Chapter 168
The moment the [Moon Demon Nest] opened, the Moon God flew in like a beam of light and shadow.

As soon as he entered, he saw Li Yunshang floating in the air unconsciously, and his heart panicked.

"Yunshang, what's the matter with you?" Luna called softly, but Li Yunshang still didn't answer.

Seeing this situation, Luna hurriedly flew out of [Moon Demon Cave] with Li Yunshang in his arms.

Seeing Li Yunshang in Luna's arms, the law enforcement elder trembled in his heart, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with nephew Yunshang?"

Luna shook her head, and said with an ugly expression: "I don't know, but I can't feel her soul breath anymore."

When Xiaoqing next to him heard this, he sat down on the ground in an instant, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

"It's not true, miss how could it be."

Xiaoqing didn't dare to continue talking, she didn't dare to accept this reality at all.

The law enforcement elder panicked, since the [Moon Demon Nest] punishment method was established, there has never been a case where a disciple died in it.

Because [Moon Demon Cave] is impossible to be fatal, you can only feel the five senses in it, and at most it is only psychological torture.

But the real reason for its establishment is to let the disciples be able to meditate inside. As long as they are quiet, they will not have any feelings, but it can also promote the cultivation of spiritual power.

Li Yunshang had gone in several times before, and although she was terrified each time, her life was never in danger like this moment.

Thinking of this, the law enforcement elder's throat twitched slightly. If this killed the direct disciple of the sect leader, then the matter would not be easy.

"Master, could it be that Nephew Yunshang deliberately shielded his breath of life, trying to scare us?"

The law enforcement elder suddenly mentioned a very impossible possibility, and Luna turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Don't you know what kind of character she is? When did she do such a naive thing?"

When Xiaoqing on the side heard this, she cried even more sadly.

"Miss, you can't die, if you die, what will Xiaoqing do!"

Moon God glanced at Li Yunshang's lovely face at this time, and said: "Although I can't feel her soul breath, there is still blood flowing in her body. Maybe the soul was scared away. I will take her to the moon soul." Let's go to the palace to see if we can get her soul back."

When Luna's incomparably serious face said that the soul was scared away, the muscles on his face trembled slightly.

How courageous it must be to have such a chance!
Because of this, Luna suddenly regretted letting Li Yunshang go to Beihuang.

Although Li Yunshang was afraid in the past, it wasn't that far, but this time she was able to scare her soul away. It seems that the tragic situation she experienced in the Guidan Cave Mansion is beyond the comprehension of others.

"If you can wake up, I will teach you [Moon and Stars] that you have always wanted to learn as a teacher!"

The Moon God muttered something, and his figure suddenly turned into a streak of light, disappearing into the Moon Demon Cave.

Xiaoqing quickly got up and chased after him, crying while running.

The law enforcement elders stood there in a panic. If Li Yunshang really died, he would really have to bear a little responsibility.

[Moon Soul Hall] is a special place in Yueya. The exercises practiced by Yueya have a lot to do with the strength of the soul. The existence of [Moon Soul Hall] is for Yueya disciples to cultivate their soul strength. .

The elders here naturally have a very high perception of the soul.

"Master, what is this?"

The elders of the Moon Soul Hall looked at Li Yunshang in the arms of the Moon God, and asked doubtfully.

"Yunshang's soul has left the body." Luna said, looking at the elder in front of him solemnly.

Elder Moon Soul hurriedly brought Moon God into the inner hall.

"Don't worry about the sect leader. I will guide you with the soul-inducing technique. If her soul is still on Moon Cliff, she will definitely return to her body."

After saying that, Elder Yuehun began to chant the mantra, and Li Yunshang's body was also covered by a bright white light.

Luna watched from the side with a serious expression, and said in her heart that she was not worried that it was a fake.

Although Li Yunshang usually seems to have a free and easy personality, he is actually quite lonely in his heart, and he is not very close to him, but after all, he has been teaching Li Yunshang since he was a child, so there is still a foundation of relationship.

After a stick of incense, Elder Yuehun shook his head and turned around, sighing: "Master, Yunshang's soul has already left Yueya, forgive me for being powerless."

An imperceptible trace of grief flashed across Luna's serious face, and he asked in a deep voice, "Is there no way to get it back?"

"The spiritual world is so big that you can undoubtedly find a needle in a haystack."

Luna's eyes froze, and said, "How much time does she have?"

"If the soul has not returned to the body before sunset, it will undoubtedly die." Elder Moon Soul was a little cautious when he said this, fearing that the mood of Moon God would fluctuate if he said it seriously.

Moon God walked to Li Yunshang's side with a cold face, hugged her and said, "I'll take her back to Xianyue Peak. If she really can't be saved, then she will be buried in Xianyue Peak."

"Master, Xianyue Peak is where you live, how can that be?"

Before Elder Moon Soul finished speaking, the figure of Moon God had already disappeared.

"Yunshang, as a teacher, I never thought that you would leave like this. Although you and my master and apprentice are not close, but I think about you and my master and apprentice. If you are buried elsewhere, you will tell the world that you and my master and apprentice are indifferent. You can stay here at Xianyue Peak."

On the way back to Moon Peak, although Luna's face was unmistakably normal, there was some regret in his heart.

At this moment, [Fuyao Chuangqingyun] went online.

As soon as she went online, she heard what Luna said. She immediately opened her eyes, pouted and shouted, "How can you be such a master, and curse your apprentice to death?"

As soon as Li Yunshang opened his mouth, Moon God's figure was so frightened that he almost couldn't hold Li Yunshang firmly.

Only then did Li Yunshang realize that she was being held in the arms of Princess Luna, and her gaze immediately stayed on the profile of Luna.

oh! ! !My mother has been single for more than [-] years, and her first princess hug was dedicated to such a peerless handsome guy! ! !
No, why did he hug me?Is it interesting to me?
That's right!He must be interested in me!
"You're not dead?" Luna's astonished voice sounded, immediately leaving Li Yunshang speechless.

Such a good atmosphere was destroyed in an instant.

"Master, is there anyone like you? You actually cursed the apprentice to die." Li Yunshang glanced at Moon God complainingly, with a deliberately unhappy face on his face.

Luna immediately explained to Li Yunshang what happened just now, and Li Yunshang realized that it should be because of her offline, that's why Luna said such words.

Here, Li Yunshang was a little shocked. She knew that the AI ​​in "Xiaoyao Baye" was very anthropomorphic, but she didn't expect it to be so real.

Will the NPC in the game change because of the player?

In other words, NPCs and players have good feelings, and according to good feelings, NPCs will have special emotions for players.

Li Yunshang seemed to have discovered something serious, she suddenly raised the corner of her mouth, looked at Luna's side face and said: "Master, it seems that you are not so cold, you are worried about me."

"You are a disciple of the master, I am worried that there is something strange about you."

"No, it's not that kind of worry, it's the kind that you like me."

(End of this chapter)

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