my disciples come from earth

Chapter 151 Crazy Games

Chapter 151 Crazy Games

Looking at Li Xiaoyao who was seriously injured and unconscious again, the little boy sighed helplessly.

He wanted Li Xiaoyao to stop trying to be brave and play handsome, but now he was seriously injured again.

Xiao Tong immediately began to heal Li Xiaoyao's wounds, and Li Xiaoyao, who was already in a coma, became alive again at this moment.

"How much of my spirit stones did you use?" Li Xiaoyao felt a little heartbroken.

He walked through the ghost gate again, and after waking up, he was not lucky to be alive, but greedy for his own spirit stone.

The little boy shook his head helplessly, then suddenly continued: "Sir, you can't do this again in the future, for the sake of our Happy Sect and your body, you have to take care of yourself."

"You're right. When you encounter a strong enemy in the future, you should be more on the safe side." Li Xiaoyao accepted Xiaotong's suggestion for the first time, and then said, "Next time, I will directly use the sword to kill him, and I won't be able to kill him!"

The little boy supported his forehead in a speechless manner, and then said to Li Xiaoyao: "My lord, although we are now running away from Jiang Feng, with his current ability, he will be able to find him sooner or later."

Li Xiaoyao frowned, and said thoughtfully: "We have to find a way to trap him first, and it's best to wear down his will."

The little boy also acted like he was in deep thought, and the two of them stared wide-eyed, without saying a word for a long time.

"I have a solution!" The boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately looked at Li Xiaoyao and said, "We can pretend to be the spirit of the cave, tell him that we have passed the level, let him continue to pass the next level, and then we will open up Make a new level and trap him inside!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao's eyes shone brightly, then he looked at the little boy with a gratified face and said, "That's right, it's the same as what I thought."

The little boy quickly looked at Li Xiaoyao with a flattering face and said, "The head of the sect is so wise that the little boy really admires him!"

Li Xiaoyao raised his head with a smile, and then said in a slightly serious voice: "I told you that in the future, you should 'less' say such things, and the master should keep a low profile, you know?"

"Understand! Understood!" The little boy nodded repeatedly, and then asked Li Xiaoyao solemnly, "My lord, although this method is feasible, what barriers do we need to trap that guy?"

Li Xiaoyao immediately raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Did you forget the melon skin disciples of my Great Xiaoyao Sect?"

Hearing this, the little boy immediately showed bright eyes.

Then, on the official website forum, a task post was immediately released.

【Quest Collection for the Phantom Cave Mansion】

[Mission introduction: The great head of Xiaoyao has taken control of the Phantom Cave. Now there is a powerful enemy in the cave besides the head. Now the head has trapped him. Players need to use their brains to come up with ideas that can torture A game of his will. 】

[Task reward: 200 contribution points, 50 spiritual power points]

[Additional rewards: No. 1 is adopted and useful players, get an extra 300 contribution points and 100 spiritual power points; No. 2 is adopted and useful players, get an extra 200 contribution points and 50 spiritual power points. 】

【Unaccepted players don't need to be discouraged, as long as you participate, you can get 10 contribution points. 】

"I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up."

"Upstairs looks handsome, but unfortunately he is not dumb."

"I just said that dog planning is very doggy. As soon as a product is released, a task will come here immediately."

"It's a game that tortures the will, that's too much, has the dog's conscience realized that he wants to send contribution points?"

The posts on the official website were in full swing, and at the same time, Li Xiaoyao also received many submissions.

[If you are a man, go down a hundred floors! 】

Game content: Players need to go down the stairs from the topmost brick. During this period, traps can be set. Once they fall, they will die directly.

Li Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "It's not fun, it's too simple."

【Super Mario! 】

"It's not fun, so don't take it out if I can play the game that clears the level."

Li Xiaoyao was complaining while passing the manuscript.

[Digging for advancement! 】

Game content: Players need to control a man sitting in a water tank, and use a hammer to climb up continuously. The operation is extremely simple, but if he makes a mistake, he will return to the original place! 】

Li Xiaoyao looked at the name of the game and was full of interest, he immediately said to the little boy, "Play with this first!"

Xiao Tong immediately went to check the relevant content and gameplay of the game, and saw that his expression suddenly became very sinister.

"My lord, this game is too ruthless!"

Hearing what Xiao Tong said, Li Xiaoyao's eyes immediately shone brightly: "Okay! Just be ruthless! Arrange it, and give me a fix by the way."

Xiaotong nodded sympathetically when he heard that Li Xiaoyao wanted to play too.

At this time, Jiang Feng was still wandering around in what he thought was the sixth pass. He thought he had beaten Li Xiaoyao to powder with that blow just now, and he had no idea that Li Xiaoyao had run away.

The only thing that makes him very puzzled now is, since Li Xiaoyao is dead, why there is no voice prompting him to pass the level.

Just when Jiang Feng became more and more impatient, the voice of the spirit of the cave rang out. The spirit of the cave was naturally pretended by the little boy.

"Congratulations! You have won the life-and-death duel in the sixth level, please move on to the next level now!"

When Jiang Feng heard the voice of the spirit of the cave, the look in his eyes immediately became much colder: "Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao, you died at my hands in the end."

"The seventh level, that is to say, there are three more levels, and I will be able to become the master of this strange alchemy cave, right?"

While Jiang Feng was speaking, he noticed the changes in the surrounding environment.

He found himself in a closed room with only a huge light curtain and an arc joystick inside.

[Welcome to the seventh level. The content of this level is very simple. You can pass the level by manipulating the villain in the light curtain to reach the top. 】

As soon as Xiaotong finished speaking, Jiang Feng saw a bald man sitting in a water tank with a hammer in his hand in the light curtain in front of him.

Jiang Feng picked up the joystick and turned it around with a puzzled expression, and found that the bald head in the water tank was also turning around with the hammer.

"Interesting." Jiang Feng immediately became interested, and manipulated the bald head in the water tank to cross a dead tree.

"Is this level so simple? I'm going to settle for this strange cave!"

Jiang Feng sat cross-legged on the ground directly, and began to concentrate on playing the game.

At this time, Xiao Tong gave Jiang Feng a very sympathetic look from the perspective of God, and then said to Li Xiaoyao: "My lord, he has already started playing."

Before Xiaotong finished speaking, he was stunned.

He saw that Li Xiaoyao was like a lunatic at this time, with disheveled hair and tapping the mouse, staring blankly at the bald head under the oars on the screen.

Not only that, there was a voice on the screen that kept mocking Li Xiaoyao, and the little boy could see the murderous look in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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