as soon as you enter the cableway, I am afraid that anyone will feel a chill in their hearts.

After all, not every monk is as heartless as Disciple Guapi, who doesn't take life seriously.

This time, Li Xiaoyao has a deep understanding of "the brave is invincible".

On the black rock platform, without Li Xiaoyao's urging, Guapi's disciples had already entered the cableway one after another, vowing to pass the level in the shortest time in order to get rewards.

This behavior of Guapi disciples scared the other monks on the field.

The corner of Wang Dao's mouth twitched: "Are they all this strong? Sending them to death on a large scale?"

Li Yunshang asked curiously: "Brother Li, are you going to send your followers to die like this?"

Li Xiaoyao smiled: "The left and right cableways have a 50.00% survival rate. Let them enter the two cableways on average. Wouldn't it be possible for half of them to survive?"

"It's better to lose half of your followers than to lose all of them."

Hearing this, Wang Dao snorted coldly: "Can your entourage be divided into two halves, can your life be divided into two halves? Let me see how you choose!"

Li Xiaoyao smiled: "My generation of monks, walking against the sky, how can we be afraid of death? Fellow Taoists, I will be one step ahead!"

With that said, Li Xiaoyao calmly stepped onto the cableway on the right.

All the monks present, including Li Yunshang, Jiang Feng and others, cast admiring glances at Li Xiaoyao.

Sure enough, if there is a servant, there must be a master!

They are all daring people!

(End of this chapter)

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