Chapter 133

Li Xiaoyao decided to make good use of the advantages of Guapi's disciples.

He posted the latest assignment:

[Call for Clearance Method of the Third Stage of the Weidan Cave Mansion]

[Task Content: Collect all the methods that can pass the third level of the Dandan Cave Mansion, and explore the shortest way to pass the level]

[Task requirements: After all the disciples of Xiaoyao enter the third stage, try to find ways to pass the stage, no matter whether they pass the stage or not, they must post their thoughts on the forum]

[Task Reward: No matter whether it is successful or not, as long as you enter the third level and release the disciples who have passed the concern, you can get a basic reward of 10 points of contribution and 5 points of spiritual power.If you find a way to successfully clear the level, you can get an upgrade reward of 100 contribution points and 50 spiritual power points (note: if you clear the level with the existing customs clearance method, you cannot get the upgrade reward).Among all the announced customs clearance methods, the method with the shortest time ranks among the top three and has additional rewards. 】


After the task was announced, the old god Li Xiaoyao sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for the good news from the Guapi disciples, and at the same time threw the magic pill into his mouth like jelly beans.

Countless Spiritual Transformation Pills erupted in his body, and under Xiaotong's control, he didn't have to worry about his body being unable to withstand the effects of the Spiritual Transformation Pills.

The spiritual power in his body is constantly being purified, compressed, and strengthened, and the spiritual stones in the storage ring are also constantly being consumed to make up for the loss of his own spiritual power during the compression process.

It can be said that every minute and every second, Li Xiaoyao's strength has improved tremendously!

After receiving the task, the players were all excited.

"Great, I can finally earn contribution points again!"

"It's okay to say that the contribution value is mainly the glory value. The output of the glory value in this hegemony is really too little."

"I'll go, 1000 points of spiritual power is enough for me to level up!"

"Brothers, I'm sorry, I just watched the live broadcast of Qingyun Dashen's breakthrough, I have a lot of ideas, I'll go ahead!"

"I'm going too, let's go together!"

Some players rushed to the third level immediately, hoping to gain something; some players adopted a wait-and-see strategy, wanting to see the situation first, and get inspiration from other players' passing concerns; I'm not sure whether it's better to be the first one or the last one will get more rewards.

First-in and last-in have their own advantages.

If you enter the third level first, although you have no previous experience and can only explore by yourself, as long as you can find the way to clear the level, you don't have to worry about duplication of methods, and you will definitely be able to get upgrade rewards.

But if you wait for most of the players to enter, and then enter the third level, you can indeed refer to the experience of the previous players who have broken through the level, but the further you go, the fewer ways to clear the level that have not been discovered. If you want to discover new ways and get upgrade rewards It is also more difficult.

Therefore, most players choose to enter the level in the middle.

Just as Li Xiaoyao closed his eyes and meditated, Li Yunshang and others also entered the third level one after another.

Everyone looks confident, probably because they have a lot of confidence in clearing the customs.

Li Xiaoyao looked at Jiang Feng's back after entering the teleportation array, and thought to himself:
It would be great if Jiang Feng could die in the third level, and it would save me from doing it myself.

Li Xiaoyao knew that his previous remarks could only be hidden from Jiang Feng for a while, but it was impossible to hide it from him forever.

There must be a battle between them!
But even though Li Xiaoyao was at the peak of Qi training at this time, and had five dark imprints on his body, he could still feel the slightest danger when facing Jiang Feng.

Before Li Xiaoyao completely refined the spiritual power in his body, Li Xiaoyao was not sure of defeating Jiang Feng.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyao threw another Spiritual Transformation Pill into his mouth
He has great ambitions, not only hoping to use Hualing Pill to make up for the gap in spiritual power between himself and Jiang Feng and other top talents.

What he wants is to be better.

Stronger than them!
In Li Xiaoyao's current dantian, a small portion of spiritual power has completely turned into a milky white paste, which faintly emits terrifying energy.

On the other side, just as Li Xiaoyao was purifying his spiritual power non-stop, Li Yunshang, Rao Queyao and Jiang Feng had already entered the third level, accepting the challenge of the third level.

As soon as Li Yunshang entered the third level, he immediately looked at the surrounding environment and his opponent - a green mouse lying on the ground.

She didn't dare to underestimate it, and looked around carefully, but she didn't find anything wrong, as if this place was really just a runway, and the inspection of this level was just the speed of the passers-by.

At the first opportunity, Li Yunshang was well-behaved and completely followed the running rules. After the countdown from the wall ended, he ran to the finish line at full speed.

I am running wildly, but the so-called Xuanshu is sleeping.

Li Yunshang didn't dare to be careless at all, while running with all his strength, his vigilance was raised to the extreme.

However, what she didn't expect was that the expected accident did not happen, what appeared was a green mouse flying past her.

"Xuanshu has reached the finish line, and those who break through the level fail!"

After Li Yunshang came to the starting point again, the shock on his face hadn't dissipated.

The speed of this Xuanshu is absolutely unmatched by others, not to mention their Qi-refining period monks, I am afraid that among the foundation-building monks, people who can have this speed are rare.

Li Yunshang immediately realized that it would be difficult to pass the level if he used conventional methods.

Her brain was running rapidly, and she immediately thought of two plans.

Li Yunshang didn't dare to waste time since his life was at stake.

She first attacked the surrounding walls, and after finding that the walls could not be shaken at all, she immediately changed her strategy and started to capture the squirrels.

To her dismay, however, that approach didn't work either.

The mouse is moving too fast!
When she hoped to use the strongest hole card to attack Xuanshu, hoping to kill it directly, once and for all.

Reality slapped Li Yunshang.

Her own attack was bounced back, almost killing her directly!


When Li Yunshang took a breath, Xuanshu had already reached the finish line.

Second chance, fail!

"There is only one last chance left." Li Yunshang desperately tried to calm himself down, and thought seriously again.

She looked at the sluggish mouse in front of her who was basking in the sun, with a serious expression on her face.

Suddenly, Li Yunshang seemed to have thought of something, and she took out a tall red vial from the storage ring.

Faintly, you can see the brown emulsion flowing inside.

Li Yunshang's face showed pain, and he muttered to himself: "I hope this will work."

As she spoke, she quietly stepped forward, slowly unscrewed the cap of the red vial, and dumped it in front of the mouse.

An unspeakable smell spread out in the small space.

Li Yunshang frowned slightly, and slightly covered her nose with her right hand, as if she couldn't bear the smell.

Look at the Xuanshu again, after smelling this smell, it changed its previous lazy posture, and its small green triangular nose moved up and down, as if it smelled something rare from mountains and seas.

When it saw the brown emulsion in front of it, Mi Li's small eyes immediately lit up, and jumped up from the ground with a "bass", and came to the brown liquid in an instant.

It stuck out its tongue tentatively, touched the brown liquid, and took a sip.

In an instant, Xuanshu's little green face flushed with blush, and his face was full of intoxication.

Boom~ Boom, Boom!

Xuanshu couldn't take two steps, and fell to the ground.

Only then did Li Yunshang show a satisfied smile on his face. He stepped forward and patted Xuanshu's body. He was dead, clearly in a deep coma.

Li Yunshang shook his head: "Aren't you running fast? How dare you despise me, in front of my [Spiritual Beast's Faint Liquid], let's see how arrogant you are!"

Suppressing her nausea, she collected the brown liquid on the ground back into the red vial.

This [Spiritual Beast Fainting Liquid] is a treasure bestowed to the sect by the great figures of the Second Heaven. It is very cherished. It is said that even the spirit beasts of the Jindan stage can be fascinated, let alone such a small thing.

After putting away the vial, Li Yunshang's eyes showed pride, and she took out a small brown bag from the storage ring, which was clearly a [Spirit Beast Bag] specially used for collecting spirit beasts.

Injecting spiritual power into the spirit beast bag, the spirit power of the spirit beast bag swelled, and it instantly became larger, and it contained the comatose squirrel on the ground.

Looking at the bulging spirit beast bag, the flesh pain on Li Yunshang's face was relieved a lot: "Although I used a lot of [Spirit Beast Fainting Liquid], getting a Xuanshu is considered a profit .”

After finishing all this, she ran towards the finish line.

After stepping into the finish line, Li Yunshang came to an ancient temple after a while of dizziness.

An old voice sounded:

"Congratulations to the passer, you have successfully passed the third pass with a score of 36 minutes and [-] seconds."

Li Yunshang looked around and found that the ancient temple was empty.

She is the first to clear the level!

Li Yunshang was determined.
This time I used [Spiritual Beast Fainting Liquid], I will definitely win the first place!

While Li Yunshang was secretly proud, Rao Queyao had already wasted two chances in the third pass.

In the first two opportunities, Rao Queyao also tried various methods, but they all failed.

And the rest is the last chance.

Rao Queyao stood at the starting point with a struggling face.

Seeing that the countdown had passed and Xuanshu was about to set off, the struggle on Rao Queyao's face disappeared, replaced by firmness.

"I'm reluctant to let the child catch the wolf!"

She flipped her right hand, and a black talisman appeared in her palm.

The talisman is very mysterious, with purple lines spreading on it, and it seems that there is mysterious power contained in it.

"seal up!"

Rao Queyao muttered something, and after the spell was over, the black talisman instantly turned into an iron-colored cage, trapping the Xuanshu firmly.

Xuanshu hesitated at first, then showed anger on his green face, his four calves shook violently, and wanted to turn into light and escape.

The Xuanshu slammed hard on the iron cage made of talismans, then bounced back, and fell to the ground hard.

"Zhizhi~" Xuanshu felt the pain, and then tried in all directions, but found that he couldn't escape at all.

Rao Queyao's face was cold: "Wasting my only [Sealing Spirit Talisman] is worthy of your speed."

This [Spirit Sealing Talisman] is an eighth-rank one-time seal-like talisman, a treasure that Rao Queyao obtained by accident. She has always regarded it as a treasure, but she never thought that it would be used here today.

But this [Spirit Sealing Talisman] can save his life, so it is not a waste.

Without thinking too much, Rao Queyao didn't hesitate at all, and quickly rushed to the finish line with his movements.

She also wants to pursue a good ranking in the third level, hoping to get a few more dark marks.

After Rao Queyao entered the ancient temple, he was surprised to find that Li Yunshang was already in it.

A faint smile appeared on Li Yunshang's face. Although Rao Queyao was a hidden arrogance, and was stronger than him in strength and talent, he was still overwhelmed by him today.

Until the old voice reported Rao Queyao's results.

Fourteen minutes and 59 seconds.

Li Yunshang's face changed again, he didn't expect Rao Queyao's grades to be better than his own!
Li Yunshang went forward to meet her: "Miss Rao, I didn't expect you to be so fast. In order to pass this third level, you must have shed a lot of blood, right?"

Rao Queyao was in a peaceful state of mind: "Isn't Fairy Li the same, but as long as you can pass the level, the others are just things outside of you."

Just as the two were polite on the surface, Jiang Feng was undergoing the test in the third pass.

Jiang Feng never thought that one day he would have sex with a little mouse!
The most important thing is that even if he used all his strength, there is nothing he can do about this little mouse!

Jiang Feng also used his third chance at this time.

In the first two chances, Jiang Feng tried several times, and found that the raccoon rat was invulnerable, difficult to catch, and difficult to kill.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

In the end, Jiang Feng had no choice but to settle for the next best thing. He didn't want to hurt Xuanshu, but just wanted to slow down the speed of Xuanshu.

Just in case, Jiang Feng took a black pill at the beginning of the third chance.

This medicine is called [Shengling Pill], which belongs to the seventh-grade nine-star elixir. It can stimulate the potential of monks at the foundation-building stage and below in a short period of time. It is the treasure at the bottom of Jiang Feng's pressure box.

After he took [Spiritual Ascension Pill], his strength suddenly increased by [-]%!
Before the countdown in the wall started, Jiang Feng rushed out of the starting point.

He has long understood that all the rules of the levels here are decorations, but in fact there are no rules!
As Jiang Feng ran forward, he arranged a formation behind him to hinder Xuanshu's footsteps, and quickly absorbed the spirit stones to restore his spirit power.

In order to ensure that the spiritual power can keep up, he also specially took out the spiritual crystal fragments, so that the absorption efficiency will be much higher.

When Xuanshu slowly got up, Jiang Feng had already run away for a long time, and set up a large number of blocking formations behind him.

The four short legs of the mouse started to shake.
Start and run!


Bang bang bang bang!
Xuanshu ran all the way, smashing through Jiangfeng's formation all the way, and his speed was greatly restricted.

However, even so, the distance between Xuanshu and Jiangfeng was rapidly closing.

Jiang Feng was concentrating on arranging his own project, and suddenly felt that the first square formation was broken.

Followed by second party, third party, fourth party
The formation he had arranged before was being quickly broken.

Jiang Feng's heart tightened, which meant that Xuanshu was catching up from behind him quickly!

He hastened to speed up the speed of the seals on his hands, and his feet were even faster.

But even so, Jiang Feng could still feel that Xuanshu was getting closer, and the distance between himself and the finish line.
Still very long!

(End of this chapter)

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