my disciples come from earth

Chapter 150 The Reincarnated

Chapter 150 The Reincarnated

Li Xiaoyao's eyes glanced at Jiang Feng somewhere intentionally or unintentionally, and spat disdainfully: "What a shame."

Jiang Feng was already angry, but after Li Xiaoyao said this, he immediately became ashamed and angry.

"Li Xiaoyao! You must die today!"

Jiang Feng snarled at Li Xiaoyao angrily, and the corners of his eyes became a little moist.

Li Xiaoyao didn't care about Jiang Feng's threats. Instead, he opened his hands and said to Jiang Feng seriously:

"Come on, come and beat me to death if you have the ability!"


"Sharp-mouthed bastard! If I don't kill you today, I won't be able to get rid of this hatred!!!"

Jiang Feng's voice suddenly became old and young at times. This double sound effect made Li Xiaoyao's brows frown suddenly.

"It's broken!" Xiaotong screamed, he obviously sensed something, "Sir, this guy is a reincarnation!"

"What is a reincarnation?" Li Xiaoyao was puzzled.

The little boy's voice was a little anxious, and he hurriedly explained to Li Xiaoyao.

It turns out that in the Nine Heavens, whether it is the spirit world or the demon world, there will always be those guys who can't break through to the ultimate level after spending half their life.

Most of these guys are above Nascent Soul, and only monks above Nascent Soul can reincarnate.

Reincarnation is different from Duoshe, he will not have the memory of the previous life, and will not be affected by the fetters of the previous life.

Not only that, but the reincarnated person has a deeper understanding of aura, and when he reaches a certain level of cultivation, he will awaken the power he had in his previous life.

Usually at this time, the reincarnated person himself will also know his specific identity.

The most important point is that reincarnated people have a great advantage, that is, their future cultivation level can be as low as Nascent Soul.

Li Xiaoyao was convinced of his luck. He thought about countless possibilities of Jiang Feng's resurrection, but he never thought that he would be the reincarnation.

Only the reincarnation can awaken himself, forcibly increase his strength, and save his life when he is bound to die.

But the disadvantage is that the foundation is damaged, and the lifelong cultivation can only reach the Nascent Soul, and reincarnation is tantamount to a failure!
And now Jiang Feng's appearance is obviously forcibly awakening all his powers. In this case, even if he kills Li Xiaoyao now, his cultivation base may only stay here forever in the future.

"Little boy, can we beat it?" Li Xiaoyao asked with a somewhat ugly expression.

The little boy shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "My lord, you should ask, can we escape?"

"What do you mean?" Li Xiaoyao's expression became very ugly, he didn't want to know.

"This guy's current strength has reached at least the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment, and it is very likely that he is at the Quasi-Golden Core Realm, which is a whole block higher than ours!"

"Do you think we can escape from the Qi Refining Realm in front of the Golden Core Realm?"

Li Xiaoyao's throat moved slightly, and he immediately said to Jiang Feng: "Brother Jiang, don't be so excited. In this way, I apologize to you, and you don't do such things that damage the foundation."

Hearing Li Xiaoyao's talkative tone, Jiang Feng shouted angrily: "You still look down on me! I'll kill you!"

Jiang Feng slapped out angrily, and the terrifying power made Li Xiaoyao dodge in a hurry.

Immediately, Li Xiaoyao raised his head and cursed: "Are you sick, can't you hear good words? Who looks down on you!"

"My lord, please don't say anything. This guy is really excited by your words. If he continues, I'm afraid he will blow himself up and die with us."

Xiaotong couldn't help but complain at this time, and Li Xiaoyao immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

And at this moment, Jiang Feng came to Li Xiaoyao like a ghost.

Li Xiaoyao hurriedly released the dark dao realm to compete with it, but because Jiang Feng's aura was too violent at the moment, Li Xiaoyao's figure was knocked back more than ten meters the moment he touched it.

There was a bloodstain on the corner of Li Xiaoyao's mouth at this time, and his expression became more solemn.

The difference in realm is really big, and I can't compete at all.

Even with the spiritual power of the semi-extreme realm, even if he had comprehended the Dark Way in advance, it would be difficult for Li Xiaoyao to compete against Jiang Feng at this time.

However, since Li Xiaoyao said he wanted to kill Jiang Feng, even if he couldn't beat him, he still wanted to kill him!

At this time, Li Xiaoyao had an extra barrier-breaking sword in his hand, and his gaze became much more determined.

"Little boy, how powerful is the fusion of the dark dao realm into the chicken-killing sword?"

Li Xiaoyao said to Xiao Tong while staring at Jiang Feng.

The little boy replied without any hesitation: "It will definitely be very strong, but it will also consume a lot of money for you, and I don't think this can defeat a strong person at the quasi-alchemy level."

"Whether you can defeat it or not, you have to try it first. This is my territory now, so let's run first anyway."

Li Xiaoyao raised his head unyieldingly, and his arrogance appeared at this moment.

Of course, Xiao Tong thinks that Li Xiaoyao's stubborn temper has come up again.

Xiaotong didn't speak, because he knew that Li Xiaoyao had decided to make a move now, so it was useless to say it.

"Li Xiaoyao, you know my strength, you are doomed today!"

Jiang Feng laughed wildly at this time, and that ferocious appearance looked extremely terrifying.

Li Xiaoyao waited with bated breath, the veins in the hand holding the barrier-breaking sword bulged!
Killing a chicken with a sword, without gorgeous and gorgeous moves, just one sword, one sword can cut the sky!A sword can split the ground!

Li Xiaoyao will definitely not use the sky-slashing sword again. After using the sky-slashing sword last time, he almost died himself. It is better not to take such a risk.

Seeing Li Xiaoyao standing with his sword in front of his chest, the blade of the sword suddenly turned to one side, and a little sword light surged, and immediately saw the blue-black aura covering the blade.

The barrier-breaking sword immediately began to tremble. The energy of this sword was unbearable for this sword.

Jiang Feng noticed the change in Li Xiaoyao at this time, and his eyes were completely dismissive.

"It's just a Qi Refining Realm, you can still make it upside down!"

Jiang Feng snarled, and took the lead in attacking Li Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows with a sword, his eyes flickered with coldness, and then he gave a soft drink, as if one person and one sword merged into one, they shot straight into the sky!

The blue-black sword energy was released recklessly, and Jiang Feng directly raised his hand to catch the sword, neither dodging nor dodging.

The soaring sword energy fell on Jiang Feng's palm impartially, piercing Jiang Feng's arm directly!

Jiang Feng tilted his body and lost his balance. Li Xiaoyao stabbed his sword obliquely on the spot, hitting Jiang Feng's heart.

However, when the barrier-breaking sword touched Jiang Feng's heart, it didn't make any progress!
"Little Qi refining ants also want to penetrate my body, wishful thinking!"

Jiang Feng laughed wildly and yelled, and shattered the barrier-breaking sword directly.

Li Xiaoyao spat out a mouthful of blood, and his consciousness immediately became a little blurred.

"go to hell!"

Seeing this, Jiang Feng raised his hand and patted Li Xiaoyao's head.

Xiao Tong hurriedly used his devouring ability to devour Jiang Feng's attack power, and then quickly manipulated the Sudan cave to move Li Xiaoyao to another place.

(End of this chapter)

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