Chapter 164
Rao Queyao finally went back to his room with Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang under the guise of men.

As soon as the door was closed, Rao Queyao howled angrily.

"Why! Why does it have to be me!"

When Rao Queyao was complaining, Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang were already laughing outrageously.

"God God, don't be like this, I think you are very skilled in business, maybe you did this in your previous life." Jiang Feng ruthlessly made a stab at the side.

Rao Queyao immediately stared at Jiang Feng with resentment, and said, "Is that because I am proficient in business? That is obviously the memory of Rao Queyao, she is proficient!"

"God God, just accept it. Now that you are one, she is you, and you are her. Don't forget the mission requirements."

Li Yunshang also said with a smile at this time, she and Jiang Feng have seen a different kind of demeanor today.

"All right, all right, stop making trouble." Jiang Feng stopped laughing at this moment, then looked at Rao Queyao curiously and said, "God God, have you succeeded in your mission?"

Hearing this, Rao Queyao immediately checked his mission. He was surprised to find that the mission was still displayed as unfinished.

"I'm going, what's going on! My mission is not completed!"

Rao Queyao told the two about her situation, and the two looked at each other and frowned.

"How could it be? This is the Hehuan Tower, how could it not be completed?" Jiang Feng asked suspiciously.

Li Yunshang was also very puzzled at this time, so she asked: "Could it be that this is not the real Hehuan Tower?"

"Isn't it really Hehuan Building?" Rao Queyao murmured to himself, suddenly his eyes flickered slightly, and he heard him say, "I remembered, this is just a sub-helm of Hehuan Building, I won't be Let's go to the main forum!"

"You have a main altar in Hehuan Building?"

Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang obviously did not expect that this brothel could still open a branch.

Rao Queyao nodded, and said thoughtfully: "The Hehuan Building is the largest intelligence organization in the first heaven of the spiritual world. Its hands and eyes are all over the first heaven, and even the devil world is involved. The Hehuan Tower in Xuanwu City is just one of them. Dispose of the rudder, the real chief rudder is in Zhongzhou!"

"So, you're going to Zhongzhou too!" Jiang Feng's expression was a little unnatural, so the three of them were going to Zhongzhou.

Li Yunshang was overjoyed immediately, and immediately said: "Then let's form a team, we are going to Zhongzhou anyway."

"I'm afraid not." Jiang Feng's expression became slightly dignified, "I suddenly found out that this task cannot form a team, because it is a task of our respective sects, and the place we are going to is Zhongzhou, but Zhongzhou has a vast land and abundant resources. The three of us The places where the sects are located are far apart, and they have different roads at all."

When Rao Queyao and Li Yunshang heard the words, their eyes were a little depressed, which meant that they had to return to the sect on their own.

"Girl, the food is ready, do you want to bring it in now?"

At this time, a young voice sounded outside, and the eyes of the three of them immediately looked outside the door.

Rao Queyao hurriedly said: "Hurry up and bring it in."

As soon as the words were finished, the door opened, and eight young ladies walked in from the outside, each holding a dish in their hands.

The three of them saw the dazzling array of food, and quickly directed them to put it down.

Afterwards, the three of them began to eat regardless of their image.

The eight young ladies next to me were dumbfounded, but they didn't dare to say a word. Just watching the three of them eating, they all felt a little hungry.

After wolfing it down, the three wiped their mouths properly, and Rao Queyao looked at Jiang Feng and asked, "Are your hunger points full?"

The two nodded contentedly and let out a long breath.

At this time, the young lady who had been standing beside her saluted Rao Queyao, and then said, "Girl, have you finished eating?"

Rao Queyao nodded, and smiled at them, "Thank you."

The eight people froze for a moment, then quickly shook their heads and said: "Young lady, how can you thank us, we are the maidservants of the young lady, and this is what we should do."

Rao Queyao was taken aback for a moment, he almost forgot his identity, he quickly said to several people: "Clean up and go out, you have worked hard."

The eight people nodded repeatedly, quickly cleaned up the table, and then disappeared in a flash.

And just as the eight younger sisters left, the mother Rong walked in.

When Rao Queyao saw Rongmao, she asked, "Is there something else, Mama?"

Nanny Rong nodded, and suddenly looked at Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang, obviously wanting them to avoid them.

Rao Queyao frowned. Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang stood up tacitly and went out.

As soon as the two of them went out, Nanny Rong stepped forward and handed Rao Queyao a jade slip.

Rao Queyao opened it suspiciously, and saw characters condensed with spiritual power appearing in front of his eyes.

"Teacher, since the Immortal Spring Secret Realm is fake, you should pack it up and go back to the main altar."

When she saw this letter, a certain node deep in Rao Queyao's memory suddenly loosened, and new memories appeared in her mind one after another.

"Master?" Rao Queyao murmured.

At this time, Mother Rong said to Rao Queyao respectfully: "Girl, since Master Chi Lian asked you to go back, you should go back first, you don't have to worry about it here."

In Rao Queyao's mind at this time, there was a woman who still had a charm, dressed in red, with a soft face, especially her eyes, which seemed to be able to capture people's souls.

"What a goblin."

Rao Queyao said subconsciously, and Mother Rong immediately asked in confusion, "What did you say?"

Rao Queyao quickly regained her senses, waved her hands and said, "It's all right, mother, are you all right?"

Nanny Rong shook her head in confusion, why did she feel that Rao Queyao in front of her looked a little strange.

But after thinking about it carefully, after experiencing life and death in the Guidan Cave Mansion, I am afraid that he was affected a little bit.

"Since Mammy is fine, prepare two upper rooms for my friend. Let's rest for one night and set off together tomorrow."

"One?" Mother Rong looked at Rao Queyao in surprise, and said hastily, "Girl, did you forget the religious rules that outsiders are not allowed to go to the main altar."

"I know!" Rao Queyao rolled his eyes, and continued, "I mean to set off at the same time, we are not in the same place to cut."

Mother Rong let out a long breath, and reminded her worriedly: "Girl, although Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang are noble, we can't get too close to them. Don't forget what we do. If someone asks you for information about Medicine Pavilion or Moon Cliff, wouldn’t it be more troublesome.”

Seeing Nanny Rong's earnest expression, Rao Queyao said impatiently, "I am a modest nanny, if you have nothing to do, go back first."

Nanny Rong frowned and glanced at Rao Queyao, then walked out of the room with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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