my disciples come from earth

Chapter 152 So Miserable 1 Jiang Feng

Chapter 152
After Xiaotong's persuasion, Li Xiaoyao was released from the game.

If he continued playing like this, he would be driven crazy.

"The people in Guapi Kingdom really have a tendency to be masochistic. Such a game shouldn't exist."

Li Xiaoyao became more awake, and turned off the computer without any hesitation.

The little boy shook his head helplessly.
Who is to blame for this, you insist on playing it yourself.

"Where's Jiang Feng? Have you passed the test?"

Li Xiaoyao looked back at Xiaotong and asked curiously.

The little boy suddenly laughed, waved his hand forward, and a light curtain appeared in front of Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

In the light curtain, Jiang Feng looked very tired, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and his hand holding the joystick was shaking.

At this moment, the picture of the light curtain in front of his eyes is in the mid-air of a high-rise building, and he can go up to the top of the building with one more step.

But Jiang Feng's trembling hand was obviously not daring to go any further.

Li Xiaoyao was a little nervous watching, his eyes focused on Jiang Feng's next move.

Jiang Feng opened his mouth at this time, and his pale lips could see how desperate he was now.

"Slowly, gently"

Jiang Feng began to talk to himself, and his hands also started to move.

As Jiang Feng moved the joystick, the hammer made a crisp sound and hit the wall directly.

Immediately afterwards, the bald head inside was bounced off instantly, and landed directly on the platform below.

This is not over yet, when the bald head landed on the platform, he jumped back, and started a free fall along the slide.

"Do not!!!"

Jiang Feng roared in despair, beating the ground weakly with his hands.

"Why! Why is there such a level! What is the meaning! This is too difficult!!!"

Jiang Feng yelled madly, and he felt that his vision had turned black and white.


Li Xiaoyao was laughing so happily at this moment, in fact, he had been laughing since Jiang Feng started to fall.

"Look at how happy he is. Quickly upload these pictures to the official website, so that everyone will be happy. By the way, reward the disciples who provided this game and let them continue to contribute. The more perverted the better."

While Li Xiaoyao was gloating, he was directing Xiaotong to do things.

Xiaotong has really become a tool man now, and he really sympathizes with Jiang Feng in his heart. If you say you died earlier, you will die, so you insist on messing with Li Xiaoyao.

Why did you provoke him!
[The player 'Tang Seng Shampooing with Rejoice' contributed 'Digging for Ascent' which has been adopted and used, and the effect is very good. Let us congratulate this player! 】

"Congratulations to this competition!!!"

"Old Tang said he doesn't want this reward anymore, and he wants to give it to me."

"It's nonsense upstairs. Old Tang is my brother. He just told me to come and receive the reward."


"Don't be fooled, I remember that this game was made more than 200 years ago, can you find it at such an old age?"

"The ancients are still wise. I heard that when this game came out, some people played it crazy."

[Next, I will broadcast a few clips for everyone to watch together. 】


"Hahahahahahaha! How can you be so cruel!"

"It's too ruthless, but I think it can be a little more ruthless."

"Is this NPC really not going crazy? Aren't they intelligent AI?"

"No matter how intelligent the AI ​​is, there are also settings. If the dog plans to deliberately punish people, he can only deserve it."

"Oh, this little brother doesn't look very good, but his body is [色] [色] [色]!"

"Upstairs, pay attention to the image. This is brother Xiaoyao's enemy. No matter how attractive his figure is, we have to hold back and take a peek at him at most."

"Hey, you have a good life to live, but you want to offend our Brother Xiaoyao, you want to offend our Xiaoyao Sect, you deserve it!"

"I think it's time to write a big word [miserable] on the video!"

Li Xiaoyao finished reading the post with a smile on his face, and when everyone was scolding Jiang Feng, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Especially when he saw those posts that spoke for him, it made him feel refreshed.

In the next few days, Li Xiaoyao was either screening the contributions of the melon skins with Xiao Tong, or observing Jiang Feng's mental state.

At this time, Jiang Feng was like Ouyang Feng of the Guapi Kingdom, turning backwards, and the whole person was in a state of madness.

Li Xiaoyao was very satisfied with Jiang Feng's state, but he felt it was not enough.

The test of practice is Dao Xin, and Jiang Feng's Dao Xin is undoubtedly very firm. Although he has been failing, and even his sanity is not clear, he has never given up and has always wanted to pass the level.

This is not the result Li Xiaoyao wants, what he wants is to completely destroy Jiang Feng's Dao Heart, and make him full of despair about everything.

For the rest of the time, Li Xiaoyao has been looking for a way to make Jiang Feng despair, almost non-stop looking at the contributions of the melon skins.

Finally, when Li Xiaoyao was about to give up, a melon named [Night Attack Widow Village] caught Li Xiaoyao's attention.

He brought a game that stunned Li Xiaoyao.

【Jumping Knight】

[Game introduction: Players need to constantly control the knight to jump up until they reach the top. The game operation is extremely simple, but because of its uncomfortable setting, the degree of madness is no less than that of digging for ascension. 】

"Xiao Tong, this is the one, get me one first." Li Xiaoyao pointed at this submission and shouted to Xiao Tong.

The little boy nodded immediately, and after he understood the game thoroughly, he looked at Li Xiaoyao with strange eyes and said, "My lord, let's not play this game, I think it can be used directly."

"Are you challenging me?" Li Xiaoyao stared at Xiao Tong, and immediately said, "I accept your challenge."

After 30 seconds, Li Xiaoyao turned off the computer with a dark face, and cursed: "What kind of crap is this, the person who made it has a hole in his head, right?"

After a while of cursing, Li Xiaoyao felt much more comfortable, and then he saw the evil eyes flickering in his eyes: "I will arrange for Jiang Feng immediately, but we have to use another method."

"Another way?" The little boy frowned suspiciously, seeing Li Xiaoyao's expression, it was obvious that he had thought of some trick to trick him again.

In the closed room, Jiang Feng was performing the movements of his hands like a machine, and the bald head in the light curtain was also repeatedly going up and down.

Looking at it like this, Jiang Feng seemed to have given up, and his expression looked like a fool. Every time his bald head returned to the original point, he would smile.

When Jiang Feng jumped to the bottom of the tall building again, there was no color in his eyes, because he couldn't remember how many times he had come to this place.

But it will always return to the original point in the half-empty place of the tall building.

At this time, Jiang Feng controlled the bald head to take a step forward, and the light curtain in front of him suddenly released a dazzling white light.

Jiang Feng closed his eyes subconsciously, completely unaware of what happened.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a valley, but he was at the bottom of the valley at this time.

Just when a puzzled look appeared in Jiang Feng's eyes, the boy's voice sounded.

[Congratulations on passing the eighth level of perseverance, welcome to the ninth level! 】

(End of this chapter)

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