Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 123 Sending You to the Reunion

Chapter 123 Sending You to the Reunion

As time passed bit by bit, Su Chengyun was busy looking for jade tokens, but as more and more people met, it became more and more difficult to find jade tokens.

"Stop! Hand over the jade token on your body!"

Two teenagers stopped in front of Su Chengyun.

"Are you talking about me?" Su Chengyun pointed to his nose.

"Nonsense, is there anyone else here besides you?" A teenager looked at Su Chengyun as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Will you let me go if I hand over the jade token? I won't be kicked out, right?" Su Chengyun asked cautiously.

A teenager laughed loudly: "Haha, let you go, is there such a good thing, don't dream! Of course, we will kick you out, one less person and one less competitor, maybe we will be shortlisted!"

"Oh, you two and me alone, it seems that if you two are kicked out, I have a better chance of being shortlisted!" Su Chengyun counted with his fingers.

"What, what are you talking about, you want to kick us out?" The young man looked at Su Chengyun incredulously, and then burst out laughing, "Brother, what did she say, she said she was going to kick us out, brother, did I hear correctly? Her head Kicked by a donkey?"

The other boy didn't smile, but said solemnly: "We are famous black and white shuangshas. I am Baisha and he is Heisha. Our black and white shuangshas have two swords together. No one can stop you. Little girl, you'd better admit defeat." It’s okay, lest our brother hurt you!”

Su Chengyun laughed out loud: "Black and white double evil? Two lows combine?" Who would give himself such a name, these two people are too much fun.

"Brother, is he laughing at us?" Pointing at Su Chengyun, the young man who called himself Heisha asked.

"It seems that the little girl is not ready to accept our black and white Shuangsha's suggestion?" Bai Sha said, "Does the little girl really want to force our brother to take action?"

Su Chengyun smiled when he heard the words: "Hehe, you can also choose not to make a move, promise, the road is over there, you can go directly!" Su Chengyun pointed forward.

Bai Sha's face darkened: "The little girl seems to have made up her mind, Heisha, show her some flair, lest people look down on our brother!"

"Decree!" Heisha accepted the task with excitement, and walked towards Su Chengyun eagerly.

"I, Heisha, will definitely be seriously injured if I make a move! Little girl, be careful!" Heisha reminded him very "kindly".

Su Chengyun nodded: "Don't worry, I will be very careful!" He beat you very carefully.

"I'm coming!" Heisha rushed over, and Su Chengyun rushed forward.

The sound of slapping was endless, and after a while Su Chengyun knocked Heisha to the ground.

"Brother, little girl is amazing, save me!" Heisha called for help.

Bai Sha gritted his teeth.

"Why, you don't want to save your brother?" Su Chengyun stepped on Heisha, but looked at Baisha with a smile.

Bai Sha's expression changed unpredictably.

"I still want to experience the combination of black, white and evil?" Su Chengyun added another barrel of oil.

"Little girl is arrogant, just wait, I will let you experience the power of our brother's two swords!" Bai Sha gritted his teeth.

"Hehe, I'll wait!" Su Chengyun looked at Bai Sha provocatively.

As if stimulated by Su Chengyun's gaze, Bai Sha rushed over.

Su Chengyun smiled slightly, the soles of his feet loosened, and Heisha immediately explained.

"Since it's the combination of two lows who have learned from your brothers, then let's go together!" Su Chengyun said indifferently.



The two brothers said angrily at the same time, and attacked Su Chengyun at the same time.

How could Su Chengyun be afraid of the two of them, and the two brothers couldn't break through Su Chengyun's defense, and Su Chengyun's attacks fell on the two of them from time to time.

"Brother, the little girl is too strong, can you withdraw?" Heisha asked panting.

"Retreat? Is it possible to retreat?" Bai Sha was also unable to get off, the little girl blocked their escape route, and they couldn't retreat even if they wanted to.

"Brother, I won't believe it if I fight her, we two brothers can't fight each other!" Heisha roared after being punched.

"Hei Sha?" Bai Sha was about to stop Hei Sha's impulse, but Hei Sha had already rushed out.

Facing the angry Heisha, Su Chengyun slightly strengthened his hands, and Heisha was thrown out accidentally.

"Oh, it hurts to death!" Heisha yelled in pain.

Su Chengyun didn't let Heisha go, he leaned forward and threw out a punch.

"Stop!" Bai Sha yelled anxiously, but it was too late, only to see a golden light glowing from Heisha's body, and Heisha disappeared in place.

There was no jade token dropped!

Su Chengyun fixed his gaze on Bai Sha.

"It seems that the jade cards are all on your body?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Bai Sha hurriedly covered the clothes in front of him.

Su Chengyun glanced in front of Bai Sha, smiled and said: "Your brother has already left, I will take you to reunite with your brother!" Su Chengyun looked sincere.

Bai Sha gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you!"

"Hehe, I've already sent one out, so it's okay to give another one away. I'm the one who separated you brothers. I'll just make things right and let you brothers reunite!" Bai Sha attacked, but Bai Sha hurriedly blocked.

Su Chengyun attacked with all his strength, and Bai Sha couldn't hold it alone, and after a while his body glowed with golden light.

"You...are amazing!" Bai Sha gritted his teeth before disappearing.

Su Chengyun took the dropped jade token and shook his head, if they didn't come to provoke her, how could she send them out.

In the vast dense forest, their brothers can get together, it's really enviable!

I don't know where Mo Mo is, is she looking for her!

clap clap!

Two applause suddenly sounded behind him, Su Chengyun turned around and saw a handsome young man jumping down from the tree neatly.

"Did the girl gain a lot?" The young man looked at Su Chengyun with a smile.

It seems that the young man has been hiding in the tree, and actually saw everything just now,
"Why, you want to grab it too?" Su Chengyun asked.

The young man shook his head: "Hehe, I won't do that kind of stupid thing. I'm not sure of winning. I don't want to offend the girl!"

Su Chengyun stared into the boy's eyes, and felt a little relieved when he found that the boy's eyes were not greedy or calculating.

"So if you are sure you can win, you will grab it?" Su Chengyun asked jokingly.

The boy nodded seriously: "Of course!" It was so natural.

Su Chengyun was startled.

The young man smiled and said: "The jade cards in the dense forest are limited, and there are more than 7 people selected. Girl, think about it, Nancang Academy let so many people in to grab the jade cards! Even if you don't grab them now, wait for them At the last moment, I will also grab it. If you have a jade card, you will get points. If you have points, you can squeeze into the top [-]. If you don’t grab it, you are a fool!"

Uh, it seems so much!

She has always known it, but she has always disapproved of the word robbing in her heart, so she didn't take the initiative to rob it, and only when she came to the door did she deal with it unceremoniously.

It seems that it is just a small fight now, and the key is to wait for the last few hours.

"Do you know how big this dense forest is?" Su Chengyun asked, she wanted to inquire about Mo Mo's news.

"Hehe, no one knows how big this dense forest is. If you want to find someone, you have no choice but to rely on luck!" The young man said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Su Chengyun thanked.

"You're welcome!" The young man laughed and walked away, leaving Su Chengyun alone in place.

(End of this chapter)

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