Chapter 122
"After yesterday's selection for the agency team, there are still more than [-] people. Today is the last selection match, and it is also a ranking match." Ji Lao's voice was extremely loud, and everyone listened very carefully, and the audience was so quiet You can hear the needle drop.

"Today's trials are very simple. Later you will be teleported to a dense forest. We have placed 4 jade tokens in the dense forest, of which more than 4 are hidden in the dense forest, and [-] are hidden in the dense forest. On the body, the rest... can't be said, you go find it yourself. The jade cards are graded, the higher the level, the higher the points, and the points can be viewed behind the jade cards. Your task is to find these jade cards before the end , the loser will be kicked out, and only the top [-] people will be ranked by points for this level!"

"have you understood?"


"Okay, please focus on your forehead!"

"4768, 155 points." A voice came from Su Chengyun's head.

"Everyone, please get ready, the teleportation countdown: ten, nine... three, two, one!"

Su Chengyun only felt his head go blank suddenly, and when he came back to God, he had already arrived in a forest, and the surrounding was terribly silent, and he didn't see a single person when he looked around.

It seems that the teleportation separated everyone, and I don't know where Momo and the others were teleported.

Shaking his head, Su Chengyun put down the rest of the things first, and began to look around for jade tokens.

Unable to guess where the jade tablet will be placed, she can only search for it with a carpet search, even the weeds on the ground.

In the end, she really let her find a copper jade tablet in an empty bird's nest on a big tree. There was a capital "one" engraved on the back of the jade tablet, and it was just a one-point jade tablet.

Hey, Su Chengyun sighed, and continued to search. After a while, she found another silver jade tablet with "three" engraved on the back, which means three points.

Su Chengyun searched again, but she couldn't find any jade plaques around. She randomly found a direction and looked forward.

A few more jade plaques were found one after another, but the grades were not high.

Su Chengyun was looking for it, but suddenly there was a sound of fighting in front of her. She hesitated for a moment, then tiptoed forward, and hid behind a big tree to observe.

I saw two teenagers fighting.

"I discovered that jade token first, why did you grab it!" A young man said angrily.

"Hey, don't you know that the rules can be robbed?" Another boy said with a smile.

"You are mean!"

"Hey, this is unbearable, and you will be even more unbearable when the final fight is intense. Let me help you end the pain early! Don't thank me too much!"

"What are you going to do?" The boy was shocked.

"Hey, of course I'm taking you out!" After speaking, the young man hit the other young man hard with his hand.

"No..." Another boy shouted in horror, but his body was wrapped in white light, and finally disappeared in place, and two silver jade plaques fell from the air.

The young man took the jade token with a smile, came to a big tree, took down a gold jade token from the tree trunk, glanced at the direction where the young man disappeared, and left in a hurry.

It's no wonder that the teenager would try to snatch it. It turned out to be a gold and jade medal. I don't know how many points the gold and jade medal is worth.

However, you have to be careful, it seems that the competition has already begun.

The boy walked away. It seems that this place has already been searched, so she should go to other places to look for it.

Su Chengyun was about to leave when suddenly a golden light flashed from the corner of his eye.

Su Chengyun looked up, but saw a few mushrooms growing there.

Maybe it's an illusion!
Su Chengyun smiled, and just about to turn his gaze away, the golden light flashed again.

Su Chengyun didn't hesitate this time, and quickly walked towards the few mushrooms.

She peeled away the mushroom, and saw a golden jade tablet lying in it, which was the light from the jade tablet just now.

When he was about to take out the jade tablet, a strong wind suddenly came from behind him.

Someone attacked!

Su Chengyun didn't care about taking the jade token, so he turned around and hit it out.

The visitor took two steps back.

Only now did Su Chengyun see clearly that the person who came was dressed in black night clothes, even covering his mouth.

This is?

The person who came in was not dressed like this. Where did this person come from?

Su Chengyun suddenly thought that there are thousands of teachers in the dense forest that Mr. Ji said, could it be that this person is a teacher.

"Are you a teacher of Nancang Academy?" Su Chengyun asked.

The man in black nodded: "That's right!"

"Are you here to prevent me from taking the jade token?" Su Chengyun continued to ask.

"That's right, our mission is to prevent you from grabbing your jade tokens while taking them, and even kicking you out!"

Good guy!
The teachers of Nancang Academy make a move, how many people can withstand it?
As if seeing the worry in Su Chengyun's eyes, the man in black explained kindly: "Don't worry, we will control the spiritual master's cultivation."

Spiritualist cultivation base!

That's okay, that's okay!
Healer cultivation base, most of them have the strength to fight, so just treat him as an ordinary healer.

Su Chengyun pointed to Mushroom Cong's jade card and said, "I've decided on this jade card!"

"Then pass my level first!" the man in black said, "See how many tricks you can hold against me!"

The man in black makes a move, and Su Chengyun meets him.

The two fought.

"Not bad, not bad, you have some skills, but it's not enough. If you only have this ability, you will be kicked out by me!" The man in black commented.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not the one out!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Hey, the little girl's tone is not small, do you still want me out?" The man in black laughed.

"You want me out, why can't I let you out?" Su Chengyun retorted.

"Okay, very good, dog arrogant, if you can get me out, it's your job, not only the gold jade medal, but all the jade medals on me are yours!" The man in black laughed loudly.

Su Chengyun's eyes lit up, and when he looked at the man in black, he felt that the man in black had several jade cards. Didn't Mr. Ji say that the teacher had jade cards on him.

"Hey, little girl, show off your skills!" The man in black made even more aggressive moves.

Su Chengyun also stopped probing. It's true that she didn't use all her strength before, but was probing.

With a movement of her wrist, a continuous palm force attacked the man in black.

The man in black fled with a clap: "Little girl, you are too young!"

"Come again!" Su Chengyun yelled and rushed towards the man in black.

The man in black is controlled by a spiritual master. In fact, his fighting power is comparable to that of the wind. She can win after all if she is serious, but the opponent is a teacher of Nancang Academy. How can she let him lose too badly, so she can't help but lower attack power.

When the battle between the two of them was almost over, Su Chengyun looked at a gap and increased his strength fiercely, and slapped the man in black on the stomach with his palm.

The man in black staggered back a step, and Su Chengyun took the opportunity to step forward and slap two palms.

"You..." He actually lost to a little girl. The man in black gave a wry smile, watching himself surrounded by golden light.

The man in black disappeared, and two jade plaques fell from the air, one golden and one silver!
Su Chengyun took it with a smile, turned around and took the golden jade medal from Mushroom again!

"Pick up!" The back of the gold jade plaque is engraved with the word "Pick up" in capital letters.

It's ten points, not bad!

(End of this chapter)

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