my disciples come from earth

Chapter 153 The Insane Game

Chapter 153 The Insane Game

"I'm done now?"

Jiang Feng didn't expect to pass the test at all.

His twisted and dull face was suddenly filled with color, and he almost jumped up.

Thinking of him as the master of the medicine pavilion and the reincarnation, he has never seen such a scene, but today he passed a test, and he almost cried with joy.

In fact, Jiang Feng was really crying with joy, his eye sockets were moist.

Maybe Jiang Feng never imagined that the real surprise is still waiting for him.

[Next, please go from the bottom of the valley to the top of the valley, good luck! 】

Xiao Tong looked at Jiang Feng sympathetically, but spoke in a very flat tone.

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Since I passed the test, why is there no reward?"

Xiaotong was almost stopped by Jiang Feng for a while, and he immediately said: "The last three passes are the ultimate test for you. When you pass the test, the whole cave will be yours."

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't have any questions, because he was very satisfied with the answer.

After the boy's voice completely disappeared, Jiang Feng found irregular smooth stone steps above his head.

"There shouldn't be any problems this time." Jiang Feng looked at the mirror-smooth stone steps in fear after a while, he was really frightened by the eighth level.

I saw Jiang Feng squatting down slightly, and then jumped up. Although he was a little higher, he landed on a stone step safely. When he landed, his foot slipped and almost fell again.

When Jiang Feng stabilized his figure, he found that he seemed to be much higher from the ground, and more stone steps appeared above his head.

A stone step just above him is suspended in the air, and it occupies a relatively small area, only two people can stand at most.

Jiang Feng checked the distance with his eyes, and then jumped again, this time with the same strength as before, but his whole body hit the side of the stone steps.

Then I saw him fall straight down, and the whole person fell back to the starting point.

Jiang Feng's expression immediately became a lot more ferocious, because it fell and fell.
It hurts! !

Although it was not limited to killing him, the pain seemed to be doubled.

Not far away that Jiang Feng couldn't see, Li Xiaoyao and Xiaotong were snickering.

It turned out that Xiao Tong used the Guidan cave to secretly affect Jiang Feng's body, making his pain more than five times normal!
"Trash, Caibi, stop wasting your efforts, you won't be able to get up."

At this moment, an old voice sounded in Jiang Feng's ear, and his eyes immediately locked on a corpse in front of him, above which floated the soul of an old man.

"Who are you?" Jiang Feng asked vigilantly.

The old man suddenly sighed, and said with tears in his eyes: "I think I came to this level back then, but I never went up to the top of the mountain until I died."

Jiang Feng frowned slightly, glanced at the old man with disdain, and hummed: "If you can't go up, you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't go up. How dare you mock me?!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Feng jumped and reached the first stone step again.

The old man looked up at Jiang Feng's figure, showing a sinister smile.

This old man was naturally arranged by Li Xiaoyao to be disgusting. As long as Jiang Feng fell from above, the old man would repeat what he said just now.

Xiao Tong is completely convinced by Li Xiaoyao's method. He never thought that Jiang Feng could become a game character. It is much more difficult for him to experience it than to let him control it.

The most important thing is that the damage received in the game is real. Once it falls, even if Jiang Feng can't fall to death, he can still take off a layer of skin.

"My lord, this move of yours is really powerful. In the words of Guapi, it's like a heifer standing on its head—the cow is so tall!"

Xiao Tong's obsequious expression moved towards Li Xiaoyao's face, this time Li Xiaoyao suddenly retreated in disgust, because what Xiao Tong said was a bit too rough.

"If you don't learn their Internet terms, it will bring you down."

The little boy was stunned for a moment, and muttered in a low voice: "Don't you also learn from other people's plain language?"

"I'm the master, so listen to me!" Li Xiaoyao made a clear statement, and Xiao Tong immediately fell silent.

After that, the two watched Jiang Feng start an endless loop of jumping history with relish.

Jiang Feng's expression at this time became ferocious because of the constant falling, and finally returned to the previous expression at the eighth level.

"Young man, stop wasting your efforts in vain, you won't be able to get up."

These words lingered in Jiang Feng's ears like a nightmare, lingering.

He tried to vent on the old man's soul, but when he attacked, he realized that he couldn't touch the old man at all.

Powerless and furious, he could only roar loudly in the valley.

"It's too difficult! This level is too difficult!"

[Are you going to give up?After passing this level, you are only one step away from the Phantom Cave, do you want to give up? 】

The boy's voice sounded at the right time, and Jiang Feng raised his tearful eyes and shouted hoarsely: "Can you make it simpler, anyway, I'm the only one left."

[If you can't pass the test, you will have to stay here for the rest of your life. Is this the result you want? 】

Xiaotong's reverse poisonous chicken soup directly filled Jiang Feng.

"No, I can't give up, I want to pass, I want to become No.1 of the younger generation!"

Jiang Feng clenched his fists and said harshly, suddenly there was a trace of tenacity in his eyes.

As a result, Jiang Feng started to jump again as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

"That's right. If you feed him chicken soup well, you have to excite him. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. When you said that he fell when he was about to get close, he looked so happy."

Li Xiaoyao's expression at this time was as if he had seen what Jiang Feng would experience in the end, his eyes were shining.

The little boy's throat moved. In terms of oppression, he is just a younger brother, and Li Xiaoyao's heart is still dark.

[The 'Jumping Knight' provided by the player 'Night Attack Widow Village' has been adopted and used, and the effect is remarkable. Let us congratulate this player! 】

"Dude, bring me one next time you go to the widow's village, I'm the perpetual chicken!"

"Brother upstairs, can we stop driving openly, I haven't bought a ticket yet."


"The building is crooked, I'll form the load-bearing wall!"

"Jumping Knight seems to be a game from more than 200 years ago. Did people in the past like to be abused so much?"

"Ask silently, can I still contribute?"


"Same as above!"

[This mission is over. This time we received a total of tens of millions of submissions, and only two players were finally adopted and used. 】

[Let us once again congratulate 'Tang Monk Washing Hair with Rejoice' and 'Night Attack Widow Village' for winning the first and second prizes of this event, and also thank other players who were not accepted, you will all get a reward of 10 contribution points. 】

"wdnmd, just as soon as I asked if I could contribute, I just ended the event. Did you do it on purpose?"

"The upstairs is really zz. If you had thought of it earlier, you wouldn't have to ask these questions. If you can't do it yourself, don't throw the blame!"

After seeing the news released, the players all began to sigh, and each of them felt that it was a pity. If they had thought of it, they would have a good chance.

The proposal to end this mission was personally closed by Li Xiaoyao, because he felt that this level could drive Jiang Feng crazy.

For the next time, just wait for Jiang Feng to become a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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