Chapter 154
Jiang Feng's current state of mind can be said to be as stable as an old dog. After he was beaten up by the little boy, he was very cautious in every jump, and he passed the second picture in a blink of an eye.

The situation in the next picture is very different from the previous one, because this time the stone steps are covered with ice.

In other words, the already slippery stone steps will become even more slippery, and he must be more stable to avoid being slipped down.

At this time, what Jiang Feng was facing was a parallel stone step, and all he had to do was jump over it.

Based on previous experience, Jiang Feng knew very well that this seemingly easy place was actually the most difficult.

I saw Jiang Feng took a deep breath, waved his hands slowly, eager to try.

But he waved his hands many times in the air, and there was still no movement under his feet.

Because he was actually nervous. For him, this kind of new picture was an unknown risk ahead.

We all know that unknown dangers are often far more terrifying than known ones.

Most importantly, he didn't know what lay beneath the bottomless chasm in front of him.

Is the train going directly to the starting point?Or the platform he just passed by, he doesn't know.

Jiang Feng's only worry now is that he will fall from here.

If he did fall, he would be desperate.

After an extremely tangled ideological struggle, Jiang Feng still decided to jump over.

He had no idea that at this moment Li Xiaoyao was staring at his two big eyes, waiting for him to jump with full expectation.

Seeing Li Xiaoyao's serious look, Xiaotong shook his head helplessly.

Because Li Xiaoyao didn't take it seriously when he practiced normally.

However, Li Xiaoyao doesn't need to practice at all now. After he learns [Liu Zi Mi], the aura of heaven and earth will automatically enter his body, allowing him to practice automatically all the time.

In addition, every time a disciple of Xiaoyao gains aura, he will get a part of it, so Li Xiaoyao at this time is the kind of person who can really practice while sleeping.

"Xiaotong, do you think he will fall?" Li Xiaoyao suddenly asked Xiaotong a question.

Xiao Tong glanced at Jiang Feng who was still motionless in the light curtain, thought for a while before saying: "It should be possible, it doesn't look very difficult."

Li Xiaoyao glanced sideways at Xiaotong. Although he knew this game better than Li Xiaoyao, he had never really experienced it.

Only those who have experienced it will know that there will be many slot eggs in this game.

Li Xiaoyao felt that this game and the previous plan of digging the ground and seeking advancement were the real dog plans.

Compared with them, he is just a younger brother!
At this time, Li Xiaoyao suddenly noticed the change in Jiang Feng, and he immediately shouted in surprise: "Here he is, he is going to dance!"

Jiang Feng has already made up his mind at this time, he must jump over, and there must be no mistakes!
I saw Jiang Feng took a step forward, and then saw a hint of hope appearing on his dark expression, he was actually praying.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this child has to go through such a painful life to show such an expression." Li Xiaoyao actually sighed at this time.

The little boy rolled his eyes at the side, don't you know why people are like this?
However, Jiang Feng was miserable, but Xiao Tong never felt sorry for him for a moment, on the contrary he deserved it.


Jiang Feng's hoarse voice sounded, and he jumped, and his body quickly flew away from the place.

Jiang Feng, who was in mid-air, felt that time had slowed down. He looked at the just right distance under his eyes, and his eyes showed excitement.

However, at this moment, only a crisp sound was heard, Jiang Feng suddenly felt a pain in the top of his head, there was something on him!

"It's over!"

Jiang Feng's face at this moment changed drastically, and the tip of his heart trembled.

He saw Jiang Feng landed straight on the edge of the stone steps, then slipped his foot, and fell down along the chasm that he was terrified of.

Jiang Feng trembled all over, he couldn't control his body at all, and could only follow the free fall.

During the period, he fell on a certain stone step in the second picture. He thought he could escape from death, but he still couldn't control his body.

When it landed on it, its body was like a loach, sliding over perfectly.

Afterwards, in constant collisions, he returned to the original point again.

This time Jiang Feng was thrown so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

At this time, his eyes happened to collide with the old man.

"No, please don't say any more." Jiang Feng suddenly trembled and shook his head, lying on the ground very weak.

"No, I want it!" Suddenly, facing Jiang Feng's request, the old man added a word.

Immediately afterwards, the old man spit out the words repeated countless times:

"Garbage, Caibi, stop wasting your efforts, you won't be able to get up!"

Faced with this sentence, all the bad memories of Jiang Feng's previous experience came to mind.

The scene of him jumping up and falling down was reproduced before his eyes, and the old man's words rang in his ears countless times.

The nightmare hidden in his heart swept his whole body, Jiang Feng was like an ashes player whose runes had been melted, rolling on the ground and crying bitterly!

"Why! Why is there such a level!"

"It's too difficult! I can't go up at all! I don't deserve to have the Phantom Pill Cave Mansion at all!"

"Please, let me go! I don't want anything anymore!"

Jiang Feng has completely lost his sanity at this time, he doesn't want to be a sly cave, or become a peerless powerhouse at this moment.

He just wants to get out of here, out of this ghost place.

"Garbage, Caibi, stop wasting your efforts, you won't be able to get up!"

At this time, the old man repeated what he said before, and Jiang Feng knelt down in front of him, crying bitterly: "You are right, I am just a younger brother, I can't go up."

"I'm going. Jiang Feng, the hidden genius in the first level of the spiritual world, who has always been lawless, is this crazy?"

The ghostly idea of ​​Guapi's disciples once again refreshed Li Xiaoyao's cognition.

He looked at Jiang Feng, who was dying of immortality, and for some reason, he wanted to laugh so much.

Well, maybe this is gloating!

Li Xiaoyao laughed in the dark at this time so disregarding his image that he didn't even care about his handsome appearance.

Xiao Tong didn't want to laugh at first, but seeing Jiang Feng become so miserable, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but crazily rise.

"My lord, I think this Jiang Feng is insane, now is a good time for us to make a move!"

While Xiao Tong laughed at Jiang Feng, he also reminded Li Xiaoyao to pay attention to the timing.

Li Xiaoyao's eyes had already flashed a blue-black light, and he immediately said to Xiao Tong: "Let's go over."

At this time, Jiang Feng knelt in front of the old man and kept kowtowing, his head was broken.

"Do you know how to get out? Can you tell me?"

"It's easy to get out."

The old man suddenly spoke, Jiang Feng suddenly raised his head, and asked anxiously: "How to get out?"

"As long as you cut off your right hand and then chop off your left leg, you will know."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng looked at his hands and legs in a daze, and said blankly: "If this is the case, wouldn't I become a useless person? What is the difference between that and death?"

"Look at what you look like now, what's the difference between you and a cripple?"

As soon as the old man's words fell, he suddenly turned into a mirror. Jiang Feng suddenly looked directly at his appearance at this time, stepped back in horror, and sat slumped on the ground.

"Who is this? This is not me!"

"This is you! I am you!"

Jiang Feng in the mirror suddenly made a sound, his voice and expression were sharp.

"No! You are not me!! This is not me!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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