Chapter 125

Before Li Xiaoyao entered the cableway, almost all Guapi disciples had already entered the cableway.

Except for hundreds of melon skin disciples who committed suicide, the rest all passed the second level.

Li Xiaoyao watched the whole process of the Guapi disciples clearing the customs, and he had to admire the death-killing abilities of the Guapi disciples!
As soon as some entered, they searched for unfounded treasure chests on the narrow bridge. They didn't care about the attack from the mist at all, and were beaten to death abruptly.

Some people think that the end of the bridge is a trap, but think that falling directly from the bridge is the right way.In their words: "When dog planners design games, what they love most is setting the right path in the least expected place."

In the end, Li Xiaoyao knew their result without even thinking about it. Naturally, they were directly engulfed by the darkness, leaving no bones left.

Some melon skin disciples did not deal with these moths, but faced the attack in the mist in a serious manner, but they really overestimated their own strength and underestimated the difficulty of the second level.

They forcibly pursued the speed of customs clearance, and only cared about rushing forward. They didn't care whether they could withstand the onslaught of attacks. Naturally, they fell directly at the second level.

Li Xiaoyao was no stranger to it, he wasn't used to it any time these melon skin disciples didn't do something wrong.

After observing for such a long time, Li Xiaoyao already has enough understanding of this second level.

Under the amazement of everyone, Li Xiaoyao decisively entered the cableway on the right.

Sure enough, as he had learned before, Li Xiaoyao was teleported to the narrow bridge as soon as he entered the cableway. There was darkness on both sides and mist in front of him.

The corners of Li Xiaoyao's mouth curled up slightly. I want to take the first place in this level!

"Little boy!" Li Xiaoyao called softly with his eyes fixed.

A simple and simple token flew out of the storage ring, and grandma's childish voice came from inside: "Dear Master, the child is ready!"

Li Xiaoyao circulated the spiritual power all over his body, and bursts of blue spiritual power, like flowing water, formed a pair of "spiritual power flowing armor" on the surface of his body.

This is his latest self-created skill, which belongs to the defensive skill. The idea comes from an ancient saying in the kingdom of melon skin - drawing a knife cuts off the water and makes it flow.

The flowing armor formed by flowing spiritual power can effectively deflect the attack received, and the defensive effect is far greater than that of direct condensed armor.

Not only that, blocking is worse than sparse, and the consumption of flowing spiritual power armor is much lower than that of direct condensed armor!
Of course, this method requires a high level of spiritual power control ability for monks. When using it, you must always control the flow of spiritual power. When receiving an attack, you must also adjust the spiritual power flow of the flowing armor according to the different attacks.

Li Xiaoyao himself had to have Xiao Tong's help in order to successfully condense the "spiritual power flow armor".

Feeling the flow of spiritual power on the surface, Li Xiaoyao's confidence soared, and he completely handed over the work of "spiritual power flow armor" to Xiaotong.

The spirit stone in Li Xiaoyao's storage ring began to be consumed, and was used by the boy to maintain his "spiritual power flow armor".

In this way, the spiritual power in Li Xiaoyao's body was released.

He used the "Spirit Gathering Method" to gather the spiritual power of his whole body on his legs.

break out!

Like a shooting star, Li Xiaoyao crashed directly into the fog ahead.

too fast!
It was so fast that even the attacks in the fog could barely keep up!

Countless attacks of various forms rained down on Li Xiaoyao's body and on the "spiritual force flow armor".

Under the control of the little boy, the spiritual power flow armor circulated spiritual power, dispelling most of the attacks, and even using different attacks to let them counteract it by themselves.

Those countless attacks are like raindrops hitting the surface of the lake, only making slight waves on the spiritual power flow armor, completely impenetrable!
While running wildly, Li Xiaoyao felt the fluctuation of spiritual power on his body, and he was overjoyed.

This "spiritual power flow armor" is more powerful than I imagined, so easily resisted several attacks of the same level as myself, and the consumption is still very small.

The Lingli Flow Armor easily dispelled all the attacks in the mist. Even if there was a little consumption, Li Xiaoyao didn't need to worry about it. Xiao Tong would immediately help him make up for it with Lingshi.

Just like that, Li Xiaoyao rushed across the bridge at his fastest speed and entered the black circle of light at the end.

When he opened his eyes again, Li Xiaoyao was already standing in the bright and spacious hall.

The old voice suddenly sounded:

"Congratulations, you successfully passed the second pass, and the score of the second pass is two points and two points?!"

The old voice of Furui Wubo suddenly raised its pitch, as if seeing something unbelievable.

After a long time, and half a moment later, that old voice sounded again, the voice was less indifferent and more gentle:

"Ahem, congratulations to this passer. Your second pass score is 17 minutes and [-] seconds, and you have successfully broken the record of [Sly King]. Congratulations."

Li Xiaoyao also clearly felt the change in the old voice. After hearing this result, a smile appeared on his face.

First, be steady!
In a mysterious space in the cave, a stone tablet emitting white light stood quietly in the void. Suddenly, an old voice came from the stone tablet:

"It's impossible! Two minutes and 17 seconds, even if the old master is reborn, it's impossible for him to be so fast! How did this kid do it?! With his cultivation base, even if he doesn't have the same level of attack and harassment, he can't be so fast!" Clear the level quickly, not to mention that so many attacks are fake? Can't figure it out, can't figure it out."

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao didn't know that his actions had attracted attention, and now he was being surrounded by many melon skin disciples to celebrate.

"Damn, is it against the sky? Two minutes and 17 seconds? The best score among us is Gou Shen. It seems that it took more than 29 minutes. It's too abnormal!"

"I'm really convinced. It took me more than 40 minutes to clear the level. Brother Xiaoyao's time to clear the level is shorter than a fraction of my time!"

"I finally believe it. Brother Xiaoyao is definitely the son of the dog planner. This is too much!"

"I reasonably suspect that there must be a shortcut on that bridge, and Brother Xiaoyao took the shortcut to pass the customs!"

"It's very likely to be easy to attack. I even doubt that when Brother Xiaoyao cleared the level, did the dog plan directly change the background code, directly weakening or even removing all the attacks!"

"Brothers, you are so funny. It's a matter of manually changing the code, but it's so complicated? If I were a planner, I would let the programmer write the result directly. Is the process important? It saves the design!"

"No, I really want to know brother Xiaoyao's customs clearance process just now, why is there no live broadcast?"

"That's right, protest, I want to see Brother Xiaoyao's heroic appearance in clearing the customs!"

"Add one, I want to see it too!"

"Planner Dog, have you heard the voice of the masses? If you don't release the video, it means that you are tricky and opened the back door for brother Xiaoyao!"

"If you ask me, this dog's plan is too stupid. If you want to be number one, you have to act like a little bit. It's enough to win by a narrow margin. Now that you have such an exaggerated result, have you seen it?"

"Dog planner, are you stupid?"

"Stupid? Dog planning?"

Li Xiaoyao never expected that Guapi's disciples did not flatter him this time, but instead questioned the authenticity of his grades.

he can't help shaking his head
It seems that it is time for you to meet the real technology!

Li Xiaoyao saw that the time was still early, and those cowards would probably take a long time to pass the level or just hang up, so he decided to open the eyes of Guapi disciples.

[Ding~Latest system notification: In response to the strong request of the majority of Xiaoyao's disciples, the video of Li Xiaoyao's customs clearance just now is released. All disciples can watch it in the video library of their own system. I hope you can learn from it. 】

As the system notification sounded, every player found that there was an additional video named [Li Xiaoyao's second pass clearance video] in their video library.

The video time is only 17 minutes and [-] seconds, starting from when Li Xiaoyao just entered the narrow bridge, and ending when he passed the second pass.

"I'm going, is this dog planner watching us play games? It's so efficient?"

"Like, like in capital letters! It's been a long time since I played a game planner that takes players' opinions seriously. You deserve your popularity!"

"Sure enough, it's not the leek game I played in the past. Ba Ye has a conscience. There is no charge so far, and there is such a timely service."

"I reasonably suspect that there may be an inner ghost among us, otherwise how could the dog plan react so quickly?"

"If the inner ghost is to better improve the game experience, then let the inner ghost exist!"

While discussing excitedly, the players quickly opened the checkpoint video in the video library.

17 minutes and [-] seconds later
The players were silent at first, and after a few seconds of silence, there was a sudden burst of violent exclamation.

"It's so fucking exciting, this is the customs clearance!"

"On the correct posture for customs clearance!"

"I'm really convinced, Brother Xiaoyao is awesome! (Really breaking sound)"


"Hey, there is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with brother Xiaoyao, I was too petty when I passed the level."

"Look at me, look at you, look at the big old Li next door; big old Li, big old Li, we can't compare at all!"

"I watched it several times in a row. In addition to brother Xiaoyao's amazing speed, I found that the flowing armor on brother Xiaoyao's body played a key role in the process of breaking through the level!"

"That's right, brother, the hero sees the same thing, so many attacks, hitting the blue armor, it's like being absorbed, it can't even break the defense!"

"This should be a spiritual skill, right? It's so strong, I wonder if we can learn it?"

"That's right, I'm so hungry to see it, if we can learn it, wouldn't we be able to kill the enemy by leaps and bounds?"

"If I can learn this trick, I won't have to commit suicide because I can't walk because of residual blood."

"I don't have to have only one arm left after I finish fighting monsters."

After Li Xiaoyao heard the discussion of Guapi's disciples, his heart suddenly moved.

He could teach this self-created spiritual skill to Guapi's disciples, but he was afraid that they would not be able to learn it and use it perfectly.

What's more, it's better to set up a name cleverly, so that they can't get cheap for nothing, otherwise they won't be able to work hard in the future.

Xiaotong saw Li Xiaoyao's thoughts and made a suggestion:
"My lord, why don't you open a shopping mall system, the currency is the contribution value, and this magic skill you created can be sold in the shopping mall!"

According to Xiaotong, although the contribution value is linked to the multiplier of experience (spiritual power), it is still very good as a currency at present, but as the contribution value increases, there will be inflation one day.

Therefore, Li Xiaoyao must find a way to recover the contribution value, so as to ensure the preciousness of the contribution value.

The development city system is the best way to recover contribution value.

Li Xiaoyao asked again: "Then how much contribution value do you think my spiritual skill should sell?"

Xiaotong thought for a while, and replied: "According to Xiaotong's own statistics, among the Guapi disciples, the one with the highest contribution value is [before your father died]. He currently has 1 nine points of contribution, and the second The higher one is [shit is not tasty when it’s cold], he currently has 330 five-point contribution points. In order to make the melon skin disciples have the motivation to struggle and return the contribution points, it’s better to use this skill The selling price is positioned as a fraction of the contribution value of top disciples."

"One thousand contribution points, do you think it's okay?"

Li Xiaoyao thought for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Okay, I will do as you said."

"But this skill still needs a name, um, I've figured it out, let's get started!"

Just when the players were expressing their greed for Li Xiaoyao's body protection skills, the system notification sounded again.

[Ding~ The mall system is officially open! 】

[As the game progresses, we think it's time to open the mall system.From now on, every player who opens their own system panel will see the latest mall system in the lower left corner]

[The currency of the mall system uniformly uses "contribution value". Here, you can buy any exercises, treasures, spiritual skills, and spiritual pets.As long as you have enough contribution points, you can own the whole world! 】

[The mall system is divided into nine floors. The hero medal is the pass to the mall. Only when the player's hero medal level meets certain conditions can he purchase items of the corresponding mall floor. 】

[On the first floor of the shopping mall, you need the ninth-class hero medal (glory value 1~9) to purchase the items in it]

[On the second floor of the shopping mall, you need the eighth-class hero medal (glory value 10~99) to purchase the items in it]

[On the ninth floor of the mall, you need a first-class hero medal (glory value of 100000000 and above) to purchase items in it]

[Note: The first floor of the mall is the player trading floor. Players can sell things they don’t need on the first floor, and the first floor only sells player items (one point is drawn by the system for each transaction).Starting from the second tier, system items are sold. The higher the tier, the higher the value of the items and the higher the required contribution value.The shopping mall system will often engage in activities, and from time to time, certain treasured items from the high-level will appear on the first floor (that is, temporarily cancel the glory value requirement limit, and exchange for a limited time)]

Once the mall was launched, it immediately aroused warm welcome from players.

"Finally out of the mall, bring me some good things!"

"Look quickly, is there any powerful treasure!"

"It's awesome, but why don't you open the recharge system, my wallet is already hungry!"

While discussing, the players happily opened the mall.

Entering the first floor of the shopping mall, it was empty, only a book of spiritual skill cheats exuding light blue lay there alone.

[Happy Wandering Body Art: Defensive spiritual skills, the level of spiritual skills is quasi-high-level spiritual skills (usually appearing above the fourth heaven of the spirit world), created by Li Xiaoyao of the Happy School, and can easily resist the attacks of monks of the same level after cultivation to great success , and even leapfrog battles (Note: This item originally appeared on the fourth floor of the mall, and is currently being exchanged for a limited time) Item price: [-] contribution points]

Under this spiritual skill book, there is also a spiritual skill introduction video, which is clearly the picture of Li Xiaoyao's previous customs clearance.

(End of this chapter)

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