Chapter 195
Bei Mingyi's expression darkened, and he said, "Li Yan, you are targeting me, and it has nothing to do with kingly ways."

Li Yan rubbed his chin, and suddenly sneered: "The leader of the North is serious. You are the leader of the Northern Wilderness. I am just an elder. How dare I target you. As for the nephew Wang Dao, he deserved it for changing the matching mechanism without authorization. , I am just enforcing the law impartially."

"The king's way is guilty, I won't cover him up. Since you are the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, you should be fair at the very least." Bei Mingyi's tone was very unkind, but also very direct.

Li Yan glanced at Bei Mingyi, and then said to him: "Master Bei, I have already said that there are not enough cells, so I can only make do with it first. If you think I have done something wrong, you can go to find me. The chief ally reports me."

Hearing this, Bei Mingyi clenched his fist immediately, and the spiritual power in his body was released suddenly, and all the doors in the dungeon were suddenly closed at this time.

"Li Yan! What do you mean! There are obviously many empty cells here!"

Seeing Beimingyi's aggressive look, Li Yan snorted and said, "Master Beiming, a group of serious criminals from Nanyi will be handed over soon. There are really not enough cells. Besides, doing it in the law enforcement hall can be regarded as an attack on the general. This is a capital offense!"

Hearing what Li Yan said, Li Xiaoyao, who was behind Bei Mingyi, shook his head slightly. The master Wang Dao seemed like a reckless man, and he was no match for a sinister villain like Li Yan.

"Master, since there are not enough cells, don't change them, it will be troublesome to change them."

When Li Xiaoyao spoke, Bei Mingyi put away his spiritual power, turned around and glanced at Li Xiaoyao, and said, "You really don't want to change?"

Li Xiaoyao nodded, and said indifferently: "I think this place is not bad, so let's do it."

Hearing the words, Bei Mingyi suddenly looked at Gou Fugui and said, "Gou Fugui, if there is an injury on Wang Dao's body, your Gou family will never leave behind!"

Gou Fugui's throat moved slightly, but he didn't dare to say anything to refute.

At this time, Li Yan said: "Master Bei, although Elder Gou is also guilty, but he has not made a decision at this time. Threatening the elite members of the Federation at will is also a capital offense."

Bei Mingyi turned around abruptly, staring at Li Yan with both eyes.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly said: "Master, you don't have to worry about me. A dog will not bite easily without the owner's instructions, unless it is a mad dog."

When Bei Mingyi heard the words, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay! You should be wronged here first, and I will rescue you soon as a teacher."

Hearing what Bei Mingyi said, Li Yan's gaze changed slightly, and then he greeted him with a smile, and said, "Leader Bei, please."

Bei Mingyi glanced at Li Yan coldly, and rushed out with his head up and chest out, knocking Li Yan aside.

Seeing Bei Mingyi's back disappear, Li Yan turned his head coldly, stared at Li Xiaoyao and said, "Nephew Wang Dao, you must be tired after rushing here from Beihuang, you should rest more."

Li Xiaoyao shook his head helplessly, and said, "Forget it, I dare not rest."

"Why?" Li Yan asked curiously.

Li Xiaoyao grinned, "I'm afraid the dog will bite me when I'm resting."

Li Yan's expression froze immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly: "If that's the case, then you should stay here well."

After finishing speaking, Li Yan walked out with the law enforcement officers, and the cell door was slammed shut.

The moment the prison door was closed, Gou Fugui glared at Li Xiaoyao angrily and shouted, "Royal way! What do you mean?"

Li Xiaoyao rubbed his ears, looked at Gou Fugui with a puzzled expression and said, "What do you mean? Elder Gou, why are you yelling so loudly?"

Gou Fugui narrowed his eyes slightly, his neck flushed red from being suppressed.

It was as if he had saved up all his energy and punched Li Xiaoyao, but Li Xiaoyao put a thick steel plate on the outside, and he was the one who was injured the most.

After all, he can't say that he is a dog.

Gou Fugui walked to the corner angrily, taking deep breaths constantly.

And Li Xiaoyao was lying on the bed, looking at Erlang's legs, not to mention how comfortable he was.

"My lord, you are putting yourself in danger. If Gou Fugui wants to attack you, what will you do?"

The boy's voice sounded in Li Xiaoyao's mind at this time, and he could hear that he was very anxious.

Li Xiaoyao smiled slightly and said, "No need to worry, he will definitely attack me."

"Then why do you want to drag him into the water? Isn't this asking for trouble?" The little boy didn't understand what Li Xiaoyao meant at all, and he was anxious and panicked.

Li Xiaoyao nodded irresistibly, and said: "You should have seen it just now, if you don't drag him into the water, according to Bei Mingyi's urination, going out will definitely cause trouble for others, then all I have done will be in vain. "

He had his own plan: "In the spiritual world, class solidification is unbreakable. If you want the Xiaoyao Sect to successfully break the shackles between each layer of heaven and go straight to the ninth layer of heaven, you must start with the behemoth Alliance of Cultivators."

"But you will be in danger. Gou Fugui is on the sixth level of foundation building, and you have just built the foundation not long ago, and you have only one level of cultivation. There is no way you can be his opponent."

Xiaotong was flustered, he felt that this crisis was very big for Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao didn't think so, his face was full of indifference, without a trace of panic.

"Don't worry, as long as we kill him and replace him with another melon skin disciple, then it's over, and then we can bite Li Yan back, why not do it?"

Hearing what Li Xiaoyao said, Xiao Tong was stunned for a moment, and had to say that Li Xiaoyao's strategy was really a fraud, but there was a big problem in it.

The strength gap between Li Xiaoyao and Gou Fugui, the difference in strength between the two is very large, Li Xiaoyao has absolutely no chance of winning.

"My lord, you must be joking, right?" Xiaotong asked in disbelief.

Li Xiaoyao sat up from the bed at this time, and then stared at Gou Fugui in the corner and said to the little boy: "This sect master never jokes, if I don't kill him today, I will be the one who dies, we have no choice."

"Obviously there is, you have to come to rescue this Bei Mingyi, otherwise there will be no such things." The little boy muttered in a low voice, and then asked helplessly, "How are we going to kill him? Darkness Dao realm plus killing a chicken with a sword is also impossible."

Li Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "Of course it's impossible to fight head-on, we have to wait, when this guy is about to attack us, we will suddenly attack. At that time, he must be preparing to attack me." One kill, there will be no defense, we can kill him completely at that time!"

The little boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly said to Li Xiaoyao: "My lord, this method of yours may really work, and we will attack together later, with the dark Dao realm and the chicken-killing sword, maybe it will really work! "

Li Xiaoyao nodded slightly, since he dragged Gou Fugui into the water, he had already planned Gou Fugui's life, this time Gou Fugui must die!
(End of this chapter)

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