Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 108 Sharpening Stone

Chapter 108 Sharpening Stone

"Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue's eyes lit up, he pushed aside the crowd and came up to him.

Su Chengyun just smiled, walked to the front of the ring, and jumped up with a kick. She first greeted Ji Lao.

Ji Lao nodded slightly, moved his body, and left the ring.

"Miss Su!" Mr. Ming Yi greeted with a smile, he should have called her correctly, he remembered that the coachman called her Miss Su, and just now Feng Jue also called her Xiaomei Su.

"Young Master Mingyi!" Su Chengyun gently raised the corners of his mouth and greeted.

Seeing that both of them had met Li, the referee announced the official start of the game.

"Miss Su, let's start!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile, "Don't worry, I don't use spiritual power skills!"

Hearing this, Su Chengyun really wanted to imitate Jin Duoduo and rolled his eyes: "Young Master Ming Yi, it doesn't matter even if you use spiritual power skills. It's a competition, of course you have to go all out!" Su Chengyun said with awe-inspiring pride.

Mr. Mingyi's eyes lit up: "I, Nan Mingyi, have never taken back what I said, but even if I don't use spiritual power skills, I will go all out!"

"That's good!" Su Chengyun smiled, kicked the sole of his foot, and rushed towards Mr. Ming Yi.

Young master Ming Yi didn't look like he was going to strike first, she didn't want to keep rambling, she should take the initiative to attack.

With one punch, Mr. Ming Yi dodged sideways, and Su Chengyun punched him again. Mr. Ming Yi didn't dodge this time, but also met with his fist.

The two fists collided, like sparks hitting the earth, Su Chengyun felt a powerful hammer hit on the fist, and the whole body couldn't help sliding backwards. Fortunately, she stabilized her figure with a movement of her feet, and raised her eyes to see Mr. Ming Yi, Mr. Ming Yi also slid two steps back.

When Su Chengyun stopped, he kicked his feet and rushed towards Young Master Ming Yi, attacking him with his palm.

Mr. Ming Yi also rushed forward at a fast speed.

Two palms collided, Su Chengyun resisted the momentum of retreating, forcibly turned around, and grabbed Mr. Mingyi's arm.

Mr. Ming Yi quickly dodged, and slapped him with the other hand.

Su Chengyun turned sideways to hide, and the two palmed each other and quickly separated, standing still and looking at each other.

"You are very good!" Mr. Ming Yi's eyes were slightly bent, and he boasted without hesitation.

"Wow, Master Mingyi praised her!"

"What do you know, Mr. Ming Yi is just giving face to that woman!"

"That's right, Mr. Mingyi is such a good person! He still doesn't forget to be gentle at this time!"

"If Mr. Mingyi praises me, I will die willingly!"

"It's just you, smug!"


When Su Chengyun heard the discussion below, he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. Mr. Ming Yi's praise was also spread like this. Fortunately, Mr. Ming Yi didn't praise her for being smart or beautiful, otherwise he would definitely be sprayed to death by the people below.

Mr. Ming Yi didn't seem to expect that his words would attract a lot of discussion, so he looked at Su Chengyun apologetically.

Su Chengyun smiled indifferently, the confrontation just now was just a small temptation, and the following is the real start.

"Young Master Ming Yi, accept the move!" Su Chengyun shouted loudly, and his whole body floated towards Young Master Ming Yi like a ghost.

What a great speed!

Mr. Mingyi's heart trembled, he hurriedly restrained his mind, and went up to meet him.

Just because he doesn't strike first doesn't mean he'll be forced to defend.

The figures of the two were as fast as lightning, and the people in the audience could only see the figures fluttering, but some people couldn't even see the moves clearly.

"Ah, what a speed!"

"I didn't expect that girl to be really powerful!"

"Maybe Mr. Mingyi let her do it!"

"Su Xiaomei, come on!" Feng Jue's voice.


In a luxurious room, an old man with a white beard stroked his beard and laughed.

"Brother Qiu, boy Nan has met his opponent, why are you so happy?" Another majestic middle-aged man in the room looked puzzled at the excited old man, who was the dean of Nancang College, Qiu Tianqi.

"Shangguan! I'm just happy for boy Nan. This boy usually goes so smoothly, I can't see it for a long time. Now a good little girl comes out. It's okay to attack boy Nan. Wouldn't it be very fast!" Qiu Tianqi She danced and said, fortunately there are only the two of them here, otherwise, if someone sees the crazy image of Dean Qiu, wouldn't it be disillusioned.

"Brother Qiu, are you so sure that the little girl can win?" Shangguan Bing asked, yes, this person is Shangguan Bing, the lord of Nancang City.

"It's hard to say whether the little girl can win, but it's not so easy for Nan boy to win!"

"Is there anyone like you who is a master? You will have face if your apprentice loses?" Shangguan Bing shook his head and said disapprovingly.

"Hey, Shangguan, you are so good at face, how much is face worth? What my apprentice needs now is not face, but a whetstone!" Qiu Tianqi walked in front of Shangguan Bing and said with a smile.

"I think that boy Nan will die of grievance sooner or later if he becomes your apprentice. You might as well give it to me. I have two daughters, and there is always a boy who will fall in love with you. He will take over my class in the future..."

"Stop!" Qiu Tianqi made a gesture of stopping, "Shangguan, boy Nan is still young, don't talk about personal affairs with his children! Besides, it's just your two daughters, hey..." Qiu Tianqi couldn't help shaking his head.

"Why, my daughter is not worthy of your good apprentice?" Shangguan Bing asked with a straight face.

"Hey, Shangguan, you said that you are a majestic city lord, and you are really good at raising a daughter, hey..." Qiu Tianqi shook his head again.

"Old man Qiu, tell me clearly, what's wrong with my daughter, you despise me so much!" Shangguan Bing refused, staring at Qiu Tianqi.

Qiu Tianqi stepped forward and smiled flatteringly: "Shangguan, don't be angry!" Then he continued, "Your two daughters, Youyue, are better off, but Youlan's growth is simply crooked! Don't say you have no idea, what about Youlan? The first time I met Nan boy, it’s not like a greedy cat who smells fish! You’d better not mess with the mandarin ducks, harm my apprentice, I will not forgive you, everyone is afraid of you, the city lord, but I, Qiu Tianqi, are not afraid!”

"Greedy cat? This is the image of my Youlan co-author in your eyes?" Shangguan Bing's mouth twitched.

"Hey, that's not bad. If you want to hear other words, I can tell you a whole lot. Shangguan, you are sure you want to listen!" Qiu Tianqi stared narrowly at Shangguan Bing.

"Uh...forget it!" Shangguan Bing hurriedly shook his head, if Qiu Tianqi were to speak, he would have to hang around for three days, so let his ears be quiet.

"Then you don't have the idea of ​​my boy Nan?"

Looking at the smile on Qiu Tianqi's face, Shangguan Bing felt annoyed for a while, and said angrily, "Qiu Tianqi, if you weren't my Shangguan Bing's close friend, I would have directly tied Nanming Yina to the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Hey, Lord City Master, you have to pay attention to your image!" Qiu Tianqi grinned.

"You... hey..." Shangguan Bing sighed, he really had nothing to do with this friend.

And under the arena, a girl kept twisting the handkerchief on her hand.

"Su Chengyun, Shangguan Youyue, how dare you step on Young Master Mingyi to become famous, I, Shangguan Youlan, will never let you go!"

And not far away.

"Brother Yuan Rui, Su Chengyun is so powerful now, how can we take revenge!" Lu Ruyun gritted his teeth and watched the battle on stage.

Lu Yuanrui didn't answer, but his face was extremely gloomy!

(End of this chapter)

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