Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 113 Psychological Warfare

Chapter 113 Psychological Warfare

"Contestants please come to the ring!"

The referee's voice sounded.

After Su Chengyun got off the arena, the arena was already empty. At this time, two candidates were needed to compete.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, you have passed the selection, how can I, Fengjue, be left behind? Let me pass the test!"

Feng Jue laughed and jumped onto the ring, pointing his sword at the people below the ring: "Who will fight Feng Jue with me!" His voice was passionate.

"This lunatic is quite imposing!" Jin Duoduo muttered softly.

Su Chengyun and Shangguan Youyue looked at each other and smiled.

"When are you going to challenge?" Su Chengyun looked at the three of them and asked.

Jin Duoduo put his arms around Su Chengyun and said, "Chengyun, Youyue and I always knew that you were strong, but we didn't expect you to be so strong that you could even draw with Nan Mingyi. Good job!" Chengyun gave a sharp hammer on the shoulder, "I am full of positive energy now, I, Jin Duoduo, am going to challenge! You Yue, are you going?"

Shangguan Youyue nodded: "I'll go too, my heart is still surging, taking advantage of this situation, my combat power can also be improved a lot!"

"Okay, let's go challenge!" Jin Duoduo looked at Su Chengyun with bright eyes, blinking from time to time, "Chengyun, help us pick a soft persimmon!"

Shangguan Youyue's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard the words, staring at Su Chengyun.

These two people!

Su Chengyun caressed his forehead!
"Chengyun, you can't watch us hit the iron plate in the first challenge, can you?"

"Okay, I'll help you find it!" After all, it was this one time, they picked people for the challenge, but someone else picked them for the defense.

"Chengyun, I knew you were the best!" Jin Duoduo jumped up high.

"Okay, we'll go when Feng Jue is over!" Su Chengyun raised his eyes to the ring, and Feng Jue had already fought a young man.

Su Chengyun could tell at a glance that the young man was not Feng Jue's opponent.

"We still have to wait for that lunatic!" Jin Duoduo pouted.

Su Chengyun smiled, Feng Jue cheered for her just now, now Feng Jue is fighting, she can't just walk away.

Shangguan Youyue pulled Lajin Duoduo's arm: "Duoduo, let's wait for a while, it should be soon!"

"Quick? Look at the lunatic's slow look!" Jin Duoduo pointed to the ring.

It happened that Feng Jue forced the young man off the ring with a sword, and Feng Jue grinned at Su Chengyun and the others.

"Crazy, what are you doing slowly, do you know that we haven't played yet?" Jin Duoduo yelled at Feng Jue unceremoniously.

Feng Jue was startled, and then said: "What does your competition have to do with me? If you want to compete, go there, why are you urging me?"

Jin Duoduo bit his lips: "Okay, you said it, we took Chengyun away!" Jin Duoduo stepped forward to pull Su Chengyun.

"Ah, Su Xiaomei..." Feng Jue gave Jin Duoduo a look, "Wait, I'll end soon!"

Feng Jue looked down the ring: "Who is still coming up?"

A young man jumped onto the ring: "Feng Jue, I'll meet you!"

"it is good!"

Feng Jue changed from his previous casual attitude, and quickly kicked the young man off the ring. He looked at Jin Duoduo proudly.

Jin Duoduo sneered, stretched out two fingers and shook them.

Two more!

Feng Jue turned his head to look down the ring: "It's the man, come up quickly, don't dawdle, it's shameless!"

"The lunatic is rampant, I'll meet you!" A young man jumped out unconvinced.

"It's just you, Xiao Mian!" Feng Jue pointed at the young man and smiled.

"Crazy, don't look down on people!" The boy's eyes burst into flames.

"Hehe, young and vigorous!" Feng Jue replied, saying how old he is.

"Hmph, we see the real chapter!" The young man rushed towards Feng Jue.

Feng Jue greeted him with a loud laugh, and the young man was forced off the ring after a cup of tea.

"Go back and practice again!" Feng Jue smiled proudly.

"Crazy, don't be complacent, someone will take care of you!" The boy replied angrily.

"Okay, I'll wait!"

"Who is still playing!" Feng Jue shouted.

This time, after waiting for a while, a boy appeared.

"Boy, your courage is commendable!" Feng Jue praised the young man as he glanced at him.

Let alone a young man, even Su Chengyun felt black lines all over his head when he heard the words.

"What is this lunatic trying to do?" Jin Duoduo muttered.

"Psychological warfare!"

"Just that reckless man?" Jin Duoduo didn't believe it.

Su Chengyun shook her head, even she didn't expect that Feng Jue would give up the brave line and engage in nonsensical psychological warfare.

But it looks very effective, which boy is not young and frivolous.

Didn't you see that young man holding his hands tightly and trying to control his emotions?
"Boy, I, Feng Jue, will stand here and let you attack!" Feng Jue seemed to feel that it wasn't enough, and added another fire.

"Feng Jue, you lunatic, it's too hateful!" The young man rushed over with a cry of contempt.

Feng Jue said he would not move, but even if he didn't move, the young man would not be able to attack.

"Beautiful fists and embroidered legs!" Feng Jue said disdainfully, raised his foot and kicked, and the boy flew out of the ring in a parabola.

"Feng Jue passed the selection!" The referee hurriedly announced that if there were two more rounds, Feng Jue would probably provoke public outrage.

Feng Jue laughed out loud and flew down the ring, walking up to Su Chengyun and the others.

"Miss Su, I also passed!"

"Congratulations!" Su Chengyun congratulated.

"Broom star, aren't you in a hurry to compete? It's up to you!" The tone was full of provocation.

Jin Duoduo glared at Feng Jue angrily, widened his eyes and said, "You lunatic can pass, how can I, Jin Duoduo, lose to you! Just wait!" Full of anger.

"Chengyun, let's go!" Jin Duoduo took Su Chengyun's arm and was about to leave.

Su Chengyun didn't move with a smile: "You don't have to go, let's go here!" Su Chengyun pointed to the arena, where two people were already fighting.

Jin Duoduo stared at the ring for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll go to the end!"

"I hope you don't get kicked off right away!" Feng Jue smiled with his head raised.

"Hmph, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!" Jin Duoduo stabbed back unceremoniously.

"Broom star, why are you scolding people?"

"Hmph, you're so full of crows, why don't you want me to scold you?"


"You are hopeless!"


These two people, this can't stop.

Su Chengyun directly chose to ignore it, and turned to chat with Mo Mo.

Shangguan Youyue pulled La Jin Duoduo's corner: "Duo Duo, please don't say a few words, there will be a competition later, save your energy!"

Jin Duoduo heard the words, snorted coldly and turned his head arrogantly, ignoring Feng Jue.

Feng Jue also turned his head away, not looking at Jin Duoduo.

These two!
Shangguan Youyue also felt very speechless!

At this time, Mr. Mingyi avoided the crowd and gently opened a door.

"Master!" Young Master Ming Yi bowed to Qiu Tianqi.

"Boy Nan is here!" Qiu Tianqi glanced at Young Master Ming Yi with a smile, turned his head and said to Shangguan Bing, "I said earlier, Boy Nan will definitely come here after the competition, just look!"

"Master, disciple..."

"Boy Nan, don't tell Master about your competition, come, meet Uncle Shangguan first!"

"Uncle Shangguan!" Young Master Ming Yi stepped forward and saluted Shangguan Bing.

"Good boy!" Shangguan stood up and patted Mr. Ming Yi on the shoulder, "I haven't seen you for a while, and Mr. Nan has improved a lot!"

"Uncle Shangguan praised me absurdly. Today I know that Nancang City is full of talents. I was arrogant before!"

Qiu Tianqi stroked his beard in relief and said, "It's good to know how to reflect on yourself, come, come and watch the game with us!"

"The disciple obeys!"

(End of this chapter)

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