my disciples come from earth

Chapter 139 Crazy Improvement of Strength

Chapter 139 Crazy Improvement of Strength
At the same time as the task was announced, Li Xiaoyao signaled Xiao Tong to resurrect all the Guapi disciples who had died before.

In an instant, the crowd around Li Xiaoyao more than doubled in size!
Facing the powerful stone man, the Guapi disciples suddenly lost pressure.

At this moment, the players have worked together to kill many Golems, and found that although the Golems can be resurrected, after each Golem dies, they can indeed obtain a lot of spiritual power.

In just a short while, many players have already upgraded.

Li Xiaoyao naturally also discovered this situation. During the mad killing of the stone man by the disciples of Guapi, countless spiritual power also gushed out from the void, overflowing into his dantian meridians.

This is exactly the energy from the Guapi disciples killing monsters.

Although Li Xiaoyao was stuck at the peak of Qi training and could not break through, the influx of new energy just helped him complete the concentration and strengthening of his spiritual power.

At this time, the spiritual power in his dantian meridian was still under the action of the Spirit Transforming Pill, constantly changing from gas to liquid, and then from liquid to paste spiritual power.

Li Xiaoyao's face showed joy, he didn't expect that this pass could speed up his progress in concentrating and strengthening his spiritual power, and left him with a large amount of spiritual stones.

However, he still has some doubts at this time:

"Little boy, can you also recover energy from this stone man?"

The little boy said triumphantly, "My lord, it's a matter of course!"

According to Xiaotong's explanation, Li Xiaoyao finally understood.

It turns out that although the stone man can be reorganized infinitely, it also needs energy to drive it.Whenever a stone man is crushed, Xiaotong will secretly absorb the energy that drives it, and then give it back to Li Xiaoyao and Guapi disciples in proportion.

Just looking at Xiaotong's energy storage pool at this time, it is already full of money.

Li Xiaoyao laughed, it seems that this strange alchemy cave is really his blessed land!
On the other side, all the players who received the mission were also excited.

"The last carnival? Is this the last level?"

"By the way, isn't there a total of ten levels?"

"Is there anyone who hangs up too much? Let me explain what this level is about. I died in the first level, and I have been recovering from sleep. It was the beep in the helmet that woke me up."

"Kill monsters, there are so many monsters, kill them to your heart's content!"

"Does it have spiritual power?"

"Of course, it's about the same value as the monsters outside, hurry up, brother, I've already risen to a level!"

"I'll go, awesome, this is an infinite practice room!"

"Hello, your mother! I'm going to reach the foundation building stage this time!"

"Come on!"


Li Xiaoyao was very satisfied with the enthusiasm of Guapi's disciples. He looked at Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao who were struggling to resist the stone man in the distance, and he had already set the date of death for them in his heart.

It's today!

Across the large number of stone people, Jiang Feng and Rao Queyao could vaguely see them walking freely among the stone people.

Their faces were indifferent, and they moved at a leisurely pace, calmly responding to the attacks of the stone men around them.

Suddenly, Rao Queyao spat out a little hey, as if he saw something strange.

She looked at the crowd where Li Xiaoyao was in the distance, and slightly frowned:
"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that the number of Li Xiaoyao's entourage is not right, as if... the more they die, the more they die?"

"Huh!" Jiang Feng threw a black horse with his right hand, crushing the three stone men beside him, and sneered:

"Hu Meizi, after all, you are also a hidden genius who is as famous as me, how could you say such stupid words, how could people die more and more?"

Rao Queyao couldn't care less about Jiang Feng's sneering tone, she was shocked, and she pointed in Li Xiaoyao's direction with her plain finger.

"This is impossible! Where did he get so many followers?!" Rao Queyao lost his composure in a rare way.

Seeing Rao Queyao's terrified expression, Jiang Feng frowned, looked in the direction of Rao Queyao's finger, and said with disdain:
"What's all the fuss about? Could it be that Li Xiaoyao can still conjure up followers?!"

Before Jiang Feng finished speaking, he swallowed it back abruptly.

In his eyes at this time, the crowd where Li Xiaoyao was, not only did not decrease as they expected, but it also increased.

The number of Li Xiaoyao's entourage has obviously increased by four or five times compared to when he entered the fourth level!
"This is impossible!" Jiang Feng could no longer maintain the coldness on his face, his face was full of disbelief.

Rao Queyao was in a trance for a moment, and then came back to his senses.

"Living dead, it seems that we still underestimated this opponent, his methods are not simple!"

There was still doubt in Jiang Feng's hoarse voice: "But, what method can be used to hide this tricky alchemy cave and forcibly conjure people?"

This scene, which totally did not conform to normal laws, shook Jiang Feng's world view in his heart.

Rao Queyao breathed a sigh of relief, a trace of covetousness flashed in her beautiful eyes:
"If I'm not wrong, it's because of the magic weapon of the cave."

"Cave Heaven magic weapon?" Jiang Feng frowned.

"That's right, it's the magic weapon of the cave." Rao Queyao said with certainty.

She knocked away a stone man who rushed forward, and said slowly:
"You came to Xuanwu City late, so you probably didn't know about it. As early as in the city, there were rumors that this person had a storage ring that could pretend to be a living person. I was still disdainful when I heard it. How could it appear in a small Xuanwu City?"

"But now it seems that this kid does possess such a treasure, a magical treasure!"

Speaking of the latter, Rao Queyao's tone was clearly agitated, and there was a strong look of covetousness in his eyes.

Under the temptation of this kind of treasure, even she cannot escape.

"Hiss—!" Jiang Feng trembled all over, it turned out to be a magic weapon in the cave!
Immediately, the way he looked at Rao Queyao changed, he wanted to take this opportunity to himself.

Seeing Jiang Feng's expression, Rao Queyao smiled faintly: "Kill this kid first, and as for the treasure, when the time comes, each depends on his ability."

Jiang Feng nodded and agreed to Rao Queyao's proposal.

Only then did the shock on his face fade away, and a hoarse voice came out:
"So, this kid doesn't have any earth-shattering means, but he's just some attendants hidden in the cave magic weapon in advance."

Rao Queyao agreed: "The number of people is always limited, we don't need to worry."

"The last laugh is the winner."

The two have their own ghosts, each retains their strength, and they still adopt a defensive posture in the face of stone men from all directions.

Li Xiaoyao was even less anxious. A steady stream of spiritual power poured into his limbs and bones, filling his dantian. His spiritual power strengthening progress was being completed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With every decimeter and second, Li Xiaoyao's strength is crazily improving.

In this fourth hurdle, he not only had the opportunity to destroy the great enemy Jiang Feng, but also increased his strength crazily.

It really kills two birds with one stone!

Li Xiaoyao was quite satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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