Chapter 196
Gou Fugui had no idea that he was being targeted by a bloodthirsty wolf. After he adjusted his mentality, he started looking for a chance to kill Li Xiaoyao.

He naturally knew why Li Yan deliberately let him and Li Xiaoyao be in the same cell, he must have wanted him to kill Li Xiaoyao.

As the young master of the Northern Wilderness Branch, Li Xiaoyao had nothing to say about his talent. He might have some way to save his life. He had to find a way to kill Li Xiaoyao with one blow.

It would be best if Li Xiaoyao had no hostility towards him. In that case, his success rate would be much higher.

Li Xiaoyao and Gou Fugui were harboring evil intentions, their eyes suddenly collided.

Both of them seemed to be in a daze, and seeing that Li Xiaoyao was the first to break the embarrassment, he grinned and said to Gou Fugui, "Elder Gou, I heard that the guy who was beaten to death yesterday is your nephew. right?"

Gou Fugui didn't expect that Li Xiaoyao would directly bring up yesterday's incident. He was immediately filled with anger, and when he was about to explode, he suddenly thought of his purpose, so he took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes, I I didn't expect him to be so shameless."

Li Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said in a puzzled way, "But I heard that he did all the things he did with you."

Gou Fugui's face darkened suddenly, he couldn't bear these words.

Seeing that Gou Fugui smiled awkwardly, he explained: "That's because he was drunk and talking nonsense, so it can't be taken seriously."

"Is that so, then you didn't insult his old mother?" Li Xiaoyao asked curiously.

Gou Fugui shook his head with a dark face: "No."

"Not even the old bitch?"

Gou Fugui's wrinkled face suddenly trembled, and he gritted his teeth and said, "No."

Li Xiaoyao nodded half-understood, and said to himself: "It seems that I just insulted his wife, rumors are harmful."

Hearing this, Gou Fugui's eyebrows almost twitched, he clenched his fists and said in a deep voice, "Those despicable things were slandered by others, we never did them."

Li Xiaoyao raised his head to look at Gou Fugui, and thoughtfully said: "If you didn't do it, it should be your nephew who did it. I can't imagine that brother Gou not only looks like no one, but what he does is also not done by human beings." thing."

At this moment, Gou Fugui suddenly let out a muffled snort, his whole body trembled, and he immediately turned his body to the other side.

Going on like this, he might not have killed Li Xiaoyao, and he would have to be pissed off first.

Seeing that Gou Fugui took a few deep breaths, a trace of hidden spiritual power suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and there was a fierce light in his eyes!

"My lord, he has murderous intent."

Xiaotong reminded Li Xiaoyao at this time, Li Xiaoyao's eyes froze slightly, and he began to use his spiritual power secretly.

"Elder Gou, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

Li Xiaoyao asked while walking towards Gou Fugui.

Gou Fugui's ears moved slightly, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, come closer, let me blow you up with one blow!

At this time, a magical sword appeared in Li Xiaoyao's hands. Although it was not his natal spiritual treasure, this sword was pitted by him in the Northern Wilderness Branch. It is an eighth-grade magic weapon, and it is considered the top level in Jiuchongtian. Magical artifact.

The name of this sword is Po Jun!
"Elder Gou, let me tell you something." Li Xiaoyao said slowly, which immediately aroused Gou Fugui's interest.

"What's the matter?" Gou Fugui asked while accumulating spiritual energy.

Li Xiaoyao stopped suddenly, and said with a smile: "Actually, everything you found is true. I did come to Qilin City yesterday, and all the things that happened last night, I planned, Gou Buyan did those things , I fabricated it, and I ruined the reputation of your Gou family!"

Gou Fugui stared at him slightly, turned around abruptly and shouted, "Shu Zi dare you!"

Just when Gou Fugui yelled this sentence, the spiritual power in his whole body was instantly disordered, and where his gaze fell, a bright magic weapon appeared in front of him.

On the magic weapon, there is a power that makes him extremely afraid!
Gou Fugui hurriedly wanted to mobilize his spiritual power to stop it, but at this moment, the little boy suddenly appeared and shouted anxiously: "Ah, lala little boy's sealing technique!"

When the boy's voice sounded, Gou Fugui found that his spiritual power was blocked, and he couldn't fully mobilize it for a while.

And at this moment, Li Xiaoyao stabbed Gou Fugui between the eyebrows with his Po Jun in his hand, and exploded his head on the spot!
The whole cell immediately began to vibrate violently, and the violent spiritual power was flying around in the cell!
The boy immediately sealed the spiritual power of the cell, then turned Gou Fugui's body into energy and swallowed it in one gulp.

Together with it, there is also the spiritual power emanating from the cell, and Gou Fugui's soul that wants to escape.

Gou Fugui died without even begging for mercy.

After Li Xiaoyao sent out that sword, his whole body became weak and he completely slumped on the bed.

Seeing Li Xiaoyao's appearance, the little boy ran over quickly, and while recovering for Li Xiaoyao, he complained: "My lord, don't do such things in the future, your body can't always be so short."

Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at the little boy, adjusted his breath and said, "Okay, I understand, hurry up and find a melon rind from the Sui Dan Cave Mansion to replace it."

"Can it work? The melon skins in the cave haven't reached the level of foundation building now. If they check this guy's spiritual power, they may reveal their secrets."

Xiao Tong was still a little worried, after all, this time he wasn't replacing the juniors like Rao Queyao and Jiang Feng.

"Don't worry, he is the elder of the General League, out of respect, no one will spy on his spiritual power, just do it!"

"And even if they are discovered, the melon skin disciple can be resurrected, and there is no loss."

Seeing that Li Xiaoyao was sure, the boy stopped reminding him, and immediately summoned a melon skin.

The name of this melon skin, Li Xiaoyao, is quite familiar, it seems to be the guy who made him think of the trick of stealing the beam, [巭婆嫑烎]!
"It's you, do you understand all the missions?" Li Xiaoyao glanced at him and asked.

【巭婆嫑烎】He nodded repeatedly, and said excitedly: "Got it."

[巭婆嫑烎] He never thought that his luck would be so good. Originally, he was developing his own homeland in the cave, but suddenly a special task popped up, which made him very happy.

After a while, the appearance of [巭婚嫑烎] began to change, and soon became exactly the same as Gou Fugui, even the soul was the same.

Li Xiaoyao nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Li Yan will definitely come to check later, you have to fool me, you know?"

Gou Fugui nodded, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, brother Xiaoyao, I know."

Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes, and said helplessly: "Remember, from now on call me Wang Dao or nephew, your actions and demeanor must be the same as Gou Fugui, and you can't make unnecessary actions, so as not to be suspected. If the mission fails, the title will be banned."

【巭婆嫑烎】: "."

(End of this chapter)

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