Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 118 Apologize

Chapter 118 Apologize
So far, Su Chengyun, Mo Mo, Shangguan Youyue, and Jin Duoduo have all passed the selection.

"I didn't even think I could pass!" Shangguan Youyue said with lingering fear.

"You Yue, if you can't pass, then I, Jin Duoduo, can't even touch the edge!" Jin Duoduo said with a smile, "Hey, why don't we celebrate!"


For three days, his eyes were fixed on Jin Duoduo, and Jin Duoduo's heart trembled when he saw it.

Jin Duoduo swallowed his saliva, pointed to the big sun in the sky, and said, "You see, it's already noon, and I'm so hungry that I'm croaking!"

"Quacking? Is Duoduo a frog?" Mo Mo asked curiously, tilting his head.

"Uh..." Jin Duoduo.

Shangguan Youyue suddenly said: "By the way, I also remembered that the restaurant of Nancang Academy is famous for its delicious food, why don't we go and have a meal."

"That's what I meant originally. You see, we haven't had a drop of water all morning. Look at this throat. If you don't eat, you have to find a way to drink some water!" Jin Duoduo hurriedly agreed, pointing to his own throat.

"Chengyun, go!" Shangguan Youyue persuaded, her voice was also hoarse.

Su Chengyun felt a little sorry, if it wasn't for cheering her on, their voices wouldn't be so hoarse.

"Okay, let's go together!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, "However, let me declare first that I don't have many gold coins with me."

"I'm carrying it!" Shangguan Youyue pointed to the sachet on her waist.

Su Chengyun said: "Okay, I'm treating guests today, Youyue, you put the gold coins first, and I will return them to you next time!"

"No need to pay back, I invited you this time!" Seeing what Su Chengyun wanted to say, Shangguan Youyue hurriedly said, "Could it be that I, Shangguan Youyue, can't invite a meal!"

Su Chengyun smiled: "Okay, this time it's up to you, next time I'll invite you!"

"Well, let's just say that!"

"Does anyone know where the restaurant is?" Su Chengyun asked.

"I know, I know!" Jin Duoduo hurriedly responded.

"Hehe, Chengyun, I'm afraid that only you and Momo don't know, but everyone in Nancang City basically knows! Let's go, Duoduo and I will lead the way!" Shangguan Youyue held Jin Duoduo's arm, and the two walked ahead.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo walked behind them.

Several people passed through the arena one by one.

"Hey, do you think that person looks like the Yang Shanshan who competed with Chengyun?" Jin Duoduo suddenly saw a familiar figure with sharp eyes.

Su Chengyun and the others looked in the direction Jin Duoduo pointed.

"That's right, it's Yang Shanshan!" Shangguan Youyue confirmed.

At this time, Su Chengyun set his sights on the two figures who were with Yang Shanshan.

Lu Yuanrui, Lu Ruyun!
Seeing the three talking and laughing together, Su Chengyun suddenly thought of who this Yang Shanshan was.

At first the Lu family wanted her father Su Hongyi to marry the Lu family's second young lady, that is, Lu Huining's second sister Lu Huiping, but Su Hongyi fell in love with Su Chengyun's mother at first sight, and made a private decision for life. The affair with Lu Huiping naturally fell through, and Lu Huiping At the beginning, he threatened the two of them with a sword for this, and was critical of Su Chengyun's mother in every possible way, finding fault in every possible way.

Su Chengyun remembered that Lu Huining was married, and her husband's family name was Yang. If correct, this Yang Shanshan was Lu Huiping's daughter.

And Lu Huiping once brought Yang Shanshan back to the Lu family. At that time, Yang Shanshan was full of malice towards Su Chengyun at a young age, bullying and insulting no less than the Lu family.

How could a child have such great malice? At that time, Su Chengyun still couldn't figure it out, but now it seems that Lu Huiping must have been brooding about what happened back then, which affected her daughter.

Arranged marriages really kill people!

But this Lu Huining is too narrow-minded, Su Hongyi doesn't like him at all, a smart woman should learn to let go, but she always remembers this hatred.

Judging by Yang Shanshan's appearance, the hatred may still be there.

"Susu?" Mo Mo shook Su Chengyun's arm.

"Mo Mo, I'm afraid we have another enemy!" Su Chengyun smiled wryly.

"Susu is not afraid, there is Mo Mo!"


"Why are you two dawdling?" Jin Duoduo urged from the front.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Come right away! Mo Mo, let's go!"

Several people walked for nearly half an hour before arriving at the restaurant.

Jin Duoduo stroked his legs and sighed, "Nancang Academy is really big!"

"The main reason is that there are too many people today. If it is normal, it will be there in one stick of incense!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Okay, let's order quickly, I'm starving to death!" Jin Duoduo urged.

Shangguan Youyue hurriedly brought a few people to the window to order food, and each of them ordered a piece of what they liked.

Shangguan Youyue took out a gold card to pay for the meal.

"You Yue, this gold card?" Su Chengyun asked curiously.

Shangguan Youyue shook the gold card in her hand: "Chengyun, you mean this gold card?" Shangguan Youyue thought that Su Chengyun came from Wangyue and might not know the purpose of the gold card, so she explained in detail.

"In Nancang City, there is a special counter for gold coin business, where you can apply for copper cards, silver cards, gold cards and purple gold cards! The copper card savings amount is limited to [-] gold coins, the silver card limit is [-], and the gold card limit is one million. The Zijin card is ten million. I have a gold card with a limit of one million, but not everyone can apply for a gold card. You need to apply for a copper card first. After the copper card is full, you can exchange it for a silver card. After the silver card is full, you can exchange it for gold. Card!"

"Wow, You Yue, you are so rich!" Mo Mo said enviously from the side.

Isn't this similar to the bank in the previous life, except that the bank card was replaced by a gold card and so on.

Su Chengyun nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Everyone eat!" she urged.

After the wind and the remnants of the storm, several people were full.

"Okay, let's go! Someone will clean up these tableware!" Shangguan Youyue said.

When Su Chengyun looked around, he happened to see a special person cleaning up the tableware, and there were many scattered people in the restaurant. It seemed that they were either students from the college, teachers from the college, or candidates like them.

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter during the selection period, except us candidates!" Shangguan Youyue explained when she saw Su Chengyun's pensive gaze.

No wonder, no wonder no audience came here to eat.

Several people walked out, and happened to bump into two people at the entrance of the restaurant, both of them were taken aback.

"Jin Duoduo, it's you!" The girl jumped up immediately when she saw Jin Duoduo.

Jin Duoduo bit his lip, took two steps forward, and bowed deeply to the boy in front of him: "Wang Yang, I'm sorry!"

Wang Yang was taken aback for a moment. He wanted to satirize Jin Duoduo, but he didn't expect him to apologize as soon as he came up. He didn't know what to say.

"Jin Duoduo, what are you doing? Don't think that if you beat brother Wang Yang with despicable means, brother Wang Yang will not be able to get ahead. Brother Wang Yang still passed the selection!" The woman who was fighting for injustice said angrily.

"Congratulations!" Jin Duoduo had a very good attitude and congratulated you.

"Jin Duoduo..." Wang Yang frowned.

"Wang Yang, I shouldn't play tricks, I'm sorry, please forgive me!" Jin Duoduo bowed again.

"What trick do you want to play?" the girl frowned.

Jin Duoduo hurriedly said: "No, I just want to apologize!"

"Who knows if it's true or not!" The girl didn't believe it.

"Really, it's true! I sincerely apologize!" Jin Duoduo said hastily.

Wang Yang stared at Jin Duoduo for a long time, and said, "Jin Duoduo, I accept your apology. But it doesn't mean I forgive you! We will never make mistakes in the future!"

"Brother Wang Yang..." the girl called out.

"Thank you, just accept it, I think you will forgive me one day!" Jin Duoduo said with a smile.

Wang Yang stopped the girl who still wanted to talk, and walked towards the restaurant.

The girl stamped her feet and hurriedly followed.

"Let's go too!" Shangguan Youyue said.

"Duo Duo, I didn't expect you to be able to bend and stretch!"


In the following time, several people chatted while watching other people's games, and the day passed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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