Chapter 173

The man in red came back to his senses at this moment, and there was some helplessness in his eyes, and then he laughed foolishly and said: "What a lovely girl, she even runs so beautifully."

The leader of the masked man was shocked when he heard this. Do you call this beautiful?Are you sure you're not blind?

"Brother, do we want to chase? It seems that if we let her run down, we won't be able to catch up."

When the masked man saw Rao Queyao's figure that was about to become blurred, he suddenly stabilized.

The leader of the masked man immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze, chase after her! You must not let her escape!"

His voice also immediately attracted the attention of the man in red. He immediately blocked the masked men with a horizontal sword, and said, "If you want to chase her, you must pass my level first."

The leader of the masked man turned cold, and said, "Go and chase him, leave him to me!"


Those masked men immediately wanted to divide their troops to chase Rao Queyao, and the man in red immediately released his aura to stop him, but the leader of the masked man suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, directly suppressing the aura he released down.

"Your opponent is me!"

The leader of the masked man snorted coldly, and shot at the man in red again.

The moves of the man in red were obviously messed up, because he was worried about Rao Queyao's safety.

At this moment, Rao Queyao laughed while running, completely unaware that the other party had already caught up.

"A group of idiots still want to catch me. Although I don't know the reason, will I be so easy to catch? Dude, after years of gaming experience, he has already practiced a unique skill. In the end, he will make a fortune silently! "

Just when Rao Queyao was proud, she suddenly felt a strong wind gust behind her. She turned her head subconsciously, and found several masked people walking like flying, obviously much faster than her.

"I'll go! Isn't this cheating? I've run so far, why is the hatred still on me?"

Rao Queyao complained cursingly, and those masked men just overtook her and stood in front of her.

"Miss Yaoyao, where do you want to go?"

The masked men suddenly surrounded Rao Queyao, and their eyes became much more lecherous.

Although their senior brother said that Rao Queyao was very important, they could only pretend to be robbers, but they couldn't really be robbers.

But at this time their senior brother is not here, so he doesn't need to listen to what he said.

Rao Queyao felt a very disgusting aura from them, she immediately stared at them and said, "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Hahaha! Miss Yaoyao is always so understanding, since you can't wait, come and stay with us!"

The person who was talking reached out to grab Rao Queyao's hand, she quickly dodged sideways, and said: "If I guessed correctly, the leader of yours said that I am important, right? Are you not afraid of him blaming me? ?”

"Don't worry, Miss Yaoyao, our speed is unimaginable, and we will finish soon."

The masked man immediately rushed towards Rao Queyao, this action made Rao Queyao extremely angry.

"Your mother, my mother gave you a face, right? All cats and dogs want to have sex with my mother. Are you worthy?"

Rao Queyao cursed angrily, and suddenly a layer of aura armor appeared on the surface of her body, which was exactly what she had learned in 【Happy Wandering Body Art】!
Then I saw Rao Queyao advancing instead of retreating, and violently punched the man with the foul mouth just now in the face, knocking him to the ground on the spot.

At this moment, the other masked talents realized that Rao Queyao had the peak strength of refining Qi, if they were not careful, they would be killed in seconds!

"Damn! Catch this stinky woman!"

The masked man who was knocked to the ground quickly got up from the ground, pointed at Rao Queyao with a black face and shouted.

Several masked men quickly released their spiritual energy to attack Rao Queyao.

However, Rao Queyao didn't even defend against their attacks, and just punched them in the face.

When the masked men saw that nothing happened to Rao Queyao's body, their eyes became a little terrified.

At this time, Rao Queyao also enjoyed the refreshment brought to her by the [Happy Wandering Body Art], which was really just like what was said in the introduction, it could easily resist the attacks of monks of the same level, and even leapfrog the battle without any problem.

Rao Queyao should have realized that [Happy Wandering Body Technique] is so domineering, she's still running a fart, and went directly to confront that guy!
At this time, the masked man with a bad mouth looked at all the fallen companions around him, and slowly stepped back, swallowing saliva in his throat.

Rao Queyao's gaze was also on him immediately, and she walked towards him step by step, that guy was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

"Don't you want to get started, come on, come touch!" Rao Queyao shouted while staring at the masked man with her proud chest muscles.

Hearing that, the masked man raised his hand tremblingly.

"I'll go to your brother-in-law! How dare you touch him!" Rao Queyao kicked him over and scolded angrily.

The masked man suddenly looked at Rao Queyao with some grievances and said, "Didn't you let me touch it?"

"I tell you to touch you, and I tell you to die, are you going to die?" Rao Queyao's expression management was completely out of control at this time, and his appearance was almost the same as that of Brother Wufly.

The masked man shook his head hastily, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he was seen rising into the air, and slapped Rao Queyao's shoulder with a palm.

Rao Queyao didn't expect that the opponent would dare to make a move at all, and immediately took a few steps back.

Then Rao Queyao looked at the masked man angrily, and said, "You are dead."

When the masked man saw that Rao Queyao was fine, and he didn't even show his painful expression, he immediately panicked: "How is this possible? Why are you fine?"

Rao Queyao snorted coldly with disdain, and said, "Have you heard of the spiritual skill for body protection?"

"What!" The masked man widened his eyes and said, "When did the Hehuan Tower have the body protection skill?"

As soon as Rao Queyao heard this, she knew that she had slipped her tongue. Her gaze immediately turned cold, and she said, "Whether Hehuan Building has body-protecting spiritual skills has nothing to do with you, die!"

As soon as the words fell, Rao Queyao rushed forward and started simple and rough boxing.

The masked man never expected that Rao Queyao would rush up to fight close to her. She thought that Rao Queyao would use other attack skills.

Finally, after Rao Queyao's Wu Song beat a tiger, the masked man died under her skirt, which was considered content.

Afterwards, Rao Queyao began to touch the corpses. Apart from their clothes, these guys only had some spiritual stones and elixirs, and their weapons, and nothing else.

Rao Queyao put away the spirit stone elixir, then picked up a sword and swung it. Although she doesn't know swordsmanship, using this is much stronger than using fists.

"Young lady's swordsmanship is agile, I admire you."

At this moment, the man in red who had rescued Rao Queyao appeared with a smile on his face. No one knew how surprised he was when he saw Rao Queyao pressing down on the masked man and punching violently.

(End of this chapter)

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