my disciples come from earth

Chapter 165 The Confused Li Yunshang

Chapter 165 The Confused Li Yunshang

As soon as Nanny Rong left, Jiang Feng and Li Yunshang ran in.

The two immediately asked curiously, "What did she say to you?"

Rao Queyao glanced at the two of them, waved the jade slip in his hand and said, "He sent me the task."

"What mission?" The two asked suspiciously.

Rao Queyao pursed her lips, and said, "What else can it be? Let me go back to the main altar just like you. You also remind me not to get too close to you. These NPCs have a strong sense of territory."

"After all, our sects are different, and their settings must not be friendly."

Jiang Feng nodded with a smile, and then said with a bitter face: "It's just how should we go back to Central Continent? It's impossible to go back?"

"Spirit stones are needed to ride the teleportation array. Our hunger value is also a problem on the way. We have to find a way to make money first."

Li Yunshang frowned thoughtfully, they never expected that they would complete the survival game in the game of cultivating immortals.

After finishing speaking, Li Yunshang looked at Rao Queyao, and said tentatively: "Why don't you go pick up a few customers and earn some money first?"

"Dream!" Rao Queyao immediately rejected Li Yunshang's proposal, he suddenly frowned and said, "Do you think I can borrow money from the NPC?"

"Hahaha! God of Dogs, you have been playing games for so many years. When has you ever played a game where you can borrow money from an NPC? Isn't this nonsense?"

Jiang Feng looked at Rao Queyao as if looking at a fool, full of sympathy.

Rao Queyao gave Jiang Feng a blank look, snorted and said, "I'm not joking. I always feel that Baye is different from other games. I'll try it tomorrow morning. If you don't believe me, you can find a way by yourself. I'm going to play it." line."

After speaking, Rao Queyao fell asleep on the bed, and soon lost consciousness.

Jiang Feng shrugged, looked at Li Yunshang and said, "I'm going to go offline too, how about you?"

"I want to go out and visit this Xuanwu City, and find a way to earn spirit stones by the way, you go first."

Jiang Feng nodded and left the room.

After a while, Li Yunshang squeezed out of the Hehuan Building under the obstruction of the man.

As soon as she got out of the Hehuan Building, she let out a long breath, it was really stuffy inside, and there was a lot of disgusting masculinity.


Not long after Li Yunshang left the Hehuan Tower, he suddenly heard a girl calling her.

She immediately turned around angrily and said, "Who are you scolding?"

"Miss, I didn't scold you."

Li Yunshang saw a maid in Tsing Yi running up to him, Li Yunshang immediately felt his head sink, and then called out with some uncertainty: "Xiaoqing?"

"It's me, miss, what's wrong with you? Didn't you go to the secret realm of Xianquan?" Xiaoqing looked at Li Yunshang's whole body worriedly, her eyes full of concern.

In Li Yunshang's memory, this Xiaoqing was the maid who grew up with her and took care of her daily necessities.

That faint sense of intimacy made Li Yunshang feel something different in her heart, so she explained to Xiaoqing how the secret realm of the fairy spring had turned into a strange cave.

"Woooooo! If I had known earlier, I would have gone with Miss. You don't have to suffer so much."

Xiaoqing actually started crying in front of Li Yunshang, and she really shed tears.

Li Yunshang was caught off guard for a moment, she quickly took Xiaoqing's hand and said, "Don't cry, I'm fine."

Xiaoqing pouted, still a little sad, and then she looked at Li Yunshang with big teary eyes and said, "Miss, if the secret place of the fairy spring becomes the cave of the elusive pill, wouldn't you get nothing."

"Not all, I still got something." Li Yunshang replied with a smile and pursed her lips.

"That's okay. If you don't get anything, you may be scolded by Lord Moon God again when you go back." Xiao Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly asked Li Yunshang with wide curious eyes, "Where is that Li Xiaoyao? He also come out?"

Li Yunshang was taken aback for a moment, and then told Xiaoqing again about Li Xiaoyao's distorted words, and Xiaoqing's eyes immediately became teary again.

"Ah! How could it be like this? I always thought that Li Xiaoyao was a big liar. I didn't expect him to be such a noble person."

Seeing Xiaoqing's appearance, Li Yunshang felt helpless in her heart. She still underestimated the influence of brother Xiaoyao's words on the NPCs.

The protagonist's speech is really well-deserved, and it doesn't matter if you don't admire it.

"Miss, since the matter has been settled, let's head back to Moon Cliff today, so as not to worry Lord Luna."

As soon as Li Yunshang heard this, she knew that her mission was coming, she nodded, and suddenly asked in doubt: "How do we go back?"

Xiaoqing was taken aback, looked at Li Yunshang in confusion, then smiled and said, "Of course it's in the teleportation array, miss, or would you fly back with spiritual power?"

Hearing this, Li Yunshang was a little embarrassed, and she said a little embarrassedly: "Xiaoqing, I lost my spirit stone in the Sudan cave, and I may not be able to sit in the teleportation formation."

"Uh" Xiaoqing was completely stunned, and then she suddenly smiled inexplicably, "Miss, when did you have a spirit stone on your body? Didn't I bring it all?"

"Really?" This time it was Li Yunshang's turn to be dazed, she suddenly thought of what Rao Queyao said earlier, could it be possible to borrow money from an NPC?

Seeing that Li Yunshang was puzzled, Xiaoqing took out a few high-grade spirit stones and said to her, "Hey, isn't that right? Miss, I have all your belongings with me."

After saying this, Xiaoqing felt that Li Yunshang was a little strange, and saw her panicked, and said: "Miss, you may have suffered some soul damage inside, which affected your memory!"

When Li Yunshang heard this, he immediately climbed up the pole.

"It seems to be, I feel dizzy in my head."

When Li Yunshang said this, Xiaoqing immediately became anxious. She immediately took Li Yunshang's hand and walked forward, saying as she walked, "That can't be delayed, I have to go back quickly and let Lord Luna show you."

When Li Yunshang heard the words Lord Moon God again, a handsome figure appeared in his head.

The figure has waist-length hair, blue and white clothes, and a jade sword in his hand. Although it is only from the back, Li Yunshang feels that this person's appearance must be extraordinary.

Just when Li Yunshang fell into a nympho, she had already arrived at the station!

"When is the nearest teleportation array to Moon Cliff?" Xiaoqing asked, taking out a high-grade spirit stone and putting it on the counter.

When the young lady at the ticket window heard that she was going to Yueya, she immediately replied: "It's a quarter of Haishi, and we'll be there in half an hour."

"Take two tickets." Xiaoqing greeted directly, and the young lady immediately took out two tickets.

Then I saw the little sister started to give change, Xiaoqing said directly: "No need to look for it, the rest will be rewarded to you."

"Thank you two adults, I wish you a smooth journey!"

Xiaoqing nodded, and dragged Li Yunshang, who was in a daze, into the waiting hall.

As soon as the two of them sat down, Xiaoqing looked at Li Yunshang anxiously and said, "Miss, please don't let anything happen to you, or Lord Moon God will kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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