Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 110 Fight Again

Chapter 110 Fight Again
The corner of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up, and he pulled out the dagger that Yun Zixuan just gave yesterday from his boots, and pointed at Mr. Mingyi who was still smiling. With a bang, he opened the Liuyun Fan and fanned it gently.

The two people on the ring are like a painting, facing each other quietly, staring at each other, if they didn't hold a murder weapon in their hands, they would be like lovers looking at each other.

The voice below gradually weakened.

Everyone didn't care about attacking Feng Jue and the others, they all focused on the two on the ring.

The man is full of smiles, the clouds are calm and the wind is light, and he has a romantic style.

The woman is proud and unyielding, calm and composed, with a certain unruly nature.

The arena and the arena were extremely quiet, like the calm before the storm, and the atmosphere couldn't help but become tense and depressing. Some people even twisted their handkerchiefs tightly to relieve their tension.

The wind blew gently, and the corners of the clothes were gently blown up.

Su Chengyun, who was originally standing still, suddenly had his eyes fixed, and his whole body was like a fallen leaf blown by the wind, and he walked towards Mr. Ming Yi, the cold dagger tip glowing with cold and arrogant light.

At the same time, Mr. Ming Yi also moved, he moved his footsteps lightly, raised his hand with a wave, and Liu Yun fan slapped Su Chengyun's dagger.

Jin Ge sounded.

Bang bang bang!
The dagger and Liuyunfan fought for more than a dozen rounds in the blink of an eye.

Su Chengyun sent the dagger forward, brushing the side of Mr. Ming Yi's face.

Mr. Ming Yi turned his wrist, and the Liuyun Fan also passed Su Chengyun's ear.

Two locks of hair fell gently, one belonged to Su Chengyun, and the other belonged to Mr. Ming Yi.

What a sharp dagger!

Mr. Mingyi thought so!

What a sharp fan!

Su Chengyun thought so!
The two looked at each other's weapons at the same time.

"Su Xiaomei, good job, come on!" Feng Jue yelled.

"Chengyun, come on!" Jin Duoduo followed closely.

"Susu, come on!" Mo Mo was not resigned to being an afterthought!

"Chengyun, come on!" Shangguan Youyue also shouted.

The four shouted vigorously, and the fans of Mr. Mingyi refused.

"Master Mingyi, come on!"

"Master Mingyi, I love you!"

"Master Mingyi..."

Mr. Mingyi's fanatical fans completely suppressed the voices of Feng Jue and the other four, but the four of them were willing to be suppressed, so they had a hasty discussion, not to be left behind, so they took advantage of the gaps in the shouting of the fans from time to time. Come on and cheer for Su Chengyun.

The stage has not yet entered the white heat, but the audience has entered the white heat ahead of schedule.

Su Chengyun was worried that the voices of the few people would be bad, and he was thinking about preparing a potion for them to drink after the game was over.

Mr. Ming Yi looked at it with a smile, but he didn't stop the frenzy below. The two parties below were no longer pure fighting spirit.

Mr. Ming Yi set his sights on Su Chengyun, he eagerly wanted to know how many surprises this little girl would give him.

"Miss Su, let's fight again!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied, they are no longer simply fighting for themselves, there are still many people who support them.

The two strike at the same time, the shadow of the dagger is crippled, the shadow of the fan flutters, and the blade shines coldly.

The speed of the two is surprisingly fast, and the entire arena is full of afterimages of the two.

What a great speed!

Mr. Ming Yi's speed is famously fast, but the woman's speed is not inferior to Mr. Ming Yi's. ,

Who is she?
For a while, many people became curious about Su Chengyun's identity, even Shangguan Bing was no exception.

"Brother Qiu, where did that girl come from?"

"Shangguan, didn't you see your daughter Youyue cheering for the girl you mentioned? That's Youyue's friend." There was a big screen in the room, and in the middle of the big screen was Su Chengyun and Mr. Mingyi competing. Qiu Tianqi pointed to a small figure under the arena and shook his head, "Shangguan, even if you love Youlan, you should care about Youyue, don't wait for Youlan." It will be too late to make up for Yue Han's heart!"

Shangguan Bing's eyes turned to the small figure on the screen, and saw her shouting loudly, jumping up when she was excited, her face alternately worried and joyful, it was extremely rich, this is still the one of him who always kept his head down and was quiet Jing's daughter?But Shangguan Youyue is undoubtedly happy and alive at this time!Shangguan Bing felt very complicated for a while.

"Shangguan, please treat You Yue better!" Qiu Tianqi said.

"Brother Qiu, do you think I don't feel sorry for You Yue, and don't want to treat her better..." Shangguan Bing smiled wryly.

"Hey..." As if thinking of something, Qiu Tianqi heaved a long sigh, looking at the figure of Shangguan Youyue on the screen with a touch of pity in his eyes.

"Brother Qiu, haven't you mentioned that girl yet?" Shangguan Bing collected his thoughts and pointed at Su Chengyun.

"Oh, that girl is from Mochizuki, she has something to do with Mochizuki's Lu family!"

"The Lu family?" Shangguan Bing frowned, the Lu family's reputation seems to be not very good!

"That's right, Wangyue's Lu family is a branch of Nan Cang's Lu family. But the relationship between that girl and the Lu family is not very good." Qiu Tianqi said.

"That's good!" If that girl has too much relationship with the Lu family, he's afraid...

"How is that girl's disposition?" Shangguan Bing asked, she was You Yue's friend after all, so he should find out.

Hearing this, Qiu Tianqi smiled and looked at Shangguan Bing: "Shangguan, you think I'm a very free dean, and everyone who comes to participate in the selection should learn more about it! If you want to know, check it yourself, you are a dignified city lord, There are so many talented people here, it won’t take much time to investigate such a trivial matter, right?”

Shangguan Bingyi: "Brother Qiu..." Then he smiled wryly. If it was someone else, he would definitely think that person was doubting his ability, but Qiu Tianqi...

Qiu Tianqi glanced at Shangguan Bing, and said domineeringly: "That little girl and that Momo next to him are my favorites, you can't snatch them!"

As soon as Shangguan Bing heard this, he pointed at Qiu Tianqi and pretended to be angry: "Okay, Brother Qiu, just now you said you didn't know that girl's nature, and in a blink of an eye you warned me not to rob you, you are sincere, don't you dare Confess!"

"Hey, Shangguan, I really don't know, that girl and I have only met twice!" Qiu Tianqi said.

"Two sides? Two sides, you, the dean of Nancang Academy, still can't see through a single person? That little girl can catch your eyes, so it can be seen that she is extraordinary!" Shangguan Bing snorted.

"Hey, it's just my temper towards the old man!" Qiu Tianqi said with a smile.

"I was wondering before. That girl has a bad relationship with the Lu family. The Lu family will allow her to participate in the selection. I remember that there should be people from the Lu family who went to Mochizuki to select this time. Tell me, did you intervene?" Shangguan Bing looked straight at Qiu Tianqi with both eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.

Qiu Tianqi chuckled: "I only gave her two jade tokens."

"No wonder!" Shangguan Bing squinted his eyes, "Brother Qiu, when you see talents, remember to save some for me, the city lord, and drag them all to your academy!"

"Shangguan, I don't agree with this. The talents cultivated by the academy are not for Nan Cang's service."

"Hmph, whoever doesn't know the good ones will send them away!"

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it, we can't stop the development of these young people!"


"You majestic city lord, why are you so stingy!" Qiu Tianqi pointed at Shangguan Bing's nose and said.

Shangguan Bing stretched out his hand and waved Qiu Tianqi's fingers away: "I'm stingy, and I'm stingy, and I will allow you Nancang Academy to be so beautiful, so I suppressed it long ago!"

"Hey, Shangguan, you're not stingy, you're not stingy!" Qiu Tianqi hurriedly said flatteringly.


(End of this chapter)

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