Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 111 1 Showdown

Chapter 111 A Showdown

Su Chengyun became more and more courageous in the battle, and Mr. Ming Yi also put away his smile, only the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

The shouts from the arena were loud, and the people in the audience area also shouted.

On the one hand, they were cheering for Mr. Ming Yi, and occasionally there were people cheering for Su Chengyun besides Mo Mo, but they were quickly drowned in the crowd.

The atmosphere has been heated up, very hot.

"Let's come again!" Young Master Ming Yi yelled, and rushed towards him like a roc spreading its wings, his eyes were bright, as if dazzling streamers were flickering.

It seems that under such an atmosphere, Mr. Mingyi's enthusiasm has also been ignited, and his momentum is like a rainbow!
After all, Mr. Mingyi is still young, so it is not surprising that he was affected by the atmosphere of the scene.

Although Su Chengyun has an old heart, it does not prevent her from burning the hidden passion in her heart.

You have blood, do I not?

Su Chengyun chuckled lightly and charged forward.

Su Chengyun used her speed to the extreme, and displayed everything she had learned in her previous life. A dagger was like an obedient toy for her to play with. She used a set of sword techniques with the dagger, and each one of them moved towards Ming Yi while moving around. Say hello to the young master.

Mr. Ming Yi's kung fu is really good, I saw his eyes were condensed, and he took advantage of the situation to attack, and he also greeted Su Chengyun with every move.

Both of them showed no mercy at the moment, but they both kept a sense of proportion. They were a competition, not a life-and-death struggle.

"Wow! So strong!"

The people under the ring were startled by the fighting power of the two, and couldn't help screaming!

But Feng Jue opened his eyes wide and looked at the two indistinguishable figures on the ring, and said with his head down, "Su Xiaomei actually let me go!"

"Hey, you don't have to ride the clouds to do your best!" Jin Duoduo sneered.

Feng Jue shook his head: "No, Su Xiaomei must compete with me again! When they are over, I will compete with Su Xiaomei!"

Jin Duoduo cast a disdainful glance at Feng Jue, curled his lips and said, "You are stupid, do you want to kick Chengyun out of Nancang Academy, or let Chengyun kick you out of Nancang Academy! I remember that someone can only challenge once If you fail, you will leave with your tail between your legs!"

Feng Jue lowered his head when he heard the words, he is not sure that he can beat Su Xiaomei now: "Isn't there still a rematch?"

"Hehe, do you know how to resurrect? Feng Jue, you don't think that the resurrection match should be won by force!" Jin Duoduo seemed to be kind enough to remind.

"Ah!" After Jin Duoduo reminded, Feng Jue also reacted, they have been fighting now, it is impossible to use fighting methods in the rematch, but apart from fighting, he has nothing else to do, so don't count on the rematch up.

He used to think it didn't matter whether he entered the academy or not, but now he found many masters, and if he didn't enter the academy, he would be farther away from them.

No, he's going to college.

As for Su Xiaomei, when she enters the academy and is looking for a chance to compete, if Su Xiaomei releases the water, he will get angry, he will really get angry.

Feng Jue is doing self-psychological construction, and the stage of the ring has reached a critical period.

Su Chengyun wiped the sweat off his brow, and looked enviously at the opposite Mr. Ming Yi who was only sweating slightly.

When she gets stronger, she can control her sweat.

"Miss Su, it's really a pleasure to compete with you!"

"Each, each other!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"However, it's time to decide the outcome!" Mr. Mingyi smiled brightly.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Indeed, then let's decide the winner!" They have been fighting for a long time, and they can't always dominate the ring, isn't it? Besides, it's Mr. Ming Yi's place, and people's hearts fluctuate, which also affects the competition.

Neither of the two made a move, but quietly brewed.

Mr. Mingyi is not easy to deal with, but she is not completely helpless.

In her previous life, she gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools and created the "Nirvana of Riding the Cloud". It was once invincible, and it has not been used in Lanling Continent. It is time to let it see the light of day again.

Su Chengyun made up his mind and settled down.

Looking at Mr. Ming Yi again, there was a hint of determination in his eyes!
The two looked into each other's eyes, there was Zan Sang, and there was an inevitable victory. They hadn't fought, but their eyes had already started to fight.

Strong fighting intent spread from the eyes of the two, spread to the body, spread to the ring, and spread to the entire square.

At this time, there was no shouting below. One was that they were tired of shouting, and the other was that the aura between the two of them was too strong to be destroyed.

Time passed bit by bit, and the fighting spirit of the two had accumulated to the extreme, and now it only takes one point to detonate.

The people in the audience also restrained their breathing and watched nervously.

Ji Lao has been paying attention to this game. With a flick of his finger, a fallen leaf slowly falls from between Su Chengyun and Mr. Ming Yi in slow motion.

Fallen leaves entered the line of sight of the two of them, and their eyes widened suddenly.

"Riding the clouds in one style!"

"Fire in July!"

They made moves at the same time.

Su Chengyun's dagger became extremely sharp, like an indestructible awl piercing the ten thousand-year-old ice with indestructible momentum, and it was bound to file a hole out.

And Mr. Mingyi's Liuyun fan seemed to have turned into an extremely sharp knife, carrying the scorching flames, it was bound to draw a gap in the dark sky.

Everyone only felt that the light was blooming on the ring, but they couldn't see their movements clearly for a while.

When the light dissipated, everyone froze in place.

I saw that Su Chengyun's dagger was firmly in front of Mr. Ming Yi's body, as if he could pierce Mr. Ming Yi's heart with a single force.

And Mr. Mingyi's Liuyun fan was tightly pressed against Su Chengyun's neck, as if a slight movement could draw a bloodstain on the main artery on Su Chengyun's smooth neck.

"Who's winning?"

"That's right, who won?"

"It must be Young Master Mingyi."


Some people began to discuss in a low voice.

The referee stopped being stunned, but was at a loss as to how to pronounce the verdict, and he didn't see it clearly just now.

"I lost!" Su Chengyun said calmly.

"No, you didn't lose, it was me who lost!" Young Master Mingyi laughed, "My level is higher than yours, so a tie with you is considered a loss!"

"You haven't used your spiritual power skills yet, and I'm the one who loses if you use your spiritual power skills!"

"It's okay, no need!"

"You don't need to be your business, it's my business that I can't beat you who used spiritual power skills, so I lost!"

"I can't beat you without spiritual power skills, so I lose!"


"Is it a loss or a win? Why both of them admit defeat!" Feng Jue looked at this and then that suspiciously.

"You think everyone is as competitive as you!" Jin Duoduo stabbed.

"What's wrong with being competitive, at least prove that I am strong!" Feng Jue patted his chest.

"You are strong? You are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big. Do you dare to go on stage and tell Nan Mingyi and Chengyun that you are strong?" Jin Duoduo sneered and pointed to the ring.

Feng Jue immediately shrank his head when he heard the words, and compared with those two strong men, let it go: "Those two are exceptions!"

"Oh, those who are stronger than you are exceptions!" Jin Duoduo rolled his eyes.

"Jin Duoduo, you..."

"Okay, Elder Ji is here, you two stop arguing!" Shangguan Youyue hurriedly advised.

Jin Duoduo and Feng Jue silenced their flags and drums at the same time, looking towards the ring.

Ji Lao lightly landed on the ring.

"I declare that this match is a draw. Mr. Mingyi has defended three rounds in a row. If he passes the selection, Su Chengyun will be automatically promoted to be the defender!"

"Ah, a tie!"

"It's a tie!"


Su Chengyun put away the dagger, and Mr. Ming Yi also put away the Liuyun fan, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Congratulations on clearing the level!"

"Congratulations on being promoted to the ring guard!"

(End of this chapter)

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