my disciples come from earth

Chapter 137 Li Yunshang, die!

Chapter 137 Li Yunshang, die!
The players threw the spirit crystal fragments and spirit transformation pills into the mall, and everyone's contribution value skyrocketed!

They were very satisfied and thought this event was really conscientious.

The old voice sounded again.

"Now open the fourth level, the chaos level!"

"This level is a group level, and all passers-by must enter together."

"After entering the level, there are no rules, and the first goal is to survive."

"If you can't hold on, you can call [Exit] at any time to exit the checkpoint. The total duration of persistence is everyone's score."

"In the final score ranking, the top three passers survived. The rest of the passers shall be wiped out!"

"Wish you guys good luck."

After hearing the rules, Li Xiaoyao was speechless
Isn't this making trouble?
Only the top three can survive, so who will die?
If you don't count the Guapi disciples who can be resurrected afterwards, plus yourself, there are four people present.

It means that after this level is over, among himself, Li Yunshang, Jiang Feng, and Rao Queyao, at least one person will die!
His eyes were dim, and he looked at Li Yunshang and others in the distance.

But it was discovered that Li Yunshang, Rao Queyao and Jiang Feng had gathered together at this moment, talking about something calmly.

Li Xiaoyao's heart trembled.
Could it be that the three of them are collaborating?Want to kick me out?

Although Li Xiaoyao now has a total of thirteen dark imprints and dao marks on his body, because the concentration of spiritual power in his body has not been completely completed, some of the spiritual power in his body cannot be used at all at this time.

His current state is that although he seems to be able to act freely on the surface, in fact, only the part of the spiritual power he can mobilize is successfully condensed and turned into a white paste-like spiritual power ointment.

The remaining spiritual power, which is still a mixture of gas and liquid, is under the control of Xiao Tong, constantly absorbing the medicinal power of the Hualing Pill, and constantly concentrating and strengthening it.

At this moment, the piles of top-grade spirit stones and spirit transformation pills in Li Xiaoyao's storage ring were being consumed continuously.

With his current physical condition, if he faced Li Yunshang who was on the ninth level of Qi Refining, he still had the strength to fight.

But no matter which one was facing Jiang Feng or Rao Queyao, Li Xiaoyao was not sure of defeating him.

Because until now, he still couldn't see through their cultivation.

Li Xiaoyao's current cultivation is at the peak of Qi refining, and people he can't see through are supposed to be strong in the foundation building stage.

However, this strange alchemy cave is restricted to monks who are under the Foundation Establishment Stage to enter, which shows that they are not in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Li Xiaoyao believes that they have probably reached the threshold of foundation building, but they haven't really built a foundation, so let's count it as a half-step foundation building.

If the three join forces, Li Xiaoyao thinks his chances of winning are very low.

Just when Li Xiaoyao was thinking about whether to reveal the secret of the resurrection of the melon skin disciples at this level, and use the infinite melon skin disciples to protect himself, Li Yunshang walked towards Li Xiaoyao with an angry face.

Li Xiaoyao's heart shuddered, and his surface was very calm. He wanted to see what Li Yunshang wanted to do when he came here at this time.

Li Yunshang came forward, saluted lightly, with a bit of indignation in his tone, and said slowly:

"Brother Li, my younger sister is now an outcast. I don't know if Brother Li can take in my younger sister."

According to Li Yunshang's words, it was Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao who had formed an alliance and decided to exert their strength in this fourth pass.

But when Li Yunshang came forward to seek cooperation with them, they looked down on Li Yunshang's strength and deliberately drove her away.

Li Yunshang had no choice but to seek Li Xiaoyao's cooperation.

Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly
Based on his experience of being tricked several times in the past two months, he felt that Li Yunshang was not telling the truth.

Could it be that she is an undercover agent?
But what are you drawing?

From the perspective of the three of them, wouldn't it be as simple as picking something out of a pocket if the three of them shot at themselves together?
Suddenly, Li Xiaoyao saw more than 1000 melon skin disciples surrounding him, and he suddenly understood.

They are afraid of their so-called followers.

In the previous three levels, in addition to the rewards given to Guapi's disciples, Li Xiaoyao also distributed a large amount of spiritual power in order to quickly improve the strength of his disciples.

Of course, the wool came from the sheep, and these spiritual powers naturally came from the spiritual crystal fragments they handed in.

Of the more than 1000 melon skin disciples left now, almost all of them have stepped into the middle level of Qi refining, and even a small number of melon skin disciples have reached the seventh level of Qi refining and have become part of the high-level Qi refining monks. member.

These more than 1000 middle and high-level monks have considerable strength, enough to make them afraid.

Li Xiaoyao smiled inwardly. If Li Yunshang was plotting something, it was probably because he wanted to get close to him, so let's do it while he was not paying attention.

Li Xiaoyao has become extremely cautious since the last time he fell on Leng Jiangqiu, the saint of the Medicine Pavilion.

He decided that no matter whether Li Yunshang was genuinely surrendering or pretending to cooperate, he would act first.

On the surface, Li Xiaoyao pretended to be hypocritical:
"Fairy thinks highly of me. Only three people can live in this level. Even if my followers are excluded, one of the four of us must die."

"Does Fairy think that just the two of us can fight against Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao?"

Li Yunshang smiled: "In terms of talent, we may not be as good as the two of them, but the number of people is often a key factor in determining the outcome."

"Brother Li still has more than 1000 dead soldiers, and my younger sister has also been honored by Brother Li."

As he said that, Li Yunshang's pretty face like a lotus came out of water, and there was a hint of coquettishness, and his body and Li Xiaoyao got closer and closer.

Li Xiaoyao could even ask about the faint fragrance on Li Yunshang's body.

He was speechless.
Did you even use the beauty trick?
Too bad it doesn't work for me.

Li Xiaoyao remembered that the old man had taught him all kinds of tricks and ways to resist them since he was a child.

But only beauty tricks, the old man didn't teach himself.

Li Xiaoyao asked why at that time, but the old man only said some strange words, which seemed to be said to Li Xiaoyao, and seemed to be talking to himself:

"Beauty trap? If the day comes when we are interested in female sex, he should come back. It won't be too far from the final outcome."

Li Xiaoyao never understood what the old man said at that time, he only knew that the beauty trick was really useless to him.

Because he himself doesn't seem to be interested in female sex at all.

Whether it is a princess who is overwhelmed by the country, or a fairy who is ashamed of flowers and closed the moon, Li Xiaoyao only has admiring eyes and has no other thoughts at all.

In his eyes, beautiful women are no different from handsome men.

It turned out that he didn't know why until recently, after Li Xiaoyao often surfed the Internet in Guapi Kingdom, he found that Guapi Kingdom also had the same symptoms.

"So I'm crooked!" Li Xiaoyao thought he understood.

However, Li Xiaoyao didn't know that the so-called "curvy" was actually interested in male sex.

However, he does not eat both men and women.

All in all, no matter what the reason is, Li Xiaoyao really does not take advantage of beauty tricks.

Just like now, Li Yunshang sacrificed his appearance, not only did not confuse Li Xiaoyao, but made him more sober.

If Li Xiaoyao was cautious before, he only guessed that Li Yunshang might be an undercover agent, but after she resorted to a beauty trick, Li Xiaoyao can almost be sure that Li Yunshang is definitely tricky!
Li Xiaoyao pretended to be obsessed with sex, and smiled all over his face:

"Don't worry, Sister Fairy, I will definitely protect you, so don't worry!"

A trace of disgust flashed in Li Yunshang's smiling eyes, and then smiled again:
"Brother Li, you must remember what you said, and you must not let others go."

——What a disgusting bumpkin, if it wasn't for making meritorious service in front of Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao, I wouldn't take the initiative to seduce this kind of rubbish.

In his heart, Li Yunshang had scolded Li Xiaoyao half to death.

——Let's make you proud now, when you enter the fourth level, there will be your death!
In the distance, Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao stood together, seeing Li Xiaoyao and Li Yunshang having a happy conversation, they also started talking.

Rao Queyao: "Living dead, do you think that Li Xiaoyao will believe it?"

Jiang Feng snorted coldly: "Whether he believes it or not, he is dead. You don't think that he can be our opponent if he has obtained more than a dozen Dao marks."

Rao Queyao shook his head: "Of course not, if it wasn't for the pursuit of a stronger Dao foundation, deliberately suppressing cultivation, you and I have already entered the foundation building stage, how can this kind of ants who haven't touched the foundation building threshold be comparable. "

She paused, and then said: "But after all, the opponent has a large number of people, and we haven't started to transform the base. If the vitals are injured, there is still a certain danger. If Li Yunshang can really directly take down Li Xiaoyao, the thief will be the first to capture the king. Then it’s okay to save her life.”

A cruel smile appeared on Jiang Feng's terrifying face: "Li Xiaoyao's life is mine!"

Rao Queyao narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and finally nodded.

After Jiang Feng had been in contact with Li Xiaoyao for such a long time, he became more suspicious of Li Xiaoyao after discovering how extraordinary Li Xiaoyao was.

Jiang Feng was almost certain that this Li Xiaoyao played an important role behind the deaths of the disciples of the Medicine Pavilion, the Saintess, and the Great Elder.

Therefore, he wanted Li Xiaoyao's life!

And this fourth hurdle is the best opportunity.

Just when everyone was thinking, the old voice sounded again:
"It seems that you have already thought of a countermeasure, so let's start."

"However, before the fourth level begins, I still have a word to warn you."

"On the road to immortality, although competition is an important means, the power of cooperation should not be underestimated."

"In this level, if you persist long enough, there will be a big surprise waiting for you."

"Come on, passers-by!"

After the old voice fell, the boundless darkness suddenly struck, drowning everyone.

When they opened their eyes again, they had already arrived at a vast and boundless plain.

The plain can't be seen at a glance, it seems to be infinite.

There is no living thing on the plain, not even a weed.

This is an extremely desolate world!


Before everyone was familiar with the environment, the ground suddenly began to shake violently.

Li Yunshang, Jiang Feng, and Rao Queyao all had serious expressions on their faces, and they were always on guard for the upcoming changes.

There was no tension on the faces of the players, but they were all very happy:

"I'll go, big production!"

"Yeah, the ground is cracked. The monsters in this level don't come out of the ground, do they?"

"I finally experienced the feeling of an earthquake. I have never lived in an earthquake zone since I was a child, and I finally learned a lot today."

"Hello, your mother. As a person who has experienced three earthquakes, I can tell you responsibly that this is at least a magnitude five or higher earthquake, and the source of the earthquake is very shallow. It may be under our feet!"

"I finally encountered a monster. I haven't fought a monster for a long time, and my hands are itchy."

"That's right, there is a monster fight, so can I get spiritual power again? It's cool!"

"I don't know the monsters in this dungeon, how about their spiritual power, generally speaking, the dungeons will have more experience than the wild monsters on the big map."

Li Xiaoyao was also happy. He originally planned to come in and give Li Yunshang a fatal blow, and he didn't want to leave a time bomb by his side.

But Li Yunshang is also a master of the ninth level of Qi refining after all, it is still difficult to attack her silently.

But this big earthquake provided Li Xiaoyao with the perfect timing.

Li Xiaoyao secretly used the spirit gathering method, and then took out the barrier-breaking sword "given" to him by Rao Queyao from the storage ring, pretending to be vigilant around him.

His behavior did not attract Li Yunshang's attention, because except for the melon skin disciple who had no weapons, everyone else took out their weapons, ready to deal with the danger that would come at any time.

Li Xiaoyao poured all the spiritual power he could mobilize into the barrier-breaking sword, and the originally sharp and white body of the sword was immediately covered with an alternating green and black film.

Originally, when Li Xiaoyao used the spirit-gathering method to gather spiritual power on the sword, he would show his sharpness, but now with the addition of dark Dao marks, he appeared more restrained.

Although the edge is restrained, the power is even higher!
While everyone was focusing on the cracks that appeared on the ground, Li Xiaoyao quietly moved behind Li Yunshang.

Suddenly, a Guapi disciple pointed at the crack, danced and shouted excitedly:

"Look, it's a stone man!"

Everyone's eyes were instantly gathered.

A stone man made of yellow rock crawled out of the crack, exuding a dangerous aura.

Judging by his aura, his strength is roughly equivalent to that of a monk at the seventh level of Qi Refining.

The gigantic head emerges from the crack, causing awe.

Li Yunshang couldn't help but poked his head to look, still thinking about what kind of monster it was, and whether it had any serious problems.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoyao was overjoyed
good chance!
While Li Yunshang's attention was almost entirely on the stone man, Li Xiaoyao suddenly drew his sword!

Kill the chicken with a sword!
Without any hindrance, the barrier-breaking sword directly broke through Li Yunshang's protective spiritual power and penetrated into her heart!

Li Yunshang spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were wide open, he turned around with difficulty, and slowly fell to the ground.

Her eyes were full of disbelief, she pointed her right finger at Li Xiaoyao, her lips moved slightly, trying to speak with all her strength.

"You, why?"

Li Yunshang couldn't figure out why Li Xiaoyao did it first, since he hadn't attacked Li Xiaoyao yet.

Could it be that Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao sold themselves?
She must ask clearly before she can die in peace.

However, she hadn't finished her question yet.

Li Xiaoyao's spiritual power struck again, turning her into fly ash, leaving only a storage ring on the ground where she was lying.

Li Xiaoyao patted his chest and muttered to himself with lingering fear:
"Fortunately, I was quick and killed her completely. She must have been preparing to release her own life-saving means just now. Fortunately, I killed the spell before she could say it. It seems that the enemy who will turn into ashes in the future is the only one." the safest."

Li Xiaoyao has learned his lesson thoroughly since being beaten twice by Leng Jiangqiu last time, and even became suspicious.

If Li Yunshang knew what Li Xiaoyao was thinking, he might be so angry that he would come back to life and die again.
Am I not even worthy of a last word?

(End of this chapter)

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