my disciples come from earth

Chapter 167 Punishment

Chapter 167 Punishment
Luna directly ignored Li Yunshang's rude gaze.

"Come forward." Hearing the voice of Moon God slowly, he stretched out his hand slowly.

Li Yunshang obediently walked up to her, and felt a mysterious and piercing spiritual power surging in her body, and she immediately looked at Luna with an uncomfortable expression.

After a while, Moon God withdrew his hand and said in a deep voice: "There is no sign of injury, and the soul is also intact. It seems that there is some special spiritual power."

Moon God murmured, then suddenly looked at Li Yunshang and asked, "What did you get in the strange alchemy cave?"

Hearing this, Li Yunshang immediately stretched out her hand, and a dark imprint appeared on her palm.

Moon God frowned slightly, and said in a slightly surprised tone: "Dark Dao Realm! It seems that your chance is not bad."

Li Yunshang immediately smiled and said, "Of course, I don't even look at whose apprentice I am."

"Don't flatter me, your chance has nothing to do with me, it's your destiny." Luna looked at Li Yunshang with a serious expression, and said.

Li Yunshang stuck out his tongue, blinked at Moon God and said, "If I have nothing to do with Master, then why would I be accepted as your disciple? I'm still a direct disciple."

Luna's expression froze, and he had no words to refute for a moment. He immediately coughed dryly and said in a deep voice: "Since you are not injured and you are so rude to the teacher, it is intentional. You don't respect the teacher, go down and receive the punishment." .”

"My lord, the young lady has just returned from the Northern Wilderness, and her body is weak. Being punished at this time may make things worse."

Xiaoqing hurriedly pleaded with Li Yunshang, but saw Moon God staring at Xiaoqing indifferently and said, "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

Xiaoqing trembled all over, and quickly lowered her head in fright.

Seeing this, Li Yunshang frowned slightly, then got up and said, "Master, why are you being so vicious to Xiaoqing? Isn't it just to accept the punishment? I'll take it."

"If you dare to talk back, the punishment will be doubled!"

"Double is double, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Li Yunshang walked up to Xiaoqing proudly and helped her up, then left the room without respect.

Xiao Qing was so scared that she was half dead, she quickly said to Li Yunshang: "Miss, what's wrong with you, you are the most polite on weekdays, why did you contradict Lord Moon God one after another today?"

Li Yunshang put his arms around Xiaoqing's shoulders, and said, "I'm already very polite, it's him who has to be unforgiving and wants to punish me, I want to see what the punishment is."

Hearing what Li Yunshang said, Xiao Qing stared at Li Yunshang with her big eyes and said, "Miss, don't tell me that you even forgot the punishment?"

"What is the punishment? Is it terrible?" Li Yunshang looked at Xiaoqing curiously and asked.

Xiaoqing put her hand on her forehead immediately, and said: "Miss, I don't even know what to say about you. Usually you are most afraid of this punishment."

"Really?" After hearing this, Li Yunshang noticed that his behavior might have gone too far, and if he continued like this, he might be suspected.

"Really, the Law Enforcement Hall is the place you least like to go to, Miss."

Looking at Xiaoqing's serious eyes, Li Yunshang suddenly felt a little scared in his heart, don't use something that consumes life, it's over.

Li Yunshang suddenly looked at Xiaoqing and said, "Xiaoqing, give me all the spirit stones on your body first."

"Miss, what do you want the spirit stone for now?" Although Xiaoqing was puzzled, she obediently handed the spirit stone to Li Yunshang.

The reason why Li Yunshang asked for the spirit stone was naturally because she was afraid that she would be beaten half to death by some punishment. If she couldn't bear it and died, she had to be resurrected.

Soon the two came to the law enforcement hall. There were two Yueya disciples guarding the entrance of the hall. When they saw Li Yunshang, they saluted her.

After entering the Law Enforcement Hall, Li Yunshang saw a more familiar old man, the Elder Law Enforcement of Yueya.

"Yunshang, you're back from Beihuang." The law enforcement elder asked after glancing at Li Yunshang.

Li Yunshang nodded and said, "Elder Law Enforcement, I'm here to receive punishment."

"Punishment?" The law enforcement elder frowned and asked, "What did you do wrong?"

"Contradict Master." Li Yunshang said angrily.

"Nonsense! You usually respect your teacher the most, why do you contradict the head?" The law enforcement elder stared at Li Yunshang angrily and asked.

Li Yunshang raised his head, and said indignantly: "I obviously didn't have one, but he himself insisted on giving me an unknown crime!"

"Based on what you said, you are contradicting the master, and you should be punished!" The law enforcement elder looked at Li Yunshang angrily, and shouted.

Li Yunshang immediately put on a black question mark face, what did she say, why are people in this sect so unreasonable.

"Miss, don't talk about it, just accept the punishment first." Xiaoqing said helplessly, she was afraid that if Li Yunshang continued to speak, the consequences would be more serious.

Upon hearing this, Li Yunshang said, "Okay, if there is any punishment, bring it up."

Hearing this, the law enforcement elder immediately shouted angrily: "Come here, throw this unfilial person to the Moon Demon Cave and lock him up for an hour!"

"My master said that the punishment should be increased!" Li Yunshang looked at the law enforcement elder provocatively, and the law enforcement elder trembled with anger.

"Give me five hours to lock her up!"

As soon as the law enforcement elder finished speaking, Li Yunshang was taken away by two law enforcement officers, as if he was going to some kind of Moon Demon Cave.

Suddenly, Li Yunshang trembled all over, and the memory about Moon Demon Cave suddenly appeared.

That Moon Demon Nest is a cave with special gravity, the inside is pitch black, and from time to time there will be terrifying spiritual power waves that disturb your mind.

It doesn't seem scary, but you can't use spiritual power when you enter it, and you lose all five senses, and you will feel suffocated.

Every time Li Yunshang came out of it, he couldn't sleep for nearly a week.

At this time, Li Yunshang was standing at the door of the cave, looking at the bottomless inside, without any fluctuations in her heart.

Because to her understanding, this is nothing more than a weightless space in an amusement park plus a haunted house, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Go in." The law enforcement officers escorting Li Yunshang let her in.

Li Yunshang stepped in without hesitation, and as soon as she entered, she immediately floated into the air.

Then her vision went black and she couldn't feel anything.

Li Yunshang didn't have any fluctuations in this, she just wanted to go offline and sleep, and the timing was just right.

Five hours later, the Moon God and the law enforcement elders arrived at the Moon Demon Cave. Xiaoqing stayed outside the cave and did not leave.

At this moment, when Xiao Qing saw the Moon God and the law enforcement elder coming, he immediately bowed and said, "Master, the law enforcement elder."

"Did your miss reflect on herself in the past five hours?" the law enforcement elder asked in a deep voice.

Xiaoqing nodded again and again, and said: "Miss has not said a word since she entered, and she has reflected deeply, and she has not made a sound yet."

Hearing this, the expression on the face of the law enforcement elder eased a lot, and said: "It seems that I knew it was wrong."

"No." Moon God suddenly said, "She is usually most afraid of the Moon Devil's Nest, she didn't cry when she went in that time, how could she be so calm this time?"

"Could something be wrong?" The law enforcement elder's heart skipped a beat, and he also remembered something was wrong.

When Xiaoqing heard this, she immediately remembered something, and her expression immediately became extremely anxious.

"Let her out quickly!" Luna's face suddenly became serious, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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