my disciples come from earth

Chapter 138 Li Xiaoyao's Rogue Style

Chapter 138 Li Xiaoyao's Rogue Style

Not only did Li Yunshang not expect Li Xiaoyao's sudden attack, but it caught Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao by surprise.

With a cold face, Jiang Feng spit out two words in a hoarse voice:


Although I don't know when Li Yunshang showed his flaws, the final result is that Li Yunshang was completely defeated!
Jiang Feng frowned slightly. He originally thought that even if Li Yunshang couldn't take Li Xiaoyao down completely, at least he would cause some losses to Li Xiaoyao.

He never expected that Li Xiaoyao killed Li Yunshang cleanly and almost without paying any price.

Rao Queyao had roughly the same thoughts as Jiang Feng.

But even though she was unhappy in her heart, there was still a charming and enchanting smile on her face.

From a short distance away, she smiled coquettishly at Li Xiaoyao:
"You can destroy flowers with your hands, little brother Li, you really don't understand style, and you killed Li Yunshang just like that. Do you know that if it was on another battlefield, she would be considered a stunner."

Li Xiaoyao's complexion remained unchanged, and he said with a faint smile: "Fairy Rao, it's not that Li doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade. It's just that she wants to harm me, so I can only act first."

"A beautiful woman who wants to kill me, what a flower, it's just a snake and a scorpion."

"Li has no luck, why don't I send Fairy Rao to meet Fairy Li, and the two of you can compete in another battlefield?"

Li Xiaoyao laughed.

Rao Queyao's smile disappeared immediately, and a haze appeared between her brows.

"Li Xiaoyao, you don't eat a toast, you don't eat fine wine, you don't think you can fight us with your more than 1000 followers, do you?"

Jiang Feng sneered and said: "Don't talk nonsense with this kid, this person has a grudge against me, kill him directly, and then deal with these stone men!"

Rao Queyao turned his eyes slightly, and smiled secretly: "But my family doesn't have any deep hatred with this little brother Li."

Jiang Feng's expression froze, he naturally knew what Rao Queyao meant.

Rao Queyao agreed to get rid of one person because of the fact that three places were divided between four people.

Now that Li Yunshang is dead and there are enough places, Rao Queyao naturally has no reason to do it.

"I owe you a favor." A deep and hoarse voice slowly spit out from Jiang Feng's mouth.

Rao Queyao smiled like a flower: "Deal!"

Li Xiaoyao heard it clearly from a distance, and said with a faint smile: "Fairy Rao, don't trust a man's words. I'm afraid he won't be able to return his favor to you, because he will die today!"

When the swords were tense between the three, countless stone men came out from the ground, all of them looked fierce and full of hostility towards them, the passers-by.

Many peripheral melon skin disciples have already fought against the stone man.

These stone men are the enemies of this level!

Rao Queyao and Jiang Feng were also surrounded by stone men.

Li Xiaoyao stood among Guapi's disciples, not worried about Jiang Feng's threat at all.

He observed these stone men carefully, and found that they were all at the seventh level of the Qi refining period.

Although the strength is not high, but it can't stand the volume!
When Li Xiaoyao thought about the result of this level, he judged by the length of time he persisted in the level, and he immediately came up with a guess.

These stone people are very likely to be infinite!
At this time, more and more stone men appeared. If Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao wanted to jointly attack themselves, they had to step over the stone men between them before they could attack themselves.

Li Xiaoyao looked at Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao who were jointly cleaning up the Stone Man at this time, and was silent in his heart.
You just attacked like this, do you really think I can't run?
Although Li Xiaoyao really wanted to fight against the two of them to test his current strength.

But he is not stupid, even if he wants to fight, he will not give the opponent a chance to attack.

Li Xiaoyao thought of a good way, maybe in this level, Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao could be directly ground to death with these stone men.

"Both of you, if you want to kill me, then chase after me first! Younger brother, go first." Li Xiaoyao stood safely among the Guapi disciples, and the Guapi disciples opened the way and left in the opposite direction.

Li Xiaoyao smiled, and to Jiang Fengrao and Queyao, he said something interesting that he saw in the Guapi Kingdom recently: "If you catch me, I will let you hehehe."

Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao: "."

A quarter of an hour later.

A huge yellow fist slammed fiercely at Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng didn't change his face, and when he raised his right hand, he turned the huge stone man above his head into pieces.

The fragments fell on the ground, as if they were alive, they gradually wriggled and reassembled into a new stone man.

In just a few tens of breaths, Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao wiped out dozens of stone men.

However, no matter what methods they use, they can only smash the stone men. The broken stones will still synthesize new stone men and attack them again.

Endless, there is no end to kill!

Rao Jiang Feng, the dead man couldn't help frowning at this moment: "It's not the way to go on like this."

He looked at Li Xiaoyao who was smiling peacefully at him in the distance, and shook his head: "I can't keep up with that guy's speed. Although his followers are low in cultivation, they are large in number, which is beneficial here. The speed of cleaning up the stone man is faster." faster than us."

At this time, the distance between Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao and Li Xiaoyao was getting farther and farther, and there were more and more stone figures between them.

Seeing this situation, Rao Queyao narrowed her eyes, and suddenly laughed again: "Don't worry, don't worry, the winner is the one who laughs last."

Jiang Feng said coldly: "Why?"

Rao Queyao smiled lightly: "Don't you think his followers won't die? Just look around Li Xiaoyao, is the number of people around Li Xiaoyao less than when he first entered this level?"

Jiang Feng nodded, trying to understand the key.

Although Li Xiaoyao has many followers, he can be protected temporarily.

But after all, these entourages are relatively low-level, and they should have lost a lot in the fight with the stone man. When the number of Li Xiaoyao's entourage gradually decreases, their speed will also slow down.

A sneer appeared on Jiang Feng's terrifying face: "It seems that that guy won't live long, just wait."

For a while, Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao changed their strategy.

Before, they were pursuing the ultimate attack, hoping to increase their killing speed and catch up with Li Xiaoyao as soon as possible.

But now, they turned from offense to defense, trying to use time to grind Li Xiaoyao's followers to death.

Li Xiaoyao was strolling leisurely among the melon skin disciples at this time, watching the melon skin disciples shouting and killing around them.

Even though the number of melon skin disciples next to him was gradually decreasing, there was no trace of panic on his face.

Li Xiaoyao smiled, as if he heard Rao Queyao's calculation in the distance
Sorry, my disciples are immortal!

He unhurriedly released a new mission:
[The last carnival, unlimited monster killing! 】

[Task content: In the fourth level, temporarily open the player's resurrection qualification, and every player can participate in the hunting of the stone man]

[Task Rewards: According to the number of monsters killed, the top [-] will have different spiritual power and contribution rewards! 】

That's right, this is Li Xiaoyao's plan.

He wanted to use Guapi's disciples to grind Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao to death!

(End of this chapter)

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