my disciples come from earth

Chapter 46 Lang Shi Returns

Chapter 46 Lang Shi Returns
The activity continued. Although the players were dissatisfied on the surface and often complained, they were still very honest in their hands and did not relax their pace of completing the task at all.

On this day, when Li Xiaoyao was playing minesweeping and admiring the palace not far away, the little boy brought a piece of good news.

Child: "Sir, Langshi has entered the spirit world."

This was the little trick that Xiao Tong used on Lang Shi when he left last time. As soon as Lang Shi entered the spirit world, Xiao Tong would immediately perceive him.

Li Xiaoyao froze, did he finally come back? This time, he was going to start clearing out speculators from the spirit world.

Now that the strange ore has been swallowed by him, let's tear his face completely.

Li Xiaoyao asked Xiaotong to watch Guapi disciple, and secretly went down the mountain by himself, hiding in the place agreed with Lang Shi long ago.

On the other hand, after Lang Shi returned to the Shadow Society, he made up a perfect story with half-truths and half-truths. The leader of the Shadow Society, because only Lang Shi survived, and brought back all the spirit stones, so soon Just believed him.

The Shadow Society also gave Lang Shi a large amount of magic stones and promoted his position to "Leader of Speculators".

This time, it was Lang Shi who led the five speculators from the demon world to the spirit world, and he also mastered the connection lines and code words of these speculators from the demon world.

What he needs to do now is to find a suitable opportunity to escape, and then meet Li Xiaoyao at the agreed place.

Not far from Jieyuan, six fully armed demon heads are walking cautiously towards the spirit world.

Lang Shi said: "You should be familiar with your own route. Now Montenegro has been occupied by a high-level spirit monk who refines Qi, so we will gather here directly after the transaction is completed. Now you go to give yourselves around here first. Find a hidden temporary foothold, and then follow the established route to join. Remember, the temporary foothold cannot be known to anyone.”

A monster with front and rear horns on Lang Shi's right hand raised a question: "My lord, shouldn't we go to the joint first, and then find a foothold?"

Lang Shi snorted coldly: "What do you know! There is no foothold, and it's too late to cry when something happens to you! Don't you understand the principle of sharpening a knife without mistakenly chopping firewood?"

Seeing that Lang Shi was angry, the other devils were obedient and dared not act presumptuously, although they still had doubts in their hearts.

After the other five demon heads scattered and left, Lang Shi accelerated towards Montenegro.

In a canyon two miles away from Montenegro, Li Xiaoyao had already been waiting there.

When Lang Shi came to the canyon, he saw Li Xiaoyao was lighting something on a light curtain with his legs crossed.On the light curtain, there is a piece of squares made up of small squares, and some squares have a small red flag stuck on them.

"Master Sect Leader." Lang Shi called out cautiously.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at Lang Shi: "Lang Shi is here, wait a moment, wait until I finish sweeping the mine."

Lang Shi sat awkwardly on the stone beside him, watching Li Xiaoyao's face showing various expressions such as contemplation, anger, or remorse from time to time.It seems to be fighting the blocks on the light curtain.

"Fuck! Lost again!"

Li Xiaoyao shook his head and said to himself: "It seems that the difficulty of [-] x [-] is still a bit high. Next time I will play with [-]."

Li Xiaoyao put away the computer, walked up to Lang Shi and grabbed his green tentacles and said, "Welcome back, Lang Shi."

Lang Shi's tentacles trembled, and he took a step back in fright: "My lord, you can call me Nicholas. My full name is Nicholas Lang Shi."

Li Xiaoyao originally wanted to play with his tentacles, but now he can only give up unfortunately.

"Alright Nicholas, let's get down to business."

Lang Shi immediately revealed the mission to the spirit world, the secret code of the route, and other information.Li Xiaoyao nodded secretly
It seems that this time I can make a lot of money again.

Li Xiaoyao had already made a plan. He planned to wipe out all the speculators in the spirit world this time, and then pretended to be a speculator in the spirit world to connect with the speculators in the demon world.

As for the problem of time difference, Lang Shi has already helped him solve it.

The reason why Lang Shi asked the devil to suspend the meeting before was to give Li Xiaoyao enough time to act.

Li Xiaoyao left after getting the information, while Lang Shi hid in the canyon and waited patiently.

The first joint location was in a black wood forest in the west of Montenegro. Li Xiao could sense a faint breath of a fourth-level Qi Refining monk in the black wood forest from a distance.

He broke into the dark wood forest without any pretense, and with one move, he crippled the speculators in the spirit world, and took them down like a chicken.

The speculator's face flushed for a while, and he said sternly: "I am an inner disciple of the Longevity Sect, and my predecessors have abolished my cultivation base indiscriminately, but you want to be an enemy of my Longevity Sect?!"

Li Xiaoyao threw him on Zhanlong, and smiled lightly: "So you are from the Longevity Sect, speculator."

Swish!The speculator's identity was revealed, and his face turned pale immediately, with a frightened expression in his eyes.

Fornicating with the demon world is a capital offense according to the laws of the spiritual world, and it will harm sects!

He pressed his white lips tightly, for fear that he would say another wrong word.

Li Xiaoyao shook his head when he saw this scene, and brought his envoy Zhan Longfei back to the Xiaoyao faction.He found Ling Qingyun, who was obsessed with doing tasks, and handed over the speculator to her.

"Let him speak." Li Xiaoyao put down a word and flew away again with Yu Jian.

Ling Qingyun saw that there was an extra task coming, and immediately put down the bucket at hand, and quickly dragged the speculators to the small hut, his eyes lit up: "This time the reward should be very generous."

Afterwards, Li Xiaoyao followed suit and caught the speculators from various hidden places around Montenegro.Except for Li Xiaoyao, a monk from the spiritual world who was going to join Lang Shi, he did not move, the other four people were abolished by him and handed over to Ling Qingyun.

Li Xiaoyao was originally afraid that Ling Qingyun thought there were too many tasks, but after receiving the task, Ling Qingyun was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

"The more tasks, the more rewards!" Ling Qingyun said.

Finally, Li Xiaoyao returned to the canyon to join Lang Shi.

"Nicholas, now you can go to your connector, I will watch from the dark, I hope you can get some more words out of him." Li Xiaoyao ordered.

Lang Shi pretended to have just set off, and slowly came to a cave in the south of Montenegro.

There was already a monk in blue waiting in the cave. At this moment, he was sitting by the fire, staring at the entrance of the cave.

It wasn't until Lang Shi's figure appeared that the stern face of the monk in Tsing Yi showed a trace of relaxation.

The monk in Tsing Yi said coldly: "Heavenly King Gedihu!"

Langshi has been prepared for a long time: "The kitten catches the mouse!"

The green-clothed scholar breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and said, "Why did you come so late? This time, the suzerain sent me here. Besides this transaction, I also need to ask about the last time."

(End of this chapter)

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