Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 107 Unlucky Egg

Chapter 107 Unlucky Egg

Feng Jue waved his hand indifferently: "Those are trivial matters, it's not too late to fight now!"

"Okay!" Mr. Mingyi called out, "Today's group arena match can be regarded as a challenge for me, Nan Mingyi, to meet you Fengjue!"

"Young Master Mingyi is happy!" Feng Jue held his head up, gearing up, his eyes full of fighting spirit, "Let's start!"

"it is good!"

"What do you think, who of them will win?" Shangguan Youyue asked in a low voice, looking at the two figures who were moving around quickly on the ring.

"You don't need to ask, of course it's Nan Mingyi, that lunatic wants to win in his next life!" Jin Duoduo glanced at Feng Jue's figure and said disdainfully.

Shangguan Youyue looked at Jin Duoduo's face for a while, and said slowly: "Duoduo, evaluations with emotional color are generally not allowed!"

"Hee hee, actually I also think that Mr. Ming Yi will win!" Shangguan Youyue said with a smile afterwards.

Jin Duoduo yelled in disbelief: "You Yue!" Then she turned her gaze to Su Chengyun, "Chengyun, you judge!"

Su Chengyun was seriously watching the match between Young Master Ming Yi and Feng Jue, and said with a smile: "Young Master Ming Yi will win, but winning won't be as easy as the previous game!"

"You mean, that lunatic is better than Wu Feixing?" Jin Duoduo said.

Su Chengyun nodded.

"Ah, I remembered, Feng Jue once challenged Wu Feixing, Feng Jue won!" Shangguan Youyue patted his head.

"Ah, why haven't I heard of it!" Jin Duoduo looked at Shangguan Youyue suspiciously.

"Duo Duo, you really don't understand Feng Jue. Feng Jue has never been a high-profile person. I heard from my uncle that Feng Jue challenged Wu Feixing, and it was a coincidence that my uncle met him!" Shangguan Youyue said.

Jin Duoduo bowed his head and thought for a moment, then nodded.

The lunatic posted thirteen challenge posts to Nan Mingyi, and no one knew about such things, so it can be seen that the lunatic is indeed quite low-key.

The sound of swords and swords clashing suddenly appeared on the arena, which lasted for a long time.

"Ah, Mr. Mingyi pulled out his fan!" Shangguan Youyue exclaimed.

"Feng Jue is in full swing. If Mr. Ming Yi does not use weapons, it will be very difficult. Besides, Mr. Ming Yi uses weapons now, which is affirmation of Feng Jue's strength!" Su Chengyun smiled, but his eyes were on Mr. Ming Yi. Move around the folding fan in your hand.

"Liuyun!" Jin Duoduo murmured.

"Duo Duo, what are you talking about?" Shangguan Youyue asked.

Jin Duoduo pointed to Mr. Mingyi's folding fan: "That folding fan is named Liuyun, look at the mountains and rivers on the fan, there are clouds on the mountains and rivers, wave the folding fan, the clouds seem to be flowing, so it is named Liuyun!"

Flowing cloud fan!
Su Chengyun looked at the fan, and saw that the clouds on it really seemed to be flowing slowly, and it really answered the word Liuyun.

Hey, who made their cultivators' eyes so good, if they insist on looking, they can see clearly from far away.

"Good fan, good name!" Shangguan Youyue praised.

The eyes of the few people were on the stage again, and the battle on the stage had reached a fierce stage.

"Haha, Mr. Ming Yi, you are so strong!" Feng Jue laughed loudly.

"Feng Jue, you are not bad!" Mr. Ming Yi smiled, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

"Master Mingyi, it's a pleasure to fight with you today! Let's come again!"

Feng Jue held his sword and went towards Mr. Ming Yi.

Mr. Mingyi greeted him with a smile, and the two fought together again.

There were endless crackling sounds, and hundreds of moves were passed in the blink of an eye.

Feng Jue was accidentally swept by Mr. Ming Yi's fan, half of his sleeve was cut off, but fortunately there was only a shallow scratch on his arm.

"Come again!" Feng Jue ignored his wounds and rushed over again with a loud cry.

White clothes and green clothes intertwined, fan shadows and sword shadows flying.

There was silence in the audience, and everyone stretched their necks and watched the two fight nervously.

"It's over!" Su Chengyun sighed.

As soon as she finished speaking, the two figures who were fighting fiercely just now stopped.

"I lost!" Feng Jue looked at the folding fan spread out in front of his neck, and slowly retracted the sword that was lying in front of Mr. Ming Yi.

"You are already great!" Mr. Mingyi smiled and took back his folding fan.

"But it's worse than you!" Feng Jue didn't have a trace of failure on his face, he grinned and said, "Young Master Ming Yi, we have a chance to fight again!"

"Okay!" Mr. Ming Yi replied with a smile.

Feng Jue turned around and jumped off the ring without leaving, just watched the battle from below.

The referee stepped forward: "The third challenger, please come on stage!"

But there was silence below, and no one came to the stage after waiting for a while.

"The third challenger, please come on stage!" The referee said again.

But still no one moved for a long time.

"Chengyun, why do I feel so depressed!" Shangguan Youyue said in a low voice.

"Mr. Ming Yi's reputation is too great, and with the consecutive defeats of Wu Feixing and Feng Jue, no one dares to take the stage for a while!" Su Chengyun replied in a low voice.

"Have those strong men become timid?" Jin Duoduo pouted.

"It's not that they have become timid, it's that they are not sure of defeating Mr. Ming Yi. Instead of recreating the glory of Mr. Ming Yi, it is better to be alone!" Su Chengyun said.

"I seem to understand!" Shangguan Youyue nodded, "In this way, Mr. Ming Yi has just passed the level!"

"No!" Su Chengyun shook his head, "Rules are rules, and Nancang Academy seems to be taking extraordinary measures!"


"Wait until you find out!"

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, still no one came to the stage, Ji Lao's figure appeared on the stage.

He said loudly: "Is there anyone on stage to challenge?"

After waiting for a while, still no one came to the stage, Ji Lao looked around the audience, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Since no one is on stage, the rules cannot be broken, and we will automatically select a challenger!"

"Hey, I don't know which unlucky guy will be selected!" Jin Duoduo gloated.

Su Chengyun felt a chill on his forehead, only to hear a voice in his head: "Fight!"

Su Chengyun glared at Jin Duoduo angrily: "Jin Duoduo, you crow mouth!"

"Ah, Chengyun, why are you scolding me?" Jin Duoduo looked at Su Chengyun aggrieved.

"Ah...Chengyun, you..." Shangguan Youyue stared at the word "Zhan" slowly displayed on Su Chengyun's forehead with her mouth open in disbelief.

"Ah, Chengyun..." Jin Duoduo also saw it, and stretched out his hands to tightly cover his mouth.

Su Chengyun pointed to the writing on his forehead and looked at Jin Duoduo: "Did you see, I am the unlucky guy you said!"

Jin Duoduo shook her head vigorously, she didn't mean it, she didn't mean it!

But Momo took Lasu Chengyun's hand: "Susu, Momo believes in you!"

Su Chengyun smiled when he heard the words: "Mo Mo, I will try my best!"

Su Chengyun turned his gaze to Shangguan Youyue and Su Chengyun: "Isn't it just a ring with Mr. Ming Yi? Look at you, be better!"

"Chengyun, that's Mr. Mingyi, can you win?" Shangguan Youyue asked worriedly.

"Hey, should I just admit defeat?" Su Chengyun asked back.

Mo Mo shook his head: "Susu won't admit defeat!"

Su Chengyun patted the back of Mo Mo's hand: "Don't worry, of course I, Su Chengyun, will not admit defeat. Today I will let you know what it means to fight without fear!" Su Chengyun waved his hands heroically.

"Please choose the ring to come on stage!" Ji Lao's voice sounded, and Su Chengyun could feel Ji Lao's eyes staring directly at this place through the crowd.

"Susu, Mo Mo will accompany you!"

"it is good!"

"Chengyun, let's go too!" Shangguan Youyue hurriedly said.

"Get out of the way, the challenger is here!" Jin Duo yelled loudly, and followed through with actions.

Hearing the words in front, a path was opened, and several people surrounded Su Chengyun and walked towards the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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