Chapter 114
Finally, a young man couldn't bear it and was kicked off the ring. Before the referee could make an announcement, Jin Duoduo jumped up.

"I, Jin Duoduo, challenge!" Jin Duoduo fixed his eyes on the boy opposite.

Seeing this, the young man smiled slightly and put on a posture.

With a wave of the referee's hand, the two rushed towards each other at the same time.

Although Jin Duoduo's combat strength is not very high, she is willing to fight, like a mad calf, repeatedly facing the boy.

The young man had already lost a lot of combat strength in the previous battle, and he felt even more tired after being attacked by Jin Duoduo's brute force, and he became weak after a while.

And Jin Duoduo also knew to seize the opportunity, taking advantage of the young man's unpreparedness, and kicked the young man off the ring.

Jin Duoduo triumphantly posed a triumphant posture in front of Feng Jue, Feng Jue turned his head away, causing Jin Duoduo to pout his mouth.

So Huang Yiyi, who came to challenge next, became the target of Jin Duoduo to vent his anger.

"Huang Yiyi, are you here to seek abuse?" Jin Duoduo smiled at Huang Yiyi, and Huang Yiyi's heart thumped when he smiled.

"Jin Duoduo, don't think that you will be invincible if you win a game, I, Huang Yiyi, will end you!"

Jin Duoduo laughed when he heard the words: "Haha, Huang Yiyi, are you joking?"

"Hmph, you'll know if it's a joke in a while, Jin Duoduo, you've been complacent enough, let's take it!" Huang Yiyi took the lead in making the move.

Seeing this, Jin Duoduo rushed over without showing any weakness. If it was someone else, she would still remain calm, but that person was Huang Yiyi, and Jin Duoduo would never give in.

Huang Yiyi wants to beat her, wait for the next life!

"Huang Yiyi, I, Jin Duoduo, are here too!"

Bang bang bang!
The two fought together.

"Chengyun, do you think Duoduo can win?" Shangguan Youyue looked worriedly at Jin Duoduo on the ring.

Before Su Chengyun could reply, Feng Jue shook his hair handsomely: "If a clown can beat the broom star to the ground, I, Feng Jue, despise the broom star!"

Su Chengyun patted Shangguan Youyue's arm: "Don't worry, it's fine!"

"But, that Huang Yiyi and Jin Duoduo have a grudge, Huang Yiyi will not show mercy!" Shangguan Youyue said in a low voice.

"Hehe!" Su Chengyun looked at Shangguan Youyue, "Youyue, you thought Duoduo would show mercy! Don't worry, Jin Duoduo is more arrogant than Huang Yiyi, she will never lose to Huang Yiyi!"

"Oh!" Shangguan Youyue closed her mouth and concentrated on watching the game, but her hands kept twisting the handkerchief, and her eyes never left Jin Duoduo.

"Susu, Duoduo is so stupid, no matter how high the sword was just now, Huang Yiyi would never be able to dodge it, oops, the kick just now was to the left, and it hit Huang Yiyi's calf! Uh, this punch was too slow !" Momo said shaking his head, and made gestures from time to time.

"This sword misses again, Duoduo is really stupid!" Momo said regretfully.

Feng Jue leaned forward: "Mo Mo, you understand!"

Mo Mo rolled his eyes at Feng Jue: "Mo Mo is not stupid!"

"Uh..." Feng Jue was speechless.

Su Chengyun laughed out loud.

Feng Jue hurriedly looked at Su Chengyun: "Miss Su, is Mo Mo calling me stupid?"

"No, Momo is just stating that he is not stupid, so don't take it for granted!"

"I..." Feng Jue was even more speechless, why did he feel that he was so stupid by the two of them.

"Ah, Duoduo made a mistake again!" Mo Mo called out.

At this moment, Shangguan Youyue also joined in.

"Momo, how should I hit that punch just now?" Shangguan Youyue asked curiously.

"It should be like this, turn to the upper right, and gradually increase the strength of the head!" Mo Mo didn't hide his secrets, and put on a serious posture to teach.

Shangguan Youyue watched and remembered seriously.

"Then what about that palm just now?" Shangguan Youyue asked again.

"It should be like this..." Mo Mo began to practice again.

Mo Mo's rehearsal was simple and clear, coupled with the detailed explanation, Shangguan Youyue understood it immediately.

"Chengyun, Momo is really a treasure!" Shangguan Youyue boasted to Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Mo Mo is a bright pearl, You Yue, take the opportunity to learn, maybe you will be able to use it in the competition soon!" Su Chengyun told Mo Mo, "Mo Mo, teach You Yue well!"

Mo Mo said hello.

And Shangguan Youyue's eyes lit up, taking Duoduo's battle as an example, and asked for advice one by one.

Feng Jue looked at the two who were serious about teaching and the other was serious about learning, opened his mouth wide and gave Su Chengyun a thumbs up: "Miss Su, you are so generous!"

"Su Xiaomei, when will you be able to teach me so selflessly?" Feng Jue asked.

"Feng Jue, You Yue is sharpening his gun in front of the battle, and you, I only need one word." Su Chengyun paused, and said, "Enlightenment!"

"Enlightened?" Feng Jue was puzzled.

"That's right, when you realize it, you'll understand!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Su Xiaomei, can you really not teach?" Feng never gave up.

"I can't teach it!" Su Chengyun shook his head. Feng Jue is already very strong, and teaching him is also teaching some fighting skills. What he needs now is enlightenment.

"Okay, I've slowly realized it, and I won't realize it if I don't believe it!" Feng Jue raised his head.

Su Chengyun smiled.

Fool, enlightenment is by chance.

Su Chengyun ignored Feng Jue, who was frowning and thinking, and Mo Mo and Shangguan Youyue, who were entertaining and entertaining, but focused on the ring.

The battle between Jin Duoduo and Huang Yiyi was already in full swing. Both of them were full of anger, and even their eyes were full of fighting spirit and murderous intent.

But Jin Duoduo's momentum was higher than Huang Yiyi's, and Huang Yiyi defeated Jin Duoduo with one move.

Jin Duoduo put his sword on Huang Yiyi's neck, grinning and said: "Huang Yiyi, I said you are here to abuse, you still don't believe me!"

Huang Yiyi bit her lip: "Jin Duoduo, don't be complacent, don't think that if you win Huang Yiyi, you can win the next game!"

"You don't have to worry about whether I can win the next game, I just need to beat you, Huang Yiyi, in this one!" Jin Duoduo smiled happily, and she was very proud of being able to suppress Huang Yiyi.

"Hmph, Jin Duoduo is never over between us!"

"I've lost, and I'm still talking big!"

"Just because I lose one game doesn't mean I'll lose again, Jin Duoduo, I'm waiting for you to be kicked out!"

"Haha, I, Jin Duoduo, will definitely disappoint you, very disappointed!" Jin Duoduo laughed.

Huang Yiyi bit her lip: "Jin Duoduo, just be proud, be careful not to overturn the boat!"

Jin Duoduo said indifferently: "You should be careful with your own boat! Goodbye, I won't give it away!"

Jin Duoduo put away his sword, looked at Huang Yiyi with a smile, and made a gesture of invitation.


Huang Yiyi stomped her feet, glanced at Jin Duoduo angrily, turned around and jumped off the ring.

"Haha, haha!" Jin Duoduo laughed.

"Is the broom star overly complacent!" Feng Jue dragged his chin and said seriously.

Su Chengyun also felt that Jin Duoduo's victory over Huang Yiyi seemed to swell his confidence.

"Fengjue, pour some cold water!"

"Why me?" The wind never did.

"Hey, who made your stimulation the best!" Su Chengyun stared at Feng Jue.

Feng Jue was defeated under Su Chengyun's gaze.

"Broom star..." Feng Jue shouted loudly.

Jin Duoduo, who was proud of herself, suddenly felt disappointed, and glared at Feng Jue with angry eyes, but when she saw Feng Jue's two fingers stretched out, she suddenly felt gnashed her teeth.

Crazy, actually imitating her!

Thinking of how she reminded Feng Jue that there were still two challengers in the same way before, it was unexpected that Feng Jue returned the original.

Aren't they just two challengers?

If she can win one, she can win two more.

Feng Jue, you lunatic, don't try to underestimate me, Jin Duoduo!

(End of this chapter)

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