Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 117 Revenge and Farce

Chapter 117 Revenge and Farce

The second challenger was a girl, and Su Chengyun couldn't help but smile coldly when he saw the girl's calm face.

Unexpectedly, it was Lu Rushuang.

She is here for revenge!

Avenge the wronged Warcraft Mountain Range!
But she was the first to provoke the matter of the Warcraft Mountains, and it was her own fault that she didn't get it right in the end.

I have to blame myself, if I don't reflect on myself, and even come here to make trouble, this Lu Rushuang is really going back more and more, and I don't want to see if I have the strength to take revenge!
"It's you!" Mo Mo also recognized Lu Rushuang.

"That's right, it's me, I didn't expect me to come for revenge!" Lu Rushuang glared at Mo Mo.

"Revenge? You mean you take off..."

"Shut up!" Lu Rushuang seemed to know what Mo Mo was going to say, like a cat whose tail was blown by stepping on it.

Mo Mo was taken aback, swallowed back the words she was about to say, and looked at Lu Rushuang innocently.

Lu Rushuang's eyes looked like they were about to spew fire, but also like sharp knives, trying to kill the ink every inch.

He dared to mention it, he dared to mention it in public, did he do it on purpose?
Was he trying to piss her off?Still trying to discredit her.

"Momo's enemy?" Jin Duoduo bumped into Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly, that's right!

Mo Mo never regarded Lu Rushuang as an enemy, but Lu Rushuang regarded Mo Mo as an enemy, no, there was also her, she was also Lu Rushuang's big enemy who wanted to cramp and peel her skin.

"That girl is quite beautiful, how did Mo Mo provoke her, and she always abandoned her?" Jin Duoduo asked fearlessly.

Su Chengyun glanced lightly at Jin Duoduo, and Jin Duoduo immediately closed his mouth tightly.

Shangguan Youyue gave Jin Duoduo a hand: "Duoduo, don't say a word, Mo Mo is not that kind of person!"

"Hey, are you kidding me?" Jin Duoduo smiled flatteringly.

Shangguan Youyue was speechless, can this be a joke?She glanced at Su Chengyun, seeing that Su Chengyun was not angry, she was a little relieved.

But I sighed in my heart, Jin Duoduo, you didn't see how much Momo was in Chengyun's heart, how much Chengyun was in Momo's heart, you are not afraid of Chengyun's anger if you joke about it.

I have already provoked Feng Jue, and then provoked Cheng Yun...

Duoduo, just do it, you won’t die if you don’t do it!
"Take your life!" Lu Rushuang stabbed at Mo Mo with his sword.

Momo unhurriedly drew the dagger from his boots to block.

Lu Rushuang swung the tip of her sword and stabbed at Mo Mo's body while wiping the dagger.

"go to hell!"

Susu said that he should not be soft on those who beat him hard.

Mo Mo turned his wrist slightly, and exerted great force on his arm.

Hearing a clang, Lu Rushuang took two steps back.

Mo Mo stared at Lu Rushuang with a dagger in his hand.

This kid is stronger than before!

When Lu Rushuang discovered this, she felt anxious.But thinking of the humiliation he suffered that day, the hatred hidden in Lu Rushuang's heart spread again, gradually spreading to his limbs and bones.

"Revenge, revenge, revenge!"

There is only one voice in my heart that keeps ringing.


Lu Rushuang yelled and attacked Mo Mo crazily.

Lu Rushuang's madness did not frighten Mo Mo, he pursed his lips tightly, his eyes were like a cheetah, not letting go of Lu Rushuang's movement.

boom! boom! boom!
In the blink of an eye, the two fought for more than a dozen rounds.

Lu Rushuang is murderous with sword and sword, and Mo Mo defends it wholeheartedly, so Lu Rushuang can't break through Mo Mo's defense.

"It's time to get inked!" Susu said that this is called going back and forth.

Mo Mo cleverly seized the loopholes in Lu Rushuang's attack, changed from defense to attack, and the positions of the two changed immediately.

Lu Rushuang hated her so much, but she couldn't do anything, she could only be forced to defend and defend again.

But she couldn't keep Mo Mo's watertight, and soon got hurt.

Lu Rushuang clutched her injured arm, and looked at Mo Mo as if she wanted to eat someone.

"You dare to hurt me?" Lu Rushuang said angrily.

Mo Mo looked at Lu Rushuang suspiciously: "You want to hurt Mo Mo, why can't Mo Mo hurt you?"

Lu Rushuang gritted her teeth, but could not refute.

"Ah, kid, you're looking for death!" Lu Rushuang continued to rush over.

Mo Mo shook his head helplessly, attacking even though he knew he couldn't beat him, he was stubborn.

Momo narrowed his eyes slightly, Susu was still waiting for him, he didn't need to waste time for such a lunatic.

If Lu Rushuang knew that Mo Mo defined her as a lunatic, he would be really crazy.

Mo Mo made up his mind not to waste any more time, he never showed mercy in his moves, he was ruthless and swift, Lu Rushuang gradually couldn't stand it anymore, Mo Mo forced him off the ring due to inattentiveness.

Standing under the ring, Lu Rushuang looked at the innocent Mo Mo bitterly, and felt a fire burning in her heart: "Just wait, I will come back again!"

Lu Rushuang spoke harshly, pushed aside the crowd and left.

Su Chengyun looked at Lu Rushuang's back and frowned slightly.

What's going on with Lu Rushuang, she shouldn't be acting impulsively today given her forbearance in the past?

It's so abnormal!

Could it be that the events of that day affected her too much and became a thorn in her heart, so when she saw Mo Mo and her, she couldn't control her emotions.

Su Chengyun couldn't figure it out, but she knew that after today's group arena match, Lu Rushuang hated Momo and her even more.

Lu Rushuang is gone, and the game will continue.

The third person who jumped onto the stage was a young man. This young man had a very personality, no... he was ugly and had a personality.

After the young man came to the stage, his gaze kept on Momo's face. Looking at the jealous eyes, he really wanted to cut some scars on Momo's face.

Mo Mo seemed to dislike the young man's gaze, and frowned slightly.

The young man gave a strange laugh, and drew out his dagger, facing Mo Mo's face with the tip of the dagger, he slashed across the air one after another with a grinning grin.

"Damn, pervert!" Jin Duoduo swears.

"Why do I feel so perverted!" Shangguan Youyue stroked her arm.

Su Chengyun's eyes swept over the young man's face.

It doesn't matter if you are ugly, but there is really no one who is so envious of others, so perverted!
This ugly boy has almost aroused her anger.

"I like your face very much!" the boy said to Momo.

Mo Mo frowned: "Someone likes Mo Mo's face, and you don't need to like her anymore!"

"How about we make a bet!" said the boy.

"What bet?"

"I'll draw a few lines on your face to see if the person who likes your face still likes it!" The boy said with the corner of his mouth hooked.

"Who is this?"

"That's right, I'm ugly and want to ruin other people's faces!"

"It's shameless!"


There was a lot of cursing under the arena.

Su Chengyun looked at the young man's face, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

"Pull the tiger's hair, isn't he stupid?" Jin Duoduo opened his mouth wide and said for a long time.

Shangguan Youyue also felt the same, and carefully glanced at Su Chengyun.

Can this young man hold back Chengyun's anger?
"What is Mo Mo doing? Could it be that he is considering that lunatic's proposal?" Jin Duoduo looked at Mo Mo dissatisfied and said.

I saw Momo bowing his head in thought.

"How?" asked the boy.

"Susu likes Mo Mo's face, Mo Mo won't ruin this face, it's better to ruin your face, you can see if those who like your face like it or not!" Mo Mo's eyes are firm .

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" Anger appeared in the young man's eyes, he snorted coldly, and stabbed Mo Mo with a dagger.

Mo Mo flashed lightly, kicked out, and the boy fell to the ground.

Mo Mo swung the dagger at the boy's face.

The young man yelled anxiously: "Don't, don't ruin my face, it's already ugly, and it will be even more shameful if I ruin it!"

Mo Mo hesitated, didn't he say he wanted to ruin his face?

Seeing Mo Mo's hesitation, the young man didn't care about losing face, and shouted: "I lost, I lost! The referee will judge me to lose!"

"But it hasn't ruined your face yet?" Mo Mo muttered.

"Don't ruin it, don't ruin it!" The young man took advantage of the moment Mo Mo let go of his hand and scrambled down the ring.

The referee announced that Mo Mo had passed the selection.

"Cut, it turned out to be the wax head of the silver spear! I don't know how it got past the first two levels!" Jin Duoduo cut at the ugly boy's body.

(End of this chapter)

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