my disciples come from earth

Chapter 169 Some people are happy and some are sad

Chapter 169 Some people are happy and some are sad

After hearing this, Luna's expression immediately became extremely serious, and he immediately said angrily: "Presumptuous! You have started to offend your teacher again!"

Li Yunshang stopped arguing with Moon God this time, but raised his head with a smile and said, "Master, now you are hugging me, who offended whom?"

When Luna heard the words, he immediately let go of his hands, but saw that Li Yunshang's hands were directly hugging Luna's neck, and his legs were clamped around Luna's waist, refusing to let go.

Black lines immediately appeared on Luna's aloof face, he stayed motionless in mid-air, and said coldly: "Get down!"

"I do not!"

Li Yunshang smiled arrogantly, staring straight at the Moon God.

"Do you know what you are doing? I can kill you on the spot for such a rebellious thing, or even expel you from the sect!"

Li Yunshang felt that Luna was really angry, so she reluctantly put her legs down from Luna's body, but her hands turned into Luna's arms.

"Let go of your hands too!" Luna said coldly.

Li Yunshang looked at Moon God with a pitiful expression, and said, "Master, I can't fly, I will die if I fall."

Hearing this, Luna took a deep breath, and then quickly brought him to Xianyue Peak, not daring to stay for a moment.

As soon as he arrived at Xianyue Peak, Luna said to Li Yunshang in an orderly tone: "You offended my teacher again today, and I will punish you for three days and you are not allowed to go out!"

When Li Yunshang heard the words, he pouted and hummed, "If you don't go out, you don't go out."

As he spoke, Li Yunshang turned around and walked towards Luna's room.

Seeing this, Moon God was so angry that he waved his spiritual energy, and immediately imprisoned Li Yunshang in place, saying, "Where are you going? That's the teacher's room!"

"It's not what you said just now that I will live in Xianyue Peak in the future. Could it be that Master, you don't mean what you say?"

Li Yunshang stared at Luna with sly eyes, making Luna feel uncomfortable.

"I thought you were dead!"

"Hmph! Master, you just don't mean what you say."

Li Yunshang's words blocked the moon god to death, how could he know that all this was Li Yunshang's routine.

After a long silence, Luna finally compromised. He pointed to the room next to his room and said, "From now on, you will stay in this room. I want to be quiet for the teacher. If you make noise, go back to your Yunshang building!"

Li Yunshang immediately smiled sweetly, and bowed to the moon god: "Thank you, master!"

Moon God sighed, released Li Yunshang's restraint, and then directly entered the room, and the door was closed tightly.

Li Yunshang looked at Luna's room with a smirk on his face, and murmured: "Luna, you are as beautiful as your face, even if you are a piece of thousand-year-old ice, I will melt you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yunshang yelled excitedly in his heart: "I don't know what it would be like for a player to fall in love with an NPC. It's quite exciting to think about it."

【Congratulations, you have returned to the sect. Next, please work hard to improve your level and wait patiently for new tasks. 】

At this time, Li Yunshang realized that his mission was completed only now.

That is to say, what Luna just said about being expelled from the teacher's school is still true!
Li Yunshang was afraid for a while, she was almost there, otherwise she would be banned.


At the same time, in Beihuang Xuanwu City, in Hehuan Building.

[Shit is not tasty when it’s cold] and [Before My Dad Died] were launched almost at the same time.

After Jiang Feng, who was replaced by "Before My Dad Died", came out of the room, he went straight to Rao Queyao's room.

Rao Queyao had a foolish smile on his face at this moment, and with his hands on his chest muscles, he was about to bleed out.

"Although I have become a woman, it doesn't seem so unacceptable."

Although he said so, after he went offline last night, he repeatedly confirmed whether his brother was still there. The reality of this game made him almost unable to distinguish his own gender.

Fortunately, his brother was here, so he could sleep peacefully, otherwise, he would really go crazy.

At this moment, the door of his room was directly pushed open by Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng saw Rao Queyao's actions at this time.

A warm current flowed out along Jiang Feng's nose. He immediately covered his nose, raised his head and said, "God God, it's early in the morning, can we pay attention to the impact?"

When Rao Queyao saw Jiang Feng's embarrassed appearance, he gave him an annoyed look, and then coughed dryly: "You'll blame me for not knocking when you enter the door, you deserve it."

Jiang Feng quickly wiped off the nosebleed, looked at Rao Queyao with a smile on his face and said, "How about a dog god, accept the reality."

Rao Queyao glanced at Jiang Feng, twisted her alluring figure and said, "It's not bad, after all, she's pretty."

"I also said that it doesn't matter if you change from male to female, as long as you look good and have a good figure, that's all." Jiang Feng approached Rao Queyao with a smile, and suddenly blinked at her.

Rao Queyao's expression changed immediately, and he immediately said, "What do you want to do?"

"God God, they are all brothers, what do you think?"

Rao Queyao quickly stepped back: "Did you make a mistake, excuse me?"

Jiang Feng rubbed his nose and quickly said with a smile: "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

"It's not funny at all, you know?" Rao Queyao gave Jiang Feng a hard look, before he breathed a sigh of relief.

If Jiang Feng really wanted to gang up on him before, he really didn't know whether to refuse or not.

After all, they are brothers, and they are still in the game.

"Hey, where's Qingyun? Isn't it online yet?"

Jiang Feng's doubtful voice sounded, and it was only then that Rao Queyao realized it.

"I really haven't seen her, is she online?"

"let me see."

All three of them have added friends to each other, and if the other party is online, they will know.

"It's online, why don't you come over, don't you want to go together?" Jiang Feng asked Rao Queyao suspiciously.

Rao Queyao frowned slightly, and said, "Ask her what she is doing?"

Jiang Feng nodded, and then he froze and started chatting with Li Yunshang.

After a while, Jiang Feng looked at Rao Queyao speechlessly and said, "She's already at Moon Cliff, the task is completed."

"What?" Rao Queyao was confused, "How did she do it?"

Jiang Feng sent the chat records between himself and Li Yunshang to Rao Queyao.

"I'll go! Is it okay? How can she still have a maid!" Rao Queyao suddenly felt that it was very unfair. They were also girls, so why should Li Yunshang be special.

"Then what should I do?" Rao Queyao looked at Jiang Fengdao, "We don't even have spirit stones on us, how can we sit in the teleportation formation?"

"Didn't you say you want to borrow it from an NPC? Go and try." Jiang Feng also said helplessly to Rao Queyao.

Rao Queyao's expression collapsed immediately, and he said, "I was just joking, do you think it's possible? How could there be a reason to ask an NPC to borrow money from the game, and the game company can't make money anymore."

"We don't even know the name of the game company. Who knows if he's making money? Besides, didn't you see what Qing Yun said? She said she was going to give away her NPC master."

(End of this chapter)

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