my disciples come from earth

Chapter 174 The young master of Fire Cloud Peak

Chapter 174 The young master of Fire Cloud Peak

Hearing the voice of the man in red, Rao Queyao turned his head and glanced at him, then said, "It's you, thank you just now."

Hearing this, the man in red smiled and said, "It's all worth it in exchange for the girl's thank you."

Rao Queyao was slightly taken aback, she felt that this sentence sounded a little awkward, but after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't know where the awkwardness was, so she didn't care.

"By the way, where was that person just now?" Rao Queyao asked suddenly.

The man in red lowered his eyebrows and said calmly, "He's dead."

"You killed him?" Rao Queyao asked with a frown.

"That's right." The man in red nodded, ready to welcome Rao Queyao's thanks again.

But Rao Queyao looked at the man in red curiously and said, "Is there anything left on him? Did you take it?"

The man in red was stunned for a moment, puzzled and said: "After I killed him, I came to you quickly. As for whether I left anything behind, it should be gone."

"It's gone!" Rao Queyao stared at the man in red with wide eyes, "How is it possible, he is also a small boss no matter what, how could he not drop things?"

"Little boss?" The man in red looked at Rao Queyao suspiciously, feeling extremely confused.

Rao Queyao hurriedly covered his mouth, then said with a smile: "It means the leader, this is the code word of our Hehuan Building."

With this explanation, the man in red nodded with a clear face, and said: "He was reduced to ashes by my sword, so naturally nothing was left."

"Ash?" Rao Queyao frowned, looking at the sword in his hand, "Spiritual skill?"

The man in red nodded, raised his head proudly and said, "That's right, this is the secret of my Huoyun Peak."

"Can you teach me?"

Before the man in red could finish speaking, Rao Queyao asked suddenly.

"What?" The man in red was instantly stunned, as if he didn't hear clearly.

Seeing the expression of the man in red, Rao Queyao muttered, "It's fine if you don't teach me, I just ask."

"Girl, this is my Huoyun Peak not passed on"

"Okay, I got it, they said it was just asking, you still have something to do, I'll leave if there's nothing to do, and I have to hurry."

Rao Queyao interrupted the man in red impatiently, so much so that the corner of the man's mouth was bleeding.

Rao Queyao looked at it, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The man in red waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I just had a duel with that man and suffered some internal injuries."

"You're injured!" Rao Queyao looked a little ugly, after all, he was also injured because of her, "Do you need my help?"

The man in red shook his head again, and said: "Thank you for your kindness, Miss, this injury is not serious, just rest for a few days."

Rao Queyao breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and then said: "Then you should go back and rest quickly, don't stay here."

"Ah..." The man in red was at a loss for words for a while, and suddenly asked with cupped hands, "Dare to ask the girl's name?"

"You don't know me?" Rao Queyao looked at the man in red suspiciously.

The man in red shook his head and said with a smile: "I just went down the mountain to practice. Although I am in Central Continent, I am very closed to the outside world."

"Well, my name is Rao Queyao, nice to meet you." Rao Queyao said politely to the man in red, "And you, what's your name?"

Hearing the words, the man in red quickly replied: "My disciple of Huoyun Peak, Yan Yi!"

Hearing this name, Rao Queyao's heart welled up with a familiar feeling, and an image suddenly appeared in his mind, with a few large characters written on the top of the image——Young Master of Huoyun Peak, Yan Yi!
"You are the young master of Huoyunfeng!" Rao Queyao said subconsciously, and the memory of Huoyunfeng flooded up in his mind instantly.

[Fire Cloud Peak], an eight-star sect, majors in fire aura, and its spiritual skills are mostly overbearing. If you hold an important position in the sect, or get the qualification to become a teacher, you can travel in the spirit world.

And this Yanyi, a rare genius in Huoyun Peak in a hundred years, reached the peak of Qi refining at the age of 20, quasi-foundation stage, and also comprehended his own way of swordsmanship.

Seeing Rao Queyao calling out his name, Yanyi was slightly startled at first, and then a familiar memory seemed to pop up in his mind.

Then he looked at Rao Queyao with a look of surprise and said: "I remembered, you are the saintess of the Hehuan Tower, that girl Yaoyao who is called by the men in Central Continent as 'you can only watch from a distance, but not play with it'. wrong?"

Rao Queyao nodded repeatedly, looked at Yanyi excitedly and said, "You know me, so I'll just say I'm famous."

Yan Yi couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, you are not only famous, you are known all over the world.

"I didn't expect that I would meet Miss Yaoyao not long after I came down the mountain. I'm really lucky." Yan Yi touched his nose, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

When he met Rao Queyao for the first time, he felt that if he could make Rao Queyao his Taoist companion, it would be a blessing that he had cultivated for several lifetimes.

But after knowing Rao Queyao's identity, Yan Yi felt a little tangled in his heart.

He naturally knows what the rumors of the Hehuan Building are like in the world. He is afraid that this Yaoyao girl in front of him has countless men, and that she will forget about what happened today in half a day.

Thinking of this, Yanyi sighed in his heart, and then said to Rao Queyao with some expectation: "Miss Yaoyao, it's my luck to see you today, and I only hope to have the chance to see you again in the future."

Hearing this, Rao Queyao smiled freely and said, "Don't worry, there must be a chance. Besides, you saved me today, and I will remember your kindness."

"Is it kindness?" Yanyi murmured, then took a deep breath, and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then let me take my leave first?"

Rao Queyao nodded and said, "Go quickly and heal your injuries."

Hearing Rao Queyao's blunt words, Yan Yi felt a little lost, but he still gave Rao Queyao his hands, boarded the flying sword and left.

Rao Queyao looked at Yan Yi's leaving back, and said enviously: "Flying magic weapon, if only I had one."

In fact, she did, but in the Suidan Cave Mansion, Li Xiaoyao had already snatched it privately. If Rao Queyao checked carefully in the mall, he would definitely be able to see it.

After that, Rao Queyao turned his head to look at the corpses on the ground, and suddenly frowned suspiciously: "Strange, don't these corpses refresh? Why are they always here?"

Standing on the spot and watching for a while, the corpse was bitten by mosquitoes and did not refresh, Rao Queyao looked disgusted, and left the place quickly.

And the direction she was walking in was naturally the direction of the main altar of the Hehuan Building.

The carriage was gone, so she could only walk on foot.

(End of this chapter)

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