my disciples come from earth

Chapter 194 Master and Disciple Meet

Chapter 194 Master and Disciple Meet
Li Yan escorted Gou Fugui and Li Xiaoyao to the Hall of Law Enforcement with a gloomy expression, but Gou Fugui's expression was not much better.

As soon as he entered the law enforcement hall, Li Xiaoyao felt a gloomy feeling.

The Hall of Law Enforcement is located in the north of the General League, which is a fierce place. It is normal for Li Xiaoyao to feel this way.

In fact, Gou Fugui feels even more uncomfortable than Li Xiaoyao at this time, he is the last thing he wants to enter here.

The reason is very simple, he framed the leader of the northern alliance, and this time the leader of the northern alliance is released, it is absolutely impossible to let him go.

And even if he was released, he would not be able to stay in the cultivator's alliance, because the reputation of him and the Gou family had been completely ruined.

He couldn't figure out that he would lose so quickly in Li Xiaoyao's hands, and he didn't even have room to resist.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao glanced at Gou Fugui's ashen expression, and raised his eyebrows slightly, Gou Fugui's psychological endurance is a bit low.

Li Yan shook his head slightly at this time, and ordered the law enforcement officers who were looking at Li Xiaoyao and the others: "Take them both into the dungeon."

As soon as the words fell, two law enforcement officers came up. Their expressions were no different from that of Li Yan, they were both stern.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at the two of them, and without saying a word, they walked towards the opposite direction of Li Yan.

But at this moment, Li Yan turned around suddenly, and thoughtfully said: "Wait a minute, I remember that the cells don't seem to be enough, so lock the two of them together."

The law enforcement officer holding Li Xiaoyao was obviously taken aback for a moment, then he showed a wicked smile, nodded and said, "Of order, Elder."

Li Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, he is not a fool, he knows exactly what these words mean.

Locking myself and Gou Fugui in a cell must be tricky.

At this time, Li Yan walked up to Li Xiaoyao and Gou Fugui, first glanced at them, then he looked at Gou Fugui and said, "Elder Gou, you are an elder, the cell is damp, you have to take good care of the younger generation do you know?"

Gou Fugui's eyes froze immediately, he turned his head to look at Li Xiaoyao, and then said coldly: "Elder Li, don't worry, I still know this."

Li Xiaoyao's face became a little unsightly, which is already blatantly trying to punish himself.

"Second elders, I am sick and contagious, so give me a cell alone." Li Xiaoyao said to Li Yan with some embarrassment.

But seeing Li Yan's solemn face, he said in a deep voice: "Did you not hear what I just said? There are not enough prison cells. Even if you are sick, you have to wait until there are enough prison cells."

"Elder Li, it doesn't matter. If nephew Wang Dao is really sick, I happen to know some techniques to distort yellow."

Gou Fugui showed a fake smile to Li Xiaoyao from the side, which made Li Xiaoyao feel very helpless. It seems that it is impossible to change the cell.

Li Yan snorted coldly at this time, and then said: "Take them down quickly, and let the leader of the North Alliance be released by the way, he is no longer suspected."

The two law enforcement officers nodded quickly when they heard the words, and led them to the dungeon with indifferent expressions.

The situation in the dungeon was exactly as Li Xiaoyao had guessed. In Nuo Da's dungeon, almost all the cells had their doors open.

Looking around, Li Xiaoyao only saw the door of a cell closed.

This cell was just as he had guessed, and it was indeed the cell where the leader of the Northern Alliance was staying.

It's just that these cells are all made of cold iron, and except for a small window on the door, they are almost completely closed.

So Li Xiaoyao didn't see the leader of the North when he passed by the cell of the leader of the North.

But it is a coincidence that the cells of Li Xiaoyao and Gou Fugui are right next to the North leader.

When Li Xiaoyao and Gou Fugui walked into the cell, the cell door next door also opened at the same time.

I heard a law enforcement officer say very respectfully: "My lord, you can go out now."

After the sound, there was no response, but short and powerful footsteps were heard immediately after.

Just when Li Xiaoyao's cell door was about to close, he happened to see a burly man walking by, and Li Xiaoyao immediately shouted: "Master!"

The big man froze immediately, and then turned around abruptly, but the cell door where Li Xiaoyao was was already closed heavily.

"Open the door." Li Xiaoyao heard a powerful voice inside.

"My lord, the leader of the northern alliance, they are serious offenders. Without the order of the elders, we can't open the door easily."

A law enforcement officer replied obediently, and his tone could be heard to be very frightened.

"I'll go and talk to Li Yan, and now I'll let you open the door!" The leader of the Northern League's voice was resounding, full of doubts.

Li Xiaoyao didn't know what was going on outside, but he heard the sound of a key entering the hole.

Not long after, the prison door was pushed open, and the burly man appeared at the door.

Li Xiaoyao's impression of this person is already very familiar, he can often be seen in Wang Dao's memory, because he is Wang Dao's master, and now the leader of the Northern Wilderness Branch of the Alliance of Cultivators - Bei Mingyi!

"Master." Li Xiaoyao called out again, with a somewhat tragic expression on his face.

Bei Mingyi nodded slightly, and also noticed Gou Fugui standing in the corner, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

That Gou Fugui immediately cupped his hands to Beimingyi with an apologetic smile on his face: "The leader of Beiming."

Bei Mingyi snorted coldly, then suddenly looked at Li Xiaoyao and said, "You saved me?"

"It's just to prove some things for the master. This matter is my own decision, and it has nothing to do with you, the master." Li Xiaoyao pretended to be deep, but he looked a little free and easy.

Bei Mingyi took a deep look at Li Xiaoyao, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know the consequences?"

Li Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows slightly, shrugged his shoulders and said, "The big deal is death."

Seeing Li Xiaoyao's indifferent appearance, Bei Mingyi nodded, then glanced at Gou Fugui, and then said to the two law enforcement officers: "Change him to the next cell."

"Master Bei League Leader, we don't have the right to change the cell." The law enforcement officer said to Bei Mingyi tremblingly, stuttering a bit.

Bei Mingyi turned his head slightly, and said coldly: "I'm not discussing with you, listen to me now!"

The law enforcement officers trembled, and both of them saw the look of fear on each other's faces. This is a terrible job.

"Leader Bei, this is not the Northern Wilderness, since you are innocent, then hurry out, the Hall of Law Enforcement will not accept guests!"

At this time, Li Yan suddenly appeared at the door, with his hands behind his back and a solemn expression, causing the two law enforcement officers to salute him immediately.

Bei Mingyi turned around, raised his head and stared at Li Yan and said, "Li Yan, why did you put Wang Dao and a sinister villain in the same cell?"

"There are not enough cells, President Bei, so we can only make do with it first." Li Yan was not afraid of Bei Mingyi at all, and his eyes were also looking directly at Bei Mingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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