my disciples come from earth

Chapter 132 All Three Chances Failed

Chapter 132 All Three Chances Failed
[Full score in logic, Mr. Wang NB! 】

[After Mr. Wang's analysis, it seems that it is true. There must be shortcuts on this track. Anyway, the rules don't say that you can't play tricks.]

【That's right, look at that Xuanshu is so fat and fast, its strength shouldn't be very good, Master Qingyun, you can try to see if you can control it】

[Great God Qingyun, try attacking the wall, I guarantee with my teacher's personality, there is definitely a shortcut behind the wall! 】

[? ? ?I am your teacher! 】



[Swinging into the Clouds] After a rough scan of the bullet screen, I found that either I let myself attack the mouse and hit the opponent, or I let myself attack the wall and destroy the track.

Although she felt a little unreliable, but because there was no other good way, she had to follow their advice.

At this point the countdown was over, Xuanshu was still lying lazily at the starting point, looking at his anxious opponent with contempt.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] Decided not to deal with Xuanshu, and started to attack the wall of the track, hoping to find a shortcut.

This track is a closed straight line. Although it is said that the line segment between two points is the shortest, if it is put into reality, there will be absolutely no shortcuts on this track.

But this is not reality, and the shortcut may also appear in the form of a teleportation array.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] Attacked directly from the feet, she didn't take advantage of Xuanshu's laziness to run first, but directly condensed all her spiritual power into an attack, and threw it fiercely to the ground under her feet.

The spiritual power surged, causing her to be slightly injured.

However, the ground is still smooth, not even a scratch.

Her face turned dark, and she looked at the Xuanshu next to her.

He found that the xuanshu changed his posture and then lay there, his small eyes like rice grains looked at him curiously, as if he was laughing at his useless efforts.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] A little annoyed, she continued to attack different walls, the left, right, upper, and lower walls were all smashed by her.

However, there is no use for eggs.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] Spread your hands towards the camera: "Old trainees, can you give some useful suggestions to destroy the track, and you can think of it too?"

The bullet screen was extremely lively, and some players said that there must be a shortcut, but it was just that [Fuyao Chuangqingyun] hit the wrong place.He also kept pointing her, asking her to hit a few more walls.

Some players said that there must be no shortcuts. If you want to win, you should start with the fat mouse.

Everyone was arguing so loudly, [Fuyao Chuangqingyun] didn't know who to listen to for a while.

Suddenly, at this moment, the mouse moved.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the plump rat twitched its four calves and nimbly got up from the ground.

An extremely humane disdain appeared on its small green face.

The two front legs patted the dirt on his body, and then gave [Fuyao Chuangqingyun] a middle finger.

Before [Fuyao Chuangqingyun] got angry, Xuanshu disappeared like a beam of light.

Although it is not the first time to see the speed of Xuanshu, the players are still very shocked.

Before the shock on everyone's faces dissipated, another voice came from the wall.

Xuanshu has reached the finish line, [Fuyao Chuangqingyun] failed again, and the second chance was used up.

Standing at the starting point again, [Fuyao Chuangqingyun] looked at the fat mouse still lazily lying beside him, wishing he could slap it to death.

She decided to use the second plan given to her by the barrage, to deal with the Xuanshu first, and then rush to the finish line!
[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] With a sneer on his face, he rushed towards Xuanshu abruptly
How dare you laugh at my old lady, a stinky mouse, and watch my old lady catch you and make soup!

Seeing that her hands were about to cover the Xuanshu successfully, with a "swish", the Xuanshu seemed to turn into a flash of lightning, and moved an inch abruptly, barely avoiding her hands.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] All of a sudden, it was empty.

But the xuanshu didn't even change its lying posture, it just shifted a short distance.

It lifted its tiny hind legs and made a gesture of "come here", and Mi Li's small eyes showed a look of watching a show.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] I was so angry, I didn't expect to be molested by this little thing today!

She pounced on it again, but it was still in vain, and then again, and again, and again, and still in vain.
She felt like she was playing whack-a-mole in real life, or the perverted one.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] I was tired, but I still couldn't catch the little Xuanshu.

The mouse's speed is too fast!
Can't catch it at all!
She had no choice but to use the off-court help again: "Boys, it's not that I didn't try my best, it's because the enemy is too slippery!"

Players who watched the live broadcast had already seen her embarrassed scene. Most of them had no choice but to express their great (excitement), extraordinary (disaster), regret (joy), regret (disaster) on the barrage, and one by one Add (Yin) Oil (Yang) to her and encourage (Strange) Energy (Qi).

Finally, a normal player came up with an idea:
[Since the Xuanshu is so fast that it cannot be caught with hands and feet, then I wonder if this Xuanshu can avoid spiritual attacks?Great God Qingyun, you can use your spiritual power to attack and see if you can hurt it and affect its speed]

At this time, the countdown had already sounded, and Xuanshu was about to stand up and set off, and there was not much time left for [Fuyao Chuangqingyun].

She had no choice but to give it a try, and adopted the relatively reliable suggestion in the barrage.

At this moment, the Xuanshu had already started shaking its short limbs, ready to get up.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] Immediately used the spirit gathering method, and made a blow with all his strength!
A relatively crude attack of spiritual power hit Xuanshu in a daze.
The spiritual power hit the green mouse's belly, the belly was sunken first, then raised again, and the spiritual power bounced back!
[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] Spit out a mouthful of old blood, and was severely injured by his own spiritual power.

Looking at the Xuanshu at this time, he was still lazy, just got up from the ground, and his small eyes were full of disdain.

Immediately, it flew out.

After a few breaths, the end point was reached.

[Fuyao Chuangqingyun] The challenge failed again, and all opportunities were exhausted.

A ruthless voice came from the wall:
"Those who break through the level fail, kill them!"

The next moment, [Fuyao Chuangqingyun]'s body was turned into ashes, and his soul was sucked back by the boy, becoming one of the many players who had died but could not be revived temporarily.

Now she can only temporarily use the game's 720-degree live broadcast function to observe the game world.

"Damn! I'm so mad!"

At the same time, her live broadcast room went dark.

On the black screen, a group of barrage flashed:
【Super Plus enjoy! 】

【Super Plus enjoy! 】

【Super Plus enjoy! 】

Li Xiaoyao was not as optimistic as Guapi's disciples. After watching the live broadcast, he felt the difficulty of this level.

There may be a shortcut, but it must not be easy to find; it may be possible to control the speed of the mouse, but it is not so easy to do.

For all this, there must be enough experimental samples.

However, the challenge of the third level was only given three chances.

That is to say, the passers-by must figure out the key points in the first two times, otherwise they will only end up with death.

Without these thousands of melon skin disciples as test subjects, Li Xiaoyao himself would not be sure of passing the level.

(End of this chapter)

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