Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 116 Fake Innocence

Chapter 116 Fake Innocence

Su Chengyun and the others walked through the rings one by one, and finally stopped in front of a ring.

"That's it!" Su Chengyun pointed to the ring and said.

"Ah, You Yue, why don't you hurry to the front, be careful of being snatched first!" Jin Duoduo pushed Shangguan You Yue.

Shangguan Youyue glanced at the two people who were still fighting in the arena, and then aimed her glasses at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded: "You Yue, go first, we will follow after!"

"Okay!" Shangguan Youyue didn't delay any longer, pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the ring.

"Let's go too!" Su Chengyun said.

Mo Mo nodded with a smile, took Su Chengyun's hand, and began to lead the way in front. He carefully protected people from touching Su Chengyun.

When Su Chengyun and the others came to the front of the ring, the match had just ended, and Shangguan Youyue jumped onto the ring without hesitation.

When she saw Su Chengyun and the others coming over, she immediately calmed down after being a little flustered just now, and smiled at them.

"You Yue, come on!" Jin Duoduo made a gesture of cheering, and You Yue's eyes were even more crooked with a smile.

"Start!" The referee gave an order, and the arena was on fire.

Half an hour later, Shangguan Youyue jumped off the ring, her little face flushed after intense exercise, coupled with her unconcealable smile, she was really pretty.

"You Yue, congratulations!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Yes, You Yue, congratulations on passing the selection!" Jin Duoduo also congratulated happily.

Shangguan You Yue looked at Mo Mo with a smile: "Mo Mo, I have to thank you for passing the selection. If it weren't for your previous guidance, I would have lost a long time ago! Mo Mo, thank you!"

The corners of Mo Mo's mouth were slightly bent, he touched his head and said, "You're welcome, Su Su let me teach you!"

"Hehe, Chengyun..." Shangguan Youyue looked at Su Chengyun with a smile.

Su Chengyun quickly waved his hand: "You Yue, you don't have to thank me, it's the result of your own hard work!"

Shangguan Youyue stopped saying thank you when she heard the words, and just cast a grateful look.

Jin Duoduo listened to the words of several people, and Monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

"You Yue, why do you want to thank Mo Mo and Cheng Yun? Is there anything I don't know?"

Shangguan Youyue giggled, stepped forward and told Jin Duoduo what she had asked Mo Mo for advice.

Jin Duoduo shouted loudly: "Ah! I have so many flaws!" Jin Duoduo grabbed Shangguan Youyue's hand unwillingly, "Youyue, you have to tell me everything!"

"Okay, okay!" Shangguan Youyue hurriedly responded, whoever asked her to use Jin Duoduo as a textbook, she should go back now.

Jin Duoduo nodded in satisfaction, but regretted it in her heart, why didn't she think of asking Mo Mo to give pointers when Youyue competed just now!

However, she didn't know that Mo Mo had this ability.

It's Youyue who has vision, no, it's Chengyun who has vision!
"Chengyun, we all passed, only Momo is left!" Shangguan Youyue said.

Su Chengyun nodded, and turned to look at Mo Mo beside him: "Mo Mo, do you want to play?"

Mo Mo nodded: "Susu, you don't need to help Mo Mo pick the ring, just stay here!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun nodded.

While the few people were talking, the winner of the ring had already been decided, and Mo Mo jumped onto the ring with one spin.

The unrestrained movements and peerless appearance caused a burst of screams.

"Ah, so handsome!"

"Wow, who is that?"

"Wow, beautiful!"


Su Chengyun knew that there would be such a result. Just now, in the audience, hidden among a group of young girls, and Mo Mo's coarse and old clothes were not very obvious, but once on the ring, Mo Mo's peerless appearance was alone. manifested.

"Chengyun, aren't you afraid that someone will fall in love with Momo?" Shangguan Youyue asked in a low voice.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? They are attracted to Momo, which can only prove that my family Momo is infinitely charming. I am too happy!" Su Chengyun smiled indifferently.

" are not afraid of someone coming to snatch Momo!" Shangguan Youyue continued.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Mo on the stage and smiled: "Then let's see if they have the ability. Besides, if someone robs Mo Mo, will Mo Mo follow?"

Shangguan Youyue sighed: "Uh... I can't say no to you! However, Mo Mo is too eye-catching, you will be in trouble in the future!"

"I'm in a lot of trouble now, and I'm not afraid of any more!" Su Chengyun said.Although she doesn't like trouble, she is not afraid of trouble when it comes.

She knew that Mo Mo's face was eye-catching, but she couldn't hide Mo Mo because of this!
If she did this, Mo Qiling would probably eat her up.

Mo Qiling absolutely does not allow Mo Mo to hide his head and show his tail.

"Ah, Mo Mo has won!" Jin Duoduo was the first to say while paying attention to the ring.

Su Chengyun smiled slightly, Mo Mosheng was already in her expectation.

Mo Mo looked this way, Su Chengyun gave Mo Mo a big smile.

Mo Mo was promoted to the ring defender, and the first challenger to jump onto the ring was a little girl with a round face and a smile.

"Brother, you have to be merciful!" the little girl said softly.

Mo Mo touched his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't let you!"

The little girl's face froze slightly when she heard this, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and said: "Brother, you see that I am so cute and lovable, so don't let me!"

Mo Mo shook his head.

The little girl pursed her lips.

"Brother, don't you like me? Mother said I'm the cutest."

Mo Mo still shook his head: "Mo Mo only likes Susu!"

The little girl bit her lip and suppressed the forced smile on the corner of her mouth, but she still asked curiously.

"Who is Susu?"

Mo Mo shook his head: "Qiqi said that he can't talk to other girls, Susu will be upset!"

Jin Duoduo laughed when he heard the words, pointed at Mo Mo and said, "Cheng Yun, did Mo Mo do it on purpose?"

Even Shangguan Youyue looked over narrowly.

Su Chengyun smiled helplessly, what did Mo Qiling teach.

"Will the ones on the stage still fight? Why don't you fight both of them and throw in the towel!"

"That is, you can say you can win?"


"They are urging you, you better do it!" Momo said to the little girl.

"You do it first!" The little girl said with a heartbroken heart, she couldn't believe it, someone was willing to do something to such a cute girl like her.

But Momo's next words and actions completely broke her confidence.

I saw Mo Mo say "yes", and the whole person attacked the little girl like an arrow off the string.

"Ah... ah... ah... are you really fighting?" The little girl hurriedly fought back.

But it was defeated after less than ten moves.

"Brother, don't you know how to let me?" The little girl looked at Momo pitifully with tears in her eyes.

Mo Mo shook his head: "If I let you, Mo Mo will lose!"

The little girl bit her lip and looked at Mo Mo who was unmoved, and stomped her feet: "You are so cruel!" She ran down the ring with tears in her eyes.

Jin Duoduo looked at the little girl's back and curled his lips in disdain: "You let Momo let her with this little ability?"

"Maybe she knew she couldn't do it, so she used the naive trick!" Shangguan Youyue analyzed objectively.

Jin Duoduo laughed and said: "Hey, she is fake and innocent, but she met Mo Mo, who is so innocent, so it is destined to be a tragedy!"

Shangguan Youyue also smiled when she heard the words.

is not that right?

Just based on these few days of contact, she, Shangguan Youyue, can also see that Mo Mo is a very stubborn, stubborn, and principled person.

The girl must have seen that Mo Mo is easy to deceive, and wanted to use the trick of innocence to trick Mo Mo, but Mo Mo promised that Chengyun would pass the selection, so she would work hard to do so, no matter how scheming the girl was, it would be useless.

(End of this chapter)

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